Breakout Kings


Ripped :'(
Apr 22, 2008
Premiered last night. Anyone watched it? It's got pretty decent reviews.

It's from the makers of Prison Break
Just watched this. I'll be honest, I loved it.

I expected something more serious but this was a really really good fun show. It's like a mix of Leverage, Criminal Minds, White Collar and a bit of Burn Notice.

It's a great fun show and I like the characters as well. The two cops and Lloyd especially. He could be a great character.

Oh and Prison Break fans especially, Mr. T-Bag makes an appearance in this show around episode 8. It's going to be epic. Can't wait for it!

CraveOnline: Have you shot the T-Bag episode?

Laz Alonso: Oh yeah, we did the T-Bag episode before the holidays.

CraveOnline: How was that?

Laz Alonso: Very intense. It was by far probably the most intensive and just ramped up episode we’ve done. We really wanted to show how dangerous this guy is. Robert’s just a phenomenal actor and he made it very easy for us to feel that threat of him constantly looming throughout the episode. There’s a scene in there that becomes very physical as well between all of us. It’s amazing how strong this guy is. He’s a bull and you’ll see it in the episode. You’ll see how dangerous it is.

CraveOnline: I love that it keeps the world of Prison Break alive to have T-Bag and Fox River in the world of Breakout Kings.

Laz Alonso: Definitely, definitely. You know in the beginning of every Breakout Kings episode we’re in the bullpen, so we talk about the criminal and recap who they are and what they’ve done. So it kind of is a throwback because we talk about stuff that he did on Prison Break in this fictional world. There’s one moment though in the episode, and I’m not going to say what happens, but when we shot that scene, at the end of the scene they yell cut and Robert breaks down into tears. This isn’t on camera. This isn’t scripted. Off camera, they yell cut, we’re about to go move and shoot another scene but he had been waiting for that scene to happen on Prison Break for four years and it never made it. We were able to shoot that scene here on our show. It was in some way closure for his character.
Not a great way to advertise a show, considering that was (probably) the worst tv series ever.


Season 3 and 4 were average stuff but Season 1 was amongst the best things I've seen on TV and that's something which is accepted by most people. Season 2 was very very good as well but Season 1 was just phenomenal.
>phenomenal >prison break

Choose one.

No legit tv critic likes Prison Break, X-Factor is "accepted by most" that classic also?
No legit TV critic likes Prison Break? Seriously? The first Season was absolutely brilliant.
Agreed the first season of Prison Break was brilliant.
Season 1 of Prison Break was brilliant, it went pretty quickly downhill from there though.
I thought once they were out it went rapidly downhill. By the time he was in the other prison in Mexico it was just bloody ridiculous.
Well it got stupid once they got in Sona in Season 3. That was just stupid. It's a shame about the way the show lost the plot after Season 2 and a bit after Season 1 as well but tbh what more can you do after they break out of prison?
End the show and be remembered as a brilliantly short series?

But that just doesn't happen does it? Hard to imagine any show nowadays quitting after a brilliant first season.
No, unfortunately not. Most of the time producers will milk a show for all it's worth before wrapping it up when ratings drop low enough, rather than leaving us with brilliance they ruin our memories of things. There are notable exceptions, of course, but generally these days if it pays they'll flog it till it's long since dead.
Heroes is another one that comes to mind. The first season was so good. What followed after that was worse than Prison BReak post season 2.
Or you could watch a show that isnt heavily reliant on a stupid hook and lazy writers.....prison break, heroes, flashforward, the event...all trash.

Come to hbo/amc when you want real drama.
HBO is not the only channel which can produce quality tv.

Have you even watched the first season of Prison Break entirely?
Well as you can see AMC is there as well, and right now those channels ARE the only ones that can put out consistently great shows. FX is strong too, but that's it. Networks have been a shambles since The West Wing finished, I don't think one good drama has been made since 2005 on a network channel, a couple of ok ones, but nothing great.

And yes. I've seen up to about when the great Billy Fichtner shows, but even he couldn't save it really, despite him being awesome.
Why the feck did they make a character who tried to sound like John Abruzzi? :lol:

True :lol:

They shouldn't have even tried. Abruzzi was a legend :drool:

Lloyd is a great character though. Really interested to see what his crime was.
Season 1 was amongst the best things I've seen on TV and that's something which is accepted by most people.

Hmmm, I think that's over exaggerating it a tad. It's probably not going to make the top 50 TV shows of all time and it had Flick from Neighbours in it FFS!

That said Zen is also clearly underrating it. It was initially a very good example in that genre of high concept populist drama 24 and Lost created. It's in the tier below them though, mainly by virtue of falling apart after one season (but in the bracket above Heroes, which couldn't even wait until the end of it's first season before falling apart) And whilst there were many crap efforts below that (the Event, V etc) it's still hugely unfair - and annoying - when people use the stick of cultural snobbery to dismiss them all as low end populist muck. No one else was (or is) making adventurous grand television like that and the best examples in their prime were fantastic.

