Can we have a seperate cricket forum please?

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It's not fair sticking cricket with all the stupid threads about American isolationist sports.
Slabber said:
It's not fair sticking cricket with all the stupid threads about American isolationist sports.

If we have a separate cricket forum, could Vijay be banned from there?

Cricket is brilliant.

They stop for rain though. The puffs...
Sh*t, next you are going to want a separate forum for Darts and for Snooker.

Not in your life!
Can you please give them a seperate cricket forum because I hate cricket and I don't like to see their twatty discussions about whether Lara is a gaylord.

Can we have a ladies room?
original muppet said:
Can you please give them a seperate cricket forum because I hate cricket and I don't like to see their twatty discussions about whether Lara is a gaylord.

Can we have a ladies room?
You love it, its in your blood ;)
I think that would be a good idea.

Cricket attracts a lot of interest on here. Whats one more thread?
golden_blunder said:
no, too many forums as it is

no offense GB, but your word shouldn't be law this time as this isn't really your milieu.

the majority of posters here are english (probably) and cricket is our national sport (kinda) so we shouldn't really be locked away with all that hockey and baseball bollocks...and having to suffer posters without the grey matter to comprehend cricket dismissing it as gay!
i think you'll find all the mods already think that there are too many forums. why create another one for a sport thats played primarily in summer?

and why isnt it my 'milieu'? I actually love cricket myself, used to play for school when i was younger
golden_blunder said:
and why isnt it my 'milieu'? I actually love cricket myself, used to play for school when i was younger

in that case i apologise.

but there should still be one ahead of 'Classic Threads' in my opinion.

and it's played all year round...internationally and nationally :confused:
Cricket is a great game. Can't we just delete the non cricketing threads in the Other Sportd forum, and rename the forum to something related to cricket?

Basically, what I'm advocating is the banning of non cricketing threads in the 'other sports' forum. Ice Hockey? who the feck cares. NFL? what????
Spoony said:
Cricket is a great game. Can't we just delete the non cricketing threads in the Other Sportd forum, and rename the forum to something related to cricket?

Basically, what I'm advocating is the banning of non cricketing threads in the 'other sports' forum. Ice Hockey? who the feck cares. NFL? what????

i'd second this...but the Canadians would go mental.

it's more the indignity of it really. cricket is our most prestigious game but we're lumped in with all that other shite.

just have a wee forum with a few members and call it The Pavillion.
GiggsysGirl said:
i'd second this...but the Canadians wuld go mental.

it's more the indignity of it really. cricket is our most prestigious game but we're lumped in with all that other shite.

just have a wee forum with a few members and call it The Pavillion.

I'll got with The Pavillion.

Although, I was thinking of having a sub forum called 'Tendulkar is gay'. And only allow Amolbhattyboy to post in there.
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