Best PC games to play with your girlfriend:


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
I find Co-op games are good. Lego: Indiana Jones inparticular...

I also have two Xbox controllers available.

Stick a DualShock 2 up her arse, and play a game with lots of vibrations.

You may find it enjoyable to swap roles.

I was thinking more along the lines of Mario Kart. I could give it a blast though...
I really enjoy kicking my better halfs ass at Street Fighter, I show no mercy, don't even use handicaps, it's good to show her who wears the trousers.

Of course sometimes I have to let her win a round, just to lure her into a false sense of security before unleashing an ultra combo on her ass.

I'm only joking if you're reading this...
Baught it from game pre-owneda couple of weeks ago. Thought it was quite dissapointing, she didn't enjoy it, there wern't enough moves, and not enough online options.

EDIT: just saw the white text :p
Operation. Get on a table and tell her your willy is sore
She's 21 I was muckin aboot.

I see.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Anyway, where's the fecking link????

It doesn't need to be a nude shot of her - panties will do

Maybe later. She's got 34 G's so hang in there.

I smell bullshit. Why would you say she's 15?

To amuse myself while I'm bored at work. :drool:

I can smell bullshit though, think I might have trodden on something on the way back from Sayers.

Chrisjn_ is now on probation

fs, I'm an innocent man, don't make do a Harrison Ford.
All the lego games. Star Wars, Batman etc.

Although it can get frustrating as feck.
I really enjoy kicking my better halfs ass at Street Fighter, I show no mercy, don't even use handicaps, it's good to show her who wears the trousers.

Of course sometimