Black Sheep

Apparently it is 'so shit it's good.'

Read into that what you will.
Thinking of going to see this, has anyone seen it?

It's alright, I wouldn't pay to see it but it got rid of a couple of hours, there are some good moments in it but could have been better. Think of it as a modern B movie and you get the general idea. A bit like Slither was, I found that one quite the surprise, enjoyed it.
baa baa black sheep,
have you any wool??
yes sir, yes sir
three bags full.

one for the master,
one for the dame,
and one for the little boy
who lives down the lane.

Thank you said the master,
thank you said the dame,
thank you said little sean,
who lives in Aberdeen!
So do black sheep have any particular sexual advantages over white sheep?