

In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Not the great album by RHCP but the new David Duchovny "adult" comedy.

What do you think cocksmokers?

It is made by showtime so some of you might only get it on cable. I saw the first episode last night and it was pretty good. If nothing else it will win an Oscar for services to the silicon industry.

I laughed quite a bit.
I've seen the first two episodes and quite enjoyed all the tits. I don't like the actress that plays his wife. Seems a bit generic to me.
Maybe my opinion of her will change once I see her tits. The church scene at the start of the pilot was hilarious.
That was amusing. Especially the bit where he realised she was the girl who hit him but his ex thought he was trying to get into her pants because he asked how old she was. Little knowing ...........
I found it refreshing. Duchovney character taking the piss out of the enraged husband who nearly caught him in bed with his wife was great. Particularly the graphic mime of where his wife's clit was.

As for the girls age. It gets harder to tell especially once made up. A friend's daughter looks about 21 when made up and out with her friends and I recently discovered that she was 16. Good job I'm not a pervy old man eh?
It could become a classic or it could be boringly shit within a few episode mind. Depends how good the script writing is.
The fact that he slept with his kid's mother's boyfriend's 16-year old daughter is awesome. Especially since she smacked him around while they were doing it!

I was funnier when he was having sex with another girl and when she was about to cum he lifted his arms to protect himself.
Just saw the latest episodes. No tits in them :(

I have to say Duchovny carries that show. Without his character it would be unbelievably shit.

Also is it just me or does that secretary look kinda malnourished. She's like Rose Mcgowan but with smaller tits.
I watched some new show called "Tell me you Love me" There was tons of tits and gashout! You even got to see one bloke nutsack, which should excite some of you caftards no doubt.

I tuned in 'cos I wanted to see Ally Walker's tits having fancied her since Universal Soldier.