Film Bioshock - The Movie

I liked Detective Pikachu. Aside from that they're mostly terrible and Bioshock is one of my favourite games so I'll be sad when they ruin it. To truly capture the horrors and atmosphere of Rapture it would need to be an 18 and I feel like they will try to appeal to a wider audience and make it a 12-15.

EDIT - I'm an idiot and forgot that Netflix doesn't really give a feck about that. :lol:
I liked Sonic as well as the first Silent Hill movie and the new Resident Evil movie. Hopefully this is halfway decent.
Video game movies are seeing some improvments compared to earlier ones.

If done correctly Bioshock has potential
Video game movies are seeing some improvments compared to earlier ones.

If done correctly Bioshock has potential
The problem I feel is that Bioshock feels like a movie that would need a MASSIVE budget to get right. I hope they don't skimp out.

Considering what Netflix spent on The Irishman, I hope this follows suit.
The problem I feel is that Bioshock feels like a movie that would need a MASSIVE budget to get right. I hope they don't skimp out.

Considering what Netflix spent on The Irishman, I hope this follows suit.
As long as we see 5 year old girls being harvested it should be good...
Loved the game.

But based on almost every other video game adapted to screen, it's bound to be at least a bit shit.

I'd love to see Timesplitters made into a movie or series, although it might just end up looking like a cheap rip off of Quantum Leap.
I love that movie! I watched that like 50 times when i was a child is fecking shit though
Mate I had that on repeat in my house when it came out. It's silly but at least it's fun as hell and perfect for the time it came out. That techno beat still gets my blood pumping :lol:
I love that movie! I watched that like 50 times when i was a child is fecking shit though

Every MK fan loves that movie. People care too much about "critic point of view" of movies these days, who cares about that. It's all about entertainment. If I am having fun with the movie, it's not "shit". ;)

Anyway, too much negativity about Bioshock movie here, I don't want to be negative Andy in advance, having hope and we will see.
Bioshock has enough material and depth to be the basis of a great tv show or movie. FIngers crossed. Toes crossed. Everything crossed.
Memory's a bit hazy of this game, but I'm struggling to understand how they can even re-create it in any moderately decent way as a film. It was bloody great game, but there's a reason why these things tend to fall flat - especially in FPS perspective, you are the character, it's quite hard to recreate that as a film. Especially when a game utilised that as well as Bioshock did, I really remember being very immersed in the game, doing both the first and second in one sitting...

Maybe I'll use this as a reminder to finally play the third one though, sure it's on my endless pile up all over steam/gog/wherever :lol:
Memory's a bit hazy of this game, but I'm struggling to understand how they can even re-create it in any moderately decent way as a film. It was bloody great game, but there's a reason why these things tend to fall flat - especially in FPS perspective, you are the character, it's quite hard to recreate that as a film.

Maybe I'll use this as a reminder to finally play the third one though, sure it's on my endless pile up all over steam/gog/wherever :lol:

This rumoured script from a few years ago would have been a good way of doing it.
Meh. What makes a computer game plot great and a film plot great are so different that its pointless trying. Best case scenario, they set it in rapture but let the plot do its own thing & don't worry about how the game unfolds.
This thing depends on many aspects, but Fallout series being done by Nolan's brother sounds not that tragic and artistically could open many doors to other gaming series.

Let's say, If it's done by Alex Garland or other someone with actual brain for creating then I'm in.
Oh please don't. The game is perfect. A lot of the storytelling and atmosphere was derived from the tapes you listened to while walking around and exploring. These are uniquely gameplay things. How about just leave it and come up with some more original ideas.
Only good thing I will say about Netflix doing it is they don't have to worry about lowering the certificate to get a bigger audience. But it will more than likely be shit.
Actually there’s been several films based on video games that I thought were great between FFVII, The Witcher, Super Mario Bros, etc.

They might have been pornographic cosplays but same difference.
I feel like it would be better told in a TV series rather than a film. I'm able to detach the two so it won't ruin the games for me either way.

I actually watched Super Mario Bros the other week and it's strangely watchable. It's like an Always Sunny episode if they made a film about Mario, if you just pretend that a movie stuido didn't make it then its actually amusing.
Mate I had that on repeat in my house when it came out. It's silly but at least it's fun as hell and perfect for the time it came out. That techno beat still gets my blood pumping :lol:
Yeah, same here, I rented that tape (I've lost everyone under 25 with this already, haven't I?) a billion times back then.

But seriously, it's a stupid film if you think about it. Why the feck is Shang Tsung recruiting warriors for Earthrealm?! And he's tricking them, even! Why? Wouldn't it be better for him if Earth only had chumps like... Art?
Yeah, same here, I rented that tape (I've lost everyone under 25 with this already, haven't I?) a billion times back then.

But seriously, it's a stupid film if you think about it. Why the feck is Shang Tsung recruiting warriors for Earthrealm?! And he's tricking them, even! Why? Wouldn't it be better for him if Earth only had chumps like... Art?
Yes but... Those were 1000 dollar sunglasses asshole :lol:
Meh. What makes a computer game plot great and a film plot great are so different that its pointless trying. Best case scenario, they set it in rapture but let the plot do its own thing & don't worry about how the game unfolds.

Thats the strategy that was used with the resident evil films, and those are absolute gash. Every single one of them. Especially that last one that just came out. It was so bad.
Thats the strategy that was used with the resident evil films, and those are absolute gash. Every single one of them. Especially that last one that just came out. It was so bad.

Actually...the first film is a guilty pleasure of mine.

But yeah, its far from a winning formula, but to recreate scenes from the game feels even less promising.
One of the few video games that has huge potential with the lore and setting.

Which means they will make a giant hash of it no doubt!
Only played Bioshock Infinite and damn did I love that game. Has really good potential but as a movie? That will be a huge challenge to be able to bring the lore and IP together into a proper story, I watched a letplay of the original Bioshock and I think there'd be too much to do it justice.
I love the series. The 1st one is just so special. Always wanted a live action Atlantis type of show or movie. Use Rapture as a setting, don't copy the games, use them as inspiration. A period drama set before it all went wrong would be cool.
I love the series and have fond memories of playing the games. It can be done, but I have huge reservations over whether it will be done justice or not. It will all come down to the writing.