Mots of hate or dislike scousers. Most of us think that Liverpool fans don't like to admit their liability in the events at Hysel even if trouble did start from both sides.
However, no matter what we think of scousers, the use of such events as a taunt are viewed similarly to Munich or any other disaster based taunts. Partly because of the generalisation and partly because it just ends up in a stupid name calling circle of abuse, encouraging Munich taunts and generally being deeply unproductive.
Equating someone to Hitler doesn't really have any power to upset or shock anymore (possibly unless you are Jewish and the person using the phrase is trying to upset based on that fact). In fact it is almost universally taken to mean that the user has run out of ideas and lost whatever argument is occuring.
Racism and death threats are easy to get banned for. Other stuff (ban, temp ban, ghostings) depends on the usage, the mood of the mod viewing, how big a cnut you are and other ill-defined stuff.
There have rarely been controversial bannings. The last one I remember was Charlie's Devil who loads of the general posters wanted to stay because he was funny. However, he was also one of the biggest cnut's on here and wouldn't stop when asked which is why Niall banned him.
Use your brain occasionally and a permanent ban has to be worked pretty hard for.