Can I have my tagline changed please?

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Scholesy, don't hi jack my thread.

For sure now my request will be looked upon in a negative light because of association with you!
This isn't the general, Feed Me, an Admin will deal with your request or ignore it. The rest of you can stop posting here.
Me too and an unbanning from the reserves. I don't know why I ask but maybe someone is feeling good today.

Nope, but next time you do, you will get an infraction. And this goes for everyone else as well, please don't use these threads to make requests or to chat, it wastes our time.

tagline nothing really to do with you, apart from the fact that when i read your username it reminded me of how hungry i actually am
Before this thread gets locked, I'd just like to point out that I'm ecstatic with my new tagline.

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