Best Xmas game to ask for off Santa?


Nov 22, 2006
What is going to be the best pick up and play game to have over Xmas?

I am not one for gaming, but have to say I enjoy a stocking filler to have a bash on over the festive season. What should I look at?
Santa is not real....

Get skyrim off "Santa" (your mum)
Battlefield 3 is a very good pick-up-and-play title.

Skyrim is good if you've got the time to plough 100s of hours into a game, which some people haven't.
For a pick up and play game I found Uncharted 3 to be a very enjoyable experience, I've recently bought Skyrim but I just don't have the time to put into it at the moment. To be honest I'm spending most of my "game time" on FM2012 (but you don't really need to buy that).
Loving Arkham city atthe moment.
Skyrim if you want something serious that you can have a real go at every once in a while.

Saints Row 3 isn't a bad shout either for some ludicrous fun.
I just finished Rage, that was quite fun. Kinda like Borderlands-lite. An enjoyable game with rather nice graphics that doesn't require 60-70 hours to finish.