
Wathcing Ryan reynolds for over an hour and a half in a small dark confined space is something I will happily download in a few months than pay for.
Just came back from watching it. Amazing.

I was surprised that it kept me captivated for so long, seeing as it actually is just a guy in a coffin, on the phone ocasionally, for 90 mins.

But, well worth watching. Great ending.

It actually is just Ryan Reynolds in a box for 90 minutes? How random.

Yeah, im pretty baffled too. but it's weird, the way it keeps you holding on, wanting it to keep going.

It's a kind of real-time film as well, you don't leave him even for minute, and ther are no kind of, blurred fade outs followed by '15 minutes later' or anythin. It makes sure that you really relate with him