Bring back old format petition.


woman-hating-mans-man(or sexist tw*t if you'd pref
Jan 15, 2002
It's shit and you know it is.

Sign here please.

We'll see Raoul. I'm sure i'm not alone on this.

And who the feck made you God, eh? Why weren't we consulted, eh? ;)
The forums you posted in before are still there. Just post in them and ignore the new ones if its too taxing on the mind. <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" />
So if I start a political thread in the gen its not a problem then?

You can but it will still be moved...same as if you post dipper threads in the Utd forum, or transfer threads in the help forum. :rolleyes: ;)
I wouldn't have changed things myself but what the heck. I was just messing.

I put myself forward to be mod of the political. Seriously.
Anyone who complains about the new format is just a lazy cnut - piss off to cocktalk if you don't like it! :)
Not complaining as such, but prefer the old forum with LOADS of topics in a single forum, this one feels a bit more diluted, but I guess I'll get used to it soon....
Kinda okay, so I'm 'For' it as well as 'Against' it...

I think the Match Day forum is a bit of an overkill. I prefered the sticky topics in the Man Utd thread.

War and Politics should be renamed to Rauol's "Good Ol' US of A" thread.

And Classic posts should be "Dippers Please post here" thread.

...just a thought
Originally posted by markorm:
<strong>I think the Match Day forum is a bit of an overkill. I prefered the sticky topics in the Man Utd thread.</strong><hr></blockquote>

I think 26's idea is good, have the live match in the United forum, and use the Match Day forum as an archive of the matches that can be easily located.
I saw this happen at another forum and before long the demand as it were just kept growing and growing. Reckon that they're up to about 20 odd now.

As someone said, all you've done is dilute the board. As Niall said, you can always stay out of the forums you don't like - similarly I reckon people had also grasped the fact that if you didn't like a thread, you kept out of it.

This isn't exactly one of the busiest boards on the net and this mass forum idea isn't required IMO - merely the product of some bored admin.
Reasonable accomodations can be met Weaste. ;)

Markorm I can do without your sarcastic whinging. If you don't like it then go to Kraptalk. ;)
Originally posted by Paz:
<strong>Not complaining as such, but prefer the old forum with LOADS of topics in a single forum, ...</strong><hr></blockquote>

Well contribute then, and there soon will be LOADS.
