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Great movie, brilliant soundtrack. I was looking for hours yesterday for that soundtrack. The score was composed by 'The Angel', if anyone has it I'd appreciate it.

I loved the movie though, anyone else enjoy it as much?
Great movie, brilliant soundtrack. I was looking for hours yesterday for that soundtrack. The score was composed by 'The Angel', if anyone has it I'd appreciate it.

I loved the movie though, anyone else enjoy it as much?
I had it on DVD and somehow have lost it along the way. I remember liking this, but then Giovanni Ribisi is always a watchable actor. Wouldn't mind watching it again.

Bears absolutely no reality to an actual trading floor though.
I need that soundtrack so much that I might actually buy it. I swear this must be the only Score that's not available to download.
Yeah, quality movie. Very underrated, although I suppose that's understandable when you have Ben Affleck and Vin Diesel on the same screen.
Good movie, came out before a lot of the corporate BS that has been exsposed since Enron
I'll probably have the soundtrack by tomorrow evening. Any recommendation for a file host? I don't have rapidshare account.
I'll probably have the soundtrack by tomorrow evening. Any recommendation for a file host? I don't have rapidshare account.

Is this the original movie score, or an unofficial soundtrack just containing certain songs throughout the movie.

If it's the first then it will be composed by 'The Angel' which is the one I need. If that's the case, you can use my rapidshare account to upload it.
No sorry mate, I think it's the latter one. My mate got it so I haven't seen it yet but he did mention Rakim, A Tribe Called Quest and others.
Ah that's the one I've got as well. I think this other one is the first album not to be available for download on the internet! Thanks tons for trying though mate.
Yeah no problem, after all you have introduced me to so many good albums through your hip hop thread.
Which reminds me I've downloaded about 50 albums in the last couple days, most from 2008, some of them are 'Albums of the year' types, I need to upload them in the thread.
Terrible actor only in the biz due to his friendship with Matt Damon.

Seems to be his talents lie in directing, Gone Baby Gone is a fantastic movie and his brother Casey is excellent in the lead.
I have it on DVD, yet to watch it tho...what's it about?
Cracking film. Used to work in telesales and this film has a good few points in it when dealing with customers on the phone.
Decent movie, with a good Tribe Called Quest song on the soundtrack.
Hectic did you ever get your hands on that soundtrack?
I forgot about this! Thanks for reminding me Doogie, I've just brought the score so I shall upload it in a matter of days when I receive it.