And AMC's remake of the Prisoner was epically terrible in every way.
Hmmm, I think that's over exaggerating it a tad. It's probably not going to make the top 50 TV shows of all time and it had Flick from Neighbours in it FFS!

That said Zen is also clearly underrating it. It was initially a very good example in that genre of high concept populist drama 24 and Lost created. It's the bracket/tier below them though, mainly by virtue of falling apart after one season (but in the bracket above Heroes, which couldn't even wait until the end of it's first season before falling apart) And whilst there were many crap efforts below that (the Event, V etc) it's still hugely unfair - and annoying - when people use the stick of cultural snobbery to dismiss them all as low end populist muck. No one else was (or is) making adventurous grand television like that and the best examples in their prime were fantastic.

And AMC's remake of the Prisoner was epically terrible in every way.

Well it won't be in any top 50 lists and that's mainly because how poor it got after Season 1. Had it been a one season show I think it would be appreciated far more than it is. I remember when it had premiered people were really excited about it in general and it had/has cult followings like Lost and 24.

Everything about Season 1 was just so good. The plan, the characters, the plot.

T-Bag, Abruzzi, the Warden, Michael, C-Note and Sucre :drool:
Season one wouldn't make a top 50 list of best "first season" lists tbh. Lots of trash shows get cult followings now, that doesn't really make them good, Transformers makes like a billion dollars in the cinema, doesn't mean thats good either. The general audience accept lazy writing, because they don't have to think so much with them, twists is all that matters even if you have to completely suspend your belief for the show to work...which I kinda can't unless it's the first 2 seasons of Alias or 24, both of which had very strong writing and smart twists.
Again, have you seen the entire Season 1 of Prison Break? Maybe I slightly overrate it but you hugely underrate it.
I don't criticize things heavily unless I've seen them. Which is why you won't see my criticizing anything past season 2 i think.

I could name you the 50+ first seasons better and then you can go and watch them, then tell me I am right on probably about 45 of them if you want. Time consuming I know, but more people watching greatness is a good thing.
Ok go ahead name the 50.

Maybe you won't agree but many people think that the first season of PB was some brilliant TV and no it was not full of stupid and unnecessary cliffhangers and twists.
Friday Night Lights
Homicide: Life of the Streets
Boys from the Black Stuff
West Wing
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
Dead Wood
The X-Files
Battlestar Galactica
Boardwalk Empire
Dead Like Me
Hill Street Blues
Big Live
Freaks & Geeks
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Twin Peaks
True Blood
Six Feet Under
The Shield
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rescue Me
The Wonder Years
Bored To Death
Pushing Daisies
The Walking Dead
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
The Riches

I think thats 50. It was made from another list, so they'll be some odd errors, tried to keep it first drama/dramedy alone and no miniseries. Probably make it 150 allowing miniseries and straight up comedies -_-
So back to the show, I watched it and I was very disappointed.

Apart from it being ridiculously unreal, what bothered me the most is that it seems they will have one fugitive for each episode.
I found it very entertaining and while it might be unreal I didn't mind that tbh. There are load of "real" shows out there. This will probably be a show that is entertaining and a lot of people enjoy but not be a classic or anything like that.

I'm going to continue watching this mainly for the TBag episodes. It's reviews have been pretty good too.
The new episode was less "funny" and more twisted but it was still a very good episode. Can't wait for further episodes.
Thought the pilot was decent enough, will be watching the latest ep tonight. Can't wait for the T-Bag storyline though!
Friday Night Lights
Homicide: Life of the Streets
Boys from the Black Stuff
West Wing
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
Dead Wood
The X-Files
Battlestar Galactica
Boardwalk Empire
Dead Like Me
Hill Street Blues
Big Live
Freaks & Geeks
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Twin Peaks
True Blood
Six Feet Under
The Shield
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rescue Me
The Wonder Years
Bored To Death
Pushing Daisies
The Walking Dead
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
The Riches

I think thats 50. It was made from another list, so they'll be some odd errors, tried to keep it first drama/dramedy alone and no miniseries. Probably make it 150 allowing miniseries and straight up comedies -_-

'Kin Hell... seeing that list shows me that Prison Break is underrated.

There are only a select few shows IMO that can hang with Prison Break Season 1.
'Kin Hell... seeing that list shows me that Prison Break is underrated.

There are only a select few shows IMO that can hang with Prison Break Season 1.
Zen won't agree that's for sure ;)
Thought the pilot was decent enough, will be watching the latest ep tonight. Can't wait for the T-Bag storyline though!

Same here. That's one of the main reasons why I'm watching this!
Episode 3, "The Bag Man" is now out - will report back after watching it!
'Kin Hell... seeing that list shows me that Prison Break is underrated.

There are only a select few shows IMO that can hang with Prison Break Season 1.

Watch all 50 of the shows I listed before you make such a comment. I bet you've barely seen 10, otherwise you wouldn't make such a statement.
Bloody hell just watching the new episode and it starts off with Fox River Penitentiary and the Prison Break music. It's giving me goosebumps. I loved that show! :drool:

That music was just fantastic!