Boardwalk Empire

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Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
Not in Manchester or surrounding areas.
Anyone got properly invested in this yet?

Saw a few were thinking of it from Sky Atlantic channel.

Don't have Sky (Virgin) but really enjoyed what I've watched so far.

Nucky is totally a dark character but with a very soft side. Jimmy is annoying me at the moment. Shroeder woman I think is pretty? Not sure yet. And his mistress has a cracking body.

I wasn't around in the 20's but the detail of the environment seems incredible. And pilot apparently cost $18m to make. Wowzers.

I guess if it picks up we need a BWE thread anyway... I had to physically stop myself going and reading up on Episodes 4 and 5 on web. They're at home...awaiting to be watched.
I have season 1 on the playstation ready to watch, will be starting it this week, possibly tonight, so will post some thoughts once I've watched a few.
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