Caf ads redirecting


Jan 4, 2006
Virus on Digital Spy Adverts ? - Computing and Networks - Digital Spy Forums

I usually use firefox with ad blocker but for some reason today I accessed the site using IE8 without any ad blocker and the same thing that is happening on the digital spy forums (see link above) is happening on the caf.

I've had numerous instances of this pop up which then redirects to the "check!system security" site telling the user they have various infections etc.

We've had a security company scan everything overnight, and the problem has been tracked down. One of the advertising networks supplying ads to us (and other sites) hadn't picked up on a piece of rogue code inserted into an advert. Needless to say, we won't be dealing with them again.
This didn't seem to solve it though and they were still investigating by the end of the thread.

I'm not sure if they found out what was causing it.
Try telling that to all the people who don't know otherwise, and it's not just an IE problem but anyone without any ad blocker.