Bonds Hits 755

Bonds is going for the record against the Nats tonight.
I remember Ripken's chase on Gehrig (which I still say is an over-rated record). Emmitt's on Walter Payton. Kareem on Wilt's scoring record. Nolan Ryan on the strikeout record. Wayne Gretzky chasing Gordie Howe. And many more. Here we have arguably the greatest record in North American sports. It's a record I never thought would be broken in my lifetime. A magical number - 755. Something I dreamt about as a kid playing homerun derby in my friend's backyard. But I could care less because the player chasing the record is an arrogant, egotistical, cheating asshole.
Someone like Bonds holding the greatest individual record in baseball is sad state of affairs for the entire game.
There's no way he could have hit 73 HR that season without steroids.
Bonds is going up against Mike Bacsik tonight.
Di Maggio's streak is now Baseball's most cherished record. And perhaps Roger Marriss' single season home run record given that no one has passed him playing the same (steroid free) game as him