Black and White + Creature Isle


Not as crap as eferyone thinks
Jul 28, 2010
Like how the best albums ever made often seem unfinished, unpolished, and probably made in someone's barn while drunk, so it is with one of my favourite games of all time:


If you haven't played the game before you may ask what was the game about. Well looking back there where 4 parts to the game:

a) Quest Solving
b) Looking after your people
c) Converting/Attacking enemy villages
d) Training your Creature.

You start the game as a god. You can do whatever you want, within the game mechanics. You can pick people up, throw them, sacrifice them, heal them, set them on fire, watch them die. You can do this to men, women and children. You can give them a specific task to do, which they will do for the rest of their lives.

Throughout the game the choice is constantly thrust on you to be "Good" or "Evil". This however is a massive joke, because if you progress through the game, or play multiplayer then there is only one choice, and it sure as hell isn't the growing daisy's option. Perhaps this was a joke at lionhead, because there is literally no way to be Good and play the game properly. You can almost complete the game as good, but on multiplayer you would get slaughtered, and you will never finish the final battles. If you want to be good, stay on the first level and never leave. You don't have to.

Anyway. You get a Creature which goes something like this:

You look after your creature, teach him how to do miracles and how to fight.

Such a weird / good / fecked up game. Anyone play this?
Played it and enjoyed it overall. Loved the interaction with the creature and its development, didn't really like feeling useless outside your realm of influence and the only way I seemed to able to expand it quickly enough was by throwing rocks at people.

Maybe I was playing it wrong! :lol:
Used to love it, found it was quite heavily biased towards the "evil" side of influencing people. I actually tried finding the disk the other day and then tried to find another copy to buy, which seems impossible.
One of the amazing things about it was that you could load a save from Level 1,2 whatever. And all your changes, spells your creature learnt, evilness, etc came with you.