Bought myself a PS3 last night

What do you mean by headphones? A Headset?

Any bluetooth headset will work on the PS3, I use a cheap one for the Nokia phones. I don't really find it of much use most of the times, it can be fun if you multiplayer a lot, or if you take FPS online games very seriously.
COD Black Ops
GT5 when it eventually comes out
Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood
Red Dead Redemption
PES 2011
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Medal of Honor
Just Cause 2
Dead Rising 2
F1 2010

All must haves.
As he's already got an XBox, lets go with the exclusives?

Uncharted 2
Little Big Planet (wait for 2)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Ratchet & Clank - All 3 of them
WipEout HD + Fury
God of War - All 3
Super Stardust HD
Killzone 2
Demons Souls

Keep adding them.
'3D Dot Game Heroes', if you are an old school Zelda fan.
Don't get the second one yet! Wait for the GOTY edition for Uncharted 2. You get the DLCs for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE