Bored to Death


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
Just watched the pilot looks pretty, pretty good. Be interesting to see where they go with it but JS is good as a lead.
It was on OnDemand that day. Good show what do you think of it so far
In another thread I said:

Bored To Death (HBO) - With Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson, and Zach Galifianakis (the fat guy with the beard from Hangover) starring this has the potential to be the next big comedy show. One episode in I'm really looking forward to the next episode. This is the only new HBO series I'm aware of starting this fall. There are however some exiting things coming up in 2010.

Bored To Death
Just wanted to comment a little on this show after watching the second episode. This is slowly but steadily becoming my second favorite show currently on tv, after Curb Your Enthusiasm. I recommend this one for anyone looking for something new to watch.

And after seeing 5 episodes I can highly recommend this show. Ted Danson just owns every scene he's in, but other then that it's a good show. Not as good as I hoped it would be but a nice show never the less.
I think it certainly has a future, Danson is brilliant. Love Schwartzman though, his ex is smoking
I think it certainly has a future, Danson is brilliant. Love Schwartzman though, his ex is smoking

she really is

Schwartzman is a good actor. Was really good in the criminally underrated Rushmore and good enough in I heart Huckabees.
Love her

Just watched the first 7 episodes and I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm a big fan of schwartzman and he plays the character well. Beardy bloke from The Hangover is pretty much what you expect, just a funny guy. But my favourite character is Danson's though, he had me in stitches during that blackmail episode.

So far so good but it's a shame that the first season is only 8 episodes long, it's just beginning to get good.

Oh, and Olivia Thirlby is hot.
It's certainly grown over the season. I liked the first episode, but wasn't quite what I was hoping for. The last 3 or 4 episodes have been very good though. The scene between Ray and George when they're getting high was hilarious. They should do more scenes together. I like the direction the show is heading, and it sucks that tonight is the season finale. Good that they picked it up for another season.
Just watching the 1st series on a lazy saturday. Really enjoying it. good writing, good acting, Danson is indeed fantastic.

Whizzing through it. It's nicely chilled out and easy watching.
Just finished watching the first 5 episodes (he he, loved the bit where Danson tries to cover up his cold-sore by getting Jonathan to hit him).

Chilled is the perfect word to describe it moses, you aren't going to be left with a sore side after watching it but more of a steady chuckles vibe.
It's great, watched the first 2 seasons in a week.

Danson completely steals the show, the scene in the first series with him and Ray smoking pot in the car while Johnathon is in with the hooker just had me in hysterics.

Chilled is a great word to describe it, has a good continuous plot, never takes itself too seriously and all the characters (especially George of course) are likable.
This show is so ridiculously good, I don't understand why I hardly ever see or hear it mentioned anywhere. Best comedy show I've seen in a long while. Danson is absolutely fantastic, and Galafianakis and Schwartzman, both of who I've been a fan of since before the show (Schwartzman ever since I saw him in the magnificent Rushmore) complement him perfectly.

Patton Oswalt's cameos are great as well.
Watched the first series really enjoyed it and the 2nd is nicely recording away on my SKY+ box ready for me to watch too.
I love the subdued humour, and the overall mood and feel of the show. Always a few really funny lines every episode, and then I'm just smiling my way through the rest of the episode. Like this quote from the last episode, that Ray says with a completely straight face (using the spoiler tag incase anyone is avoiding spoilers for season 3):

Hey Leah, don't know why you're not calling me back. Not sure if it's because I cheated on you, or because you lost my phone number.

It's a decent show, also I quite like the music in the opening credits.

Yeah Schwartzman's a talented musician. You should check out his one man band, Coconut Records. Both his albums are similar in style to the Bored to Death theme song.

The music in the show is pretty much always great.
I have been watching this on Sky Atlantic. I loved the first season and I have enjoyed the first couple of episodes of season 2. It's not laugh out loud funny, but it has a certain charm to it that keeps me coming back for more. Danson is quality!
I might check this out. I have about 8 shows on the go at the moment though.
I think it's a very good show, subtle humor and Danson is excellent in it. Apart from Modern Family it's probably the best comedy on TV.
Yeah, I've seen them all on Sky Atlantic and it's just a nice little half hour of television. Danson owns it, though.
Yeah 8 episodes is a bit odd. HBO are weird like that. Hung is only 10 episodes a season too. Last Entourage season was 8 episodes.

Seems they have a thing when it comes to comedies, which I don't really get seeing as they're 1/2 hour long and not really expensive to make in comparison to the likes of GoT, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire...
Yeah 8 episodes is a bit odd. HBO are weird like that. Hung is only 10 episodes a season too. Last Entourage season was 8 episodes.

Seems they have a thing when it comes to comedies, which I don't really get seeing as they're 1/2 hour long and not really expensive to make in comparison to the likes of GoT, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire...

Stops them getting stale. The best British Comedies, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Peep Show, Only Fools etc, Father Ted, One Foot In The Grave etc generally have 6 - 10 episodes per series.

In my opinion, comedies that have 20ish episodes per season can often see the standard dip due to the sheer quantity of stuff the writers have to come up with. There are exceptions like Frasier and Seinfeld though.
Stops them getting stale. The best British Comedies, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Peep Show, Only Fools etc, Father Ted, One Foot In The Grave etc generally have 6 - 10 episodes per series.

In my opinion, comedies that have 20ish episodes per season can often see the standard dip due to the sheer quantity of stuff the writers have to come up with. There are exceptions like Frasier and Seinfeld though.

Well 20 is extreme, I was thinking 12 or 13 like the shows mentioned above.

Then again, maybe it's the writers who only want 8 episodes.
This show is so ridiculously good, I don't understand why I hardly ever see or hear it mentioned anywhere. Best comedy show I've seen in a long while. Danson is absolutely fantastic, and Galafianakis and Schwartzman, both of who I've been a fan of since before the show (Schwartzman ever since I saw him in the magnificent Rushmore) complement him perfectly.

Patton Oswalt's cameos are great as well.

Danson is fantastic in this show. I didn't think I would like it at first, but now it is one of my favorite shows
I just watched the first two episodes, it was alright. I'm not sure what it's trying to be. It's not really laugh out loud funny and rarely chuckle funny. Will watch a few more.
I rented the first few episodes (is there a 2nd series?) from Lovefilm and enjoyed it. Perfect dinner time viewing.
I tried to watch it because of Galifianakis but I just hate Jason's face. Hard to enjoy stuff he's in. If he isn't being a douchebag he isn't good.
Well feck me, that's the most ridiculous cancellation since Arrested Development.