Best Playstation Store Purchases


Well-Liked Assman
Aug 7, 2007
Northern Ireland
I fancy something new,

I have Wipeout and Super Stardust, and a couple of other wee things, what should I get next?
Warhawk or Tekken 5, fairly expensive but both awesome. Warhawk is the best multiplayer game on PS3 for me.
Final Fantasy VII?

Bionic Commando Re-Armed got a good review, I have yet to purchase it though. I loved it the first time round.
I really wish they had an extensive library of games to download.

I'd give anything to play the Old LMA Managers, Final Fantasy 8 and such.
Warhawk or Tekken 5, fairly expensive but both awesome. Warhawk is the best multiplayer game on PS3 for me.

Do folk still play Warhawk? I got it with my PS3 last year, never managed to crack flying and I just put it down.
Will probably try to get into it then, looks like fun if I can handle not getting my arse handed to me in the air.

I found KZ2 really disappointing btw, luckily E3 has restored my faith in the PS3.
Killzone2, I've been playing that recently. I started campaign then gave up for some reason, cant remember why. But now I'm carrying on and I think its brilliant. The online is good and story is great
I for example totally hate sandbox games, they do my fecking head in. GTA, Burnout, whatever the genre, inFamous would be the same.

I love them.

I hate Lara croft/Uncharted type of games.

I get bored of having to figure things out
R&C Quest for Booty. Can't go wrong with Ratchet.

I keep meaning to buy that, but something else always crops up. I enjoyed Tools of Destruction.

A chap at college (who plays almost nothing but Warhawk) keeps telling me that a Warhawk sequel is imminent? That's the only thing that stopped me getting it, as the demo works well.

Anyone shed any light on this?
If you like old school shoot-em-ups then the new space invaders game is good fun. Starts of traditionally and then evolves into an old school upward scrolling shooter with some clever variations.