Breaking Bad - Season 3

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
I've become completely and utterly addicted to this series. Netflix has season 1 and 2, but that's as far as it goes. Is there anywhere online I can watch season 3 ?

Many thanks
I only know of despicable illegal torrent sources like or or So no.
No one in the UK has bought the rights to season 3 no DVD, Netflix UK/Lovefilm or worst(for me) region-free blu ray. Myself, I'm stunned Sky Atlantic aren't willing to get it ready for the final run, they've replied to a few people saying they have no interest in it, disappointing really, it'd be an awesome perfect channel if they got it and showed it a day or two behind so I wouldn't have to .... erm, catch a weekly flight to America and watch it -_-

But yeah, power to the sky(inter)net. Fantastic series.
I've never seen this before but my wife just bought me season 1 & 2 for my birthday on my request. Can't wait to get started on it.
I've become completely and utterly addicted to this series. Netflix has season 1 and 2, but that's as far as it goes. Is there anywhere online I can watch season 3 ?

Many thanks

I've been exactly the same! Got the Netflix trial, started watching Breaking Bad on it as I had heard good things and got completely addicted.

I think they have it on Netflix US (which you can access with an American VPN but you have to pay for that). I've not watched season 3 either, and torrents don't work well for me so it would be nice if anybody knows somewhere to watch season 3 that isn't torrent based
I've been exactly the same! Got the Netflix trial, started watching Breaking Bad on it as I had heard good things and got completely addicted.

I think they have it on Netflix US (which you can access with an American VPN but you have to pay for that). I've not watched season 3 either, and torrents don't work well for me so it would be nice if anybody knows somewhere to watch season 3 that isn't torrent based

You could buy the box set if it isnt available online. Definitely one of the series that is good enough to warrant a purchase.