Caprica is a television series set in the fictional Battlestar Galactica universe. Beginning 58 years before the events seen in Battlestar Galactica, Caprica tells the story of how Colonial humanity first created the robotic cylons, who would later plot to destroy human civilization in retaliation for their enslavement.
Caprica differs significantly from its parent series, due to creative and commercial demands. Ronald D. Moore had strong feelings on the matter, explaining his starting point was "you don't try to repeat the formula" and going on to say "everything about Caprica was designed specifically to not repeat what we had done in Galactica."
The pilot premiered last night on SKY1 and although it took some time to get going, it gave me more than enough to come back and watch the first season.
Caprica differs significantly from its parent series, due to creative and commercial demands. Ronald D. Moore had strong feelings on the matter, explaining his starting point was "you don't try to repeat the formula" and going on to say "everything about Caprica was designed specifically to not repeat what we had done in Galactica."
The pilot premiered last night on SKY1 and although it took some time to get going, it gave me more than enough to come back and watch the first season.