Do any of you gimps still play this? And does anybody fancy a game online?
I fecking loved Red Alert 2. I used to send an engineer in to capture the opponent's main base, build a construction vehicle and leg it. They'd inevitably capture their base back, but I could use the constructor to build one in my base and then have the technologies of both sides. Putting a tesla trooper into one of those Allied SUVs that changes according to what's in it. Heaven.
I fecking loved Red Alert 2. I used to send an engineer in to capture the opponent's main base, build a construction vehicle and leg it. They'd inevitably capture their base back, but I could use the constructor to build one in my base and then have the technologies of both sides. Putting a tesla trooper into one of those Allied SUVs that changes according to what's in it. Heaven.
My mate is absolutely destroying me in every fecking game we play. Give me some more tips please.
Putting a tesla trooper into one of those Allied SUVs that changes according to what's in it. Heaven.
Never played RA2 but RA3 was one of my favourite RTS's ever. I pwned n00bz hard on that shizzle.
RA3 was shit. RA4 was the devil in game form. Conclusion: play RA2.
The Iraqi radioactive shooter people are awesome, too.
But the Koreans are the best, for the super-planes.
Well, yeh, you don't only attack with planes. Ground troops or naval shelling to destroy the AA enbankments and then WHOMP they've been fecked over by twenty-four Korean super-planes.
Is there an RA4?
Just carry on thinking there isn't one, you'll be much happier.