Best TV Theme Music


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
Inspired by Bahama's thread about the returning Doctor I was going to say this...

But thinking about my childhood no TV theme/intro got me as excited up as this...

Karel_Poborsky is on some kind of Johnathan Creek wankathon today.
Morse is good cos it's got morse code in it init..Morse init, with morse in it, init

Love the House theme music.

Teardrop my Massive attack.
My friend sent me this link and told me to listen to the music and tell what I think. I asked him how good is the actual show itself and he said he had no idea, he only likes the music :lol:

Shaft wins the thread IMO.

Showing my age a bit here....

Airwolf. They just don't make them like this anymore.

Class track to go with a class TV show.

I couldn't bring myself to post the revised version for the TV show. The original is far too awesome. 10 points for anyone who can name the show.

Thundercats. Enough said.

Awesomeness personified.

This one isn't really a theme tune but i had to post it when i stumbled across it. This one will take a few of you English types WAAAAYYYY back. ;)
This one needs Schifrin'ing up a bit more as well.....

Good calls on Airwolf, Vice & Mission Impossible. No Knight Rider though :confused:

Used to work with a guy who was the spit of Tom Selleck. I'd fire this up on a laptop every time he walked through the workshop...

I have no sound at work so I hope these are the right versions.
Some great tunes in here already but I didn't have to think too hard to remember these gems.

A triple bill for all you 80's kids.