Big Fat Gypsy Wedding


Executive Manager being kept sane only by her madn
Jun 5, 2000
Fascinated by this programme. Don't know whether to laugh or cry at some of it.

Those wedding dresses are hilarious.

Had to laugh when the young wife on Chatty Man, when asked if Katie Price was her role model responded with a very heartfelt "No!"

Katie Price - looked down on by Travellers.

And I never knew Wayne Rooney was a Traveller, or is according to Traveller Times.
It's very funny and yet makes me question humanity.
Are they proper gypsies or Irish Travellers??

One and the same right? They're all Irish yet call themselves Travellers.

I assume by Gypsy you mean those of Indian Origin who traveled from the sub-continent, to erm, a field behind some houses in England somewhere?

If you mean are these ones fortune tellers and warlocks, then no, they're just you know, gypos.
Are they proper gypsies or Irish Travellers??

I think the title is misleading and wonder if Romanies are upset about it, because it seems mainly to be about Irish Travellers.
Big Fat Traveller Wedding doesn't work though.
Big Fat Traveller Wedding doesn't work though.

You're not Mikey Walsh are you? He said exactly that on Twitter last night.

It needs a new title altogether.
One and the same right? They're all Irish yet call themselves Travellers.

I assume by Gypsy you mean those of Indian Origin who traveled from the sub-continent, to erm, a field behind some houses in England somewhere?

If you mean are these ones fortune tellers and warlocks, then no, they're just you know, gypos.

Yeah, by Gypsies I mean those who settled in Eastern Europe and speak Romany. Europeans thought they must've come from Egypt because of their dark(er) appearance - hence 'Gypsy' which derives from 'Egypt'. I wonder if we've actually got proper Gypsies in this country.
You're not Mikey Walsh are you? He said exactly that on Twitter last night.

It needs a new title altogether.

I'm not Mikey Walsh - but I'm assuming he's a great mind, as we think alike.

Yeah, by Gypsies I mean those who settled in Eastern Europe and speak Romany. Europeans thought they must've come from Egypt because of their dark(er) appearance - hence 'Gypsy' which derives from 'Egypt'. I wonder if we've actually got proper Gypsies in this country.

Well you learn something every day, I didn't know that the term Gypsy was coined from Egypt. There will be proper gypsies in this country, if you consider the Romany variety 'proper' then just go to town and look for people in white tracksuits on Mazuma Mobile! Or go back to my street about two years ago.
I've worked a few of these weddings here in NI and they are surreal.

Everything you see in the show is real, nothing false. what you see is what you really get
I've worked a few of these weddings here in NI and they are surreal.

Everything you see in the show is real, nothing false. what you see is what you really get

How do they afford such weddings?

And how can they be travellers when they live in houses/prefabs and don't travel?
How can they go through life without being able to read/write and why do none of them think "feck this, I'm going to buy a house and not live in an eggbox and shag my cousin".
Fascinated by this programme. Don't know whether to laugh or cry at some of it.

Those wedding dresses are hilarious.

Had to laugh when the young wife on Chatty Man, when asked if Katie Price was her role model responded with a very heartfelt "No!"

Katie Price - looked down on by Travellers.

And I never knew Wayne Rooney was a Traveller, or is according to Traveller Times.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Rooney was a settled traveler or came from a line that were once travelers in the UK. He has that look to him and certainly the temper
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Rooney was a settled traveler or came from a line that were once travelers in the UK. He has that look to him and certainly the temper

I don't know how far down the line it goes but iirc he is.
Oxymoron surely?

You'd think

Thing is, Travellers are a separate ethnic group that have been in the UK for over 500 years (Ireland longer). Their ancestors did the travelling hence their name. I'm not entirely sure when settling became popular but I'd imagine it's largely down to mainstream society's acceptance of them. They've not had it easy and there has been a colossal prejudice towards them over the course the past 150 years due to how they live their lives. In today's society halting sites are accepted and so you see the swing towards settling in one particular area. It makes sense.

I've found that travelling is more common in Ireland but being settled in a halting site seems to be more commonplace in London and the UK.
You'd think

Thing is, Travellers are a separate ethnic group that have been in the UK for over 500 years (Ireland longer). Their ancestors did the travelling hence their name. I'm not entirely sure when settling became popular but I'd imagine it's largely down to mainstream society's acceptance of them. They've not had it easy and there has been a colossal prejudice towards them over the course the past 150 years due to how they live their lives. In today's society halting sites are accepted and so you see the swing towards settling in one particular area. It makes sense.

I've found that travelling is more common in Ireland but being settled in a halting site seems to be more commonplace in London and the UK.

Do they have many halting sites in Ireland? In two weeks travelling (with a small 't' :) ) around last year, we only saw one lot of Travellers. And how do halting sites work anyway? What's to stop Travellers staying at one indefinitely?

Shayne Ward would be a great role model for Travellers if they ever decided they needed someone to improve their reputation. Wayne Rooney probably not so much.
Do they have many halting sites in Ireland? In two weeks travelling (with a small 't' :) ) around last year, we only saw one lot of Travellers. And how do halting sites work anyway? What's to stop Travellers staying at one indefinitely?

Shayne Ward would be a great role model for Travellers if they ever decided they needed someone to improve their reputation. Wayne Rooney probably not so much.

I'm not sure Livvie to be honest. I only ever knew of one in Maynooth but I'm sure they have them all over the place. The main problem in Ireland is that Traveller families are at war with one another so it's difficult for them to co-exist which may be the defining, unwritten rule of where they stay and for how long. When you see a bare knuckle boxing match you can be pretty certain that it's a score being settled along with an entertaining bout. It's not really about money. Money is involved but most Travelers are among the wealthiest because they pool their money Mafia style. There is a strict hierarchy and it's honored. A pal of mine is the head honcho in a site near Peckham. I got to know him when I was helping to run a pub. He had told me time and time again if there is ever a problem in the pub with the lads to drop him a quick call and he'd sort it out. He was true to his word. I've seen with my own eyes the way the younger lads act up once he's gone. No drinking at all amongst the under 18's while he's there but once he's out the door they try it on.

I guess one thing I learnt was that often they assume that non-travellers don't know how it all works, but when when you're pally with the head of their site you get insights that can prove very helpful.

Travellers will test you, but it's only because they're looking to work out who they're dealing with. You show a glimpse of weakness and they will exploit it. If you're confident and stand your ground they leave you be. Like any people group there are bad and good travellers. For the most part I genuinely enjoy spending time around them and there are some extremely talented, pure Travellers that have offered a whole lot back
Fascinating show.

I never really understood the difference between Travelers and Romani people. They speak the same language, both move about, but Travelers look a lot more Western/Northern European it seems.
Fascinating show.

I never really understood the difference between Travelers and Romani people. They speak the same language, both move about, but Travelers look a lot more Western/Northern European it seems.

The accordion player on one of the tracks off my upcoming E.P is Romani. An absolute nutcase with emotions to beat the band, but excessively talented.