Bondi Shark Attack: Fake


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Jano Gibson
December 21, 2007

IT WAS the great white lie.

Scott Lawrence Wright, the man who claimed to have been attacked by a shark at Bondi Beach last weekend, is now in jail, and his story, which was gobbled up by media outlets around the world, has been shattered.


The revelation came to light on the same day a 2.8 metre grey nurse shark was pulled from a shark net a few hundred metres off Bondi Beach. "At first we thought it was a dead body. Then we realised it was a big shark," said Martin Baker, a producer on the TV show Bondi Rescue, which filmed the shark's removal.

A spokesman for the NSW Department of Primary Industries described its death as an "unfortunate" incident.

The sharks are classified as critically endangered under federal legislation and endangered under NSW laws. Wright, 34, an itinerant who had been sleeping in a cave at the beach before the supposed attack last Friday night, had proudly detailed to reporters his brush with death.

"The shark attacked me, grabbed hold of my arm and wouldn't let go. So I ended up punching him in the nose and trying to fight him off," he said, displaying the gash marks on his arm. "I thought I was a goner. I thought I was going to die."

It would have been the first shark attack at the beach since Colin Stewart, 14, was savaged there in 1929.

But sources have told the Herald that Wright's wounds, which required dozens of stitches and a night at a Sydney hospital, were not caused by a vicious shark, or even by a relatively docile wobbegong, as was reported yesterday.

Rather, they were the result of Wright's arm going through a pane of glass - an incident that occurred several days before the supposed shark attack.

It is understood it was only on Saturday morning, after a woman on the beach asked Wright how he had cut his arm, that the shark attack story was concocted.

But by Tuesday night Wright was no longer basking in the glory of his new found fame. He was busy answering questions from police after being arrested outside Redfern RSL.

He was charged with various theft-related offences and faced Central Local Court on Wednesday.

Police alleged that sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning Wright entered room 507 at Noah's Backpackers in Campbell Parade, Bondi, and stole two wallets and a set of keys, before driving away in someone else's Holden Rodeo.

Wright also faced charges relating to an outstanding arrest warrant issued in 2004 after he failed to appear in court over assault and trespass charges.

He did not apply for bail and will remain in custody until February 14, when he is due to face court again.

Detective Inspector Jason Smith of Waverley police said the alleged shark attack had not been reported to police.

"We don't know how he sustained those injuries at this point in time."
I said at the time those cuts looked sod all like a shark bite :lol:

The idiot cut himself breaking into somewhere and then made up the story to get a free night in a hostel from the makers of Bondi Rescue who felt sorry for him.
That sucks, u saw what I said about sharks earlier
I said at the time those cuts looked sod all like a shark bite :lol:

The idiot cut himself breaking into somewhere and then made up the story to get a free night in a hostel from the makers of Bondi Rescue who felt sorry for him.

Tasmanians mate, left most of his better chemicals in his sister.
That sucks, u saw what I said about sharks earlier

It’s alright darling, there won’t be too many inland sharks in Colorado I would imagine, not any big ones anyway.
If you ever come to Oz, just be careful if you’re having a wee splash about in the waters of the Great Australian Bight, there are some big old nasty fish from the WA coast, right into South Australia and touching the Eastern States seaboard too, although the majority of Great White attacks occur in SA, in places like Kangaroo Island just off Adelaide.
Although Wibble will tell you a few tales when he was up Far North Queensland, they have some nasty sea-bitches up there too.
By looking at that picture now I ask myself:
How could anyone believe that those cuts were from a shark attack?
I have no idea. Bear in mind we do have tabloid journalists here who seem to have an IQ somewhat less than this loser and indeed less than your average shark.

I make no comment about the readership.
Fair play to the shark for carving a question mark into the guys arm, that's all i say.