

Full Member
Jan 27, 2008
So, I've been excited about this movie for months, and when I obtained it last night, I was over the moon. For those who haven't heard of it, here's the trailer. Make sure you watch the whole thing.

Spoilers ahead, so if you've seen the movie, or don't plan on watching it, then read on.

What a crock of shite. Easily the most purposely misleading trailer I've seen. If you haven't seen it, wouldn't you agree that the trailer makes it out that the film turns from a "documentary" into a thriller/horror? No such thing. I was waiting for the "its actually a psycho killer" twist that never came. That scary scene at the barn in the dark was actually unsettling, but nothing happened. They left, went over to her house the next morning, and it was just some fat chick with a redkneck husband and two handicapped sons who was living a fake life on the internet. They forgive her. The end.

So fecking gutted. Wish I could strangle the twats who made that trailer.
What a crock of shite. Easily the most purposely misleading trailer I've seen. If you haven't seen it, wouldn't you agree that the trailer makes it out that the film turns from a "documentary" into a thriller/horror? No such thing. I was waiting for the "its actually a psycho killer" twist that never came. That scary scene at the barn in the dark was actually unsettling, but nothing happened. They left, went over to her house the next morning, and it was just some fat chick with a redkneck husband and two handicapped sons who was living a fake life on the internet. They forgive her. The end.

So fecking gutted. Wish I could strangle the twats who made that trailer.
Saw the trailer a while back. Really looking forward to watching it.

Will leave that spoiler alone, for obvious reasons.

Well it's not available on the usual torrent sites, if that's what you're not into.

I would never do something so disgusting. Luckily, I was able to hop into my DeLorean and head back to Sundance and catch it there. I suggest you do the same, come back, and we'll talk!
What a crock of shite. Easily the most purposely misleading trailer I've seen. If you haven't seen it, wouldn't you agree that the trailer makes it out that the film turns from a "documentary" into a thriller/horror? No such thing. I was waiting for the "its actually a psycho killer" twist that never came. That scary scene at the barn in the dark was actually unsettling, but nothing happened. They left, went over to her house the next morning, and it was just some fat chick with a redkneck husband and two handicapped sons who was living a fake life on the internet. They forgive her. The end.

So fecking gutted. Wish I could strangle the twats who made that trailer.

:lol: I see your point.

I thought the discrepancy between what I expected and what I got was quite cool though. Still trying to figure out how much of it was real.
Thought it was a really interesting film. Poses interesting questions about identity and the nature of reality (not least with the 'documentary' itself). Who was lying to and exploiting who in the film?

As for the trailer misrepresenting the film. I thought the actual reveal was more interesting than Leatherface hiding in the bard, which the trailer hinted at.
Watched this oner last night without knowing anything at all about this movie or seeing the trailer before.

So I thought this was a mockumentery from the start then realised it wasn't half way through but now I'm still not sure to be honest. I thought 'Nev' seemed like he was acting and it wasn't until the handicapped kids showed up I started to think hang on, you can't stick handicapped kids in a movie like that.

I read up on it afterwards and I see that Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me) says it's the it was the best fake documentary he had ever seen. I thought the bit where the husband did told the catfish story seemed a bit odd.

Interesting to see at the end that the Megan character actually lives in Vancouver WA, my girlfriend lives there, I'm sure it's would be easy to look 'Megan' up.

Edit - Ok, found this, so the 'Megan' bird seems geniune. Fit too... Vancouver woman

The funniesy part of the movie was seeing Nev has a tramp stamp, I pissed myself when I saw that.:lol::lol:
What a strange turn of events. You can actually find all of the people on facebook: the model who was supposed to be Megan, Nev and even Angela. All the people are real but I have no idea if the movie is real. Trailer is misleading though, but it turned way more interesting than if it was some sort of Blair Witch Project movie.

Tramp Stamp really????
What a strange turn of events. You can actually find all of the people on facebook: the model who was supposed to be Megan, Nev and even Angela. All the people are real but I have no idea if the movie is real. Trailer is misleading though, but it turned way more interesting than if it was some sort of Blair Witch Project movie.

Tramp Stamp really????

I think I read somewhere that the story is real and the film is just a re-enactment of the events. Would explain why the people all exist on facebook.
Watched this over the weekend.

On the subject of whether it's a doc or a moc -umentary I think it has to be a bit of both. I get the impression that half way through they realised this was would make a decent movie so decided to re-create a few of the earlier incidents.

Surely it wasn't acting at the end for example? And if it is then some Oscar nominations need dishing out.

Oh yeah, that night time farm visit was genuinely unsettling. And I know nothing about this before watching.
Watched this over the weekend.

On the subject of whether it's a doc or a moc -umentary I think it has to be a bit of both. I get the impression that half way through they realised this was would make a decent movie so decided to re-create a few of the earlier incidents.

Surely it wasn't acting at the end for example? And if it is then some Oscar nominations need dishing out.

Oh yeah, that night time farm visit was genuinely unsettling. And I know nothing about this before watching.

Yeah I think you might be right. They probably found out pretty soon that she was making stuff up and after that started to film, so they had to reconstruct the beginning.
Yeah I think you might be right. They probably found out pretty soon that she was making stuff up and after that started to film, so they had to reconstruct the beginning.

That's what I'm thinking too, some stuff was shot as filler for the story to work. Nev is obviously acting, not that well either which is why the film has been questioned as real or not.
One thing that bugs me is why didn't they skype together?? It was 2008 and the chick had the equipment to upload homemade music in 20 mins, so why not skype? Never even got mentioned. I liked Vince.
Me and the missus watched it

What a let down

Just dont understand how he forgave her so Quickly and just hung around with her for a few days. Think he just got there and decided that he wanted a feck regardless