Board Games


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Lot's of threads about this video or PC game or that one. Any old fashioned board game players out there?

Probably due to my advanced age I have fond memories of a childhood spent playing all sort of board games. Starting with the basics of things like Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, Mousetrap moving on to Life and Monopoly and even near violent games of Trivial Pursuit with the family.

Spending some time playing some sports related games Strat-o-matic Baseball, SI Bowl Bound (College American Football game) a game all my friend gave up playing me on because I would smash them everytime, Pursue the Pennant (baseball).

Also for a while had quite a bit of fun playing war games or military simulations as some liked to call them. In fact running into an old friend who I used to play these games with is what triggered this thread. Used to play some historic based games and in the late 70's and through the 80's some "what if" games quite a few based on some variant of NATO vs Warsaw Pact. Still have a few packed away in the attic, might dig em out and have another go for nostalgia's sake.

Anyone else into board games? Which ones?
I think the only thing I would be able to enjoy nowadays would be something with a bit of an influential edge to it. The likes of Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble maybe
I think the only thing I would be able to enjoy nowadays would be something with a bit of an influential edge to it. The likes of Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble maybe

Yeah. Love me some Scrabble. Been playing my Nan at this since I was a kid and finally started hammering her recently since she's started losing her marbles. Sure it's slightly tainted but she always had this book with weird little 2 & 3 letter words in specifically designed for the game which I know she memorised so what goes around comes around I say. And her dictionary is out of date.

Cranium is a good one when you've got a group around.
Wembley. I'll never forget taking Darlington to the Final and beating Arsenal 4-1. I have it in my cupboard but nobody to play with.

Not a huge board game player, but we usually play some when me and my siblings are all gathered.

Game of Thrones is pretty awesome, particularly since we're all huge fans (all of us watch the TV series, me and my sister read the books).


We've also played games like Arkham Horror, Dominion, etc.
Scrabble was good. A game called Othello was a lot of fun also.

War game wise my favorites were 2nd Fleet by Victory Games (first time I lost a carrier I sulked for 2 days) and GDW's The Third World War (WW3 fought out from Northern Norway to the Persian Gulf, huge game had to actually play on the floor to fit all the maps (game board). WW2 games based on the Russian Front were always great to play, though always a nagging bit of guilt while playing the German side and winning.

Some war games had some interesting ways of determining the winner, played one where you gamed out the last year of WW2 in Europe and if you played the Germans you would always lose the war but could win the game by not losing as badly, based on how long you could continue the war, points for eliminating ally units, etc.
Settlers of Catan is a brilliant game, great depth with so many ways of winning a round, its also short enough that you are never stuck in a hopeless situation for hours
Settlers of Catan was amazing, I had a lot of fun playing and trading on the board with my mates. Also played online for quite a while.
I remember the board game 'Hotel' when i was younger which was a bit like a monoply, used to love playing that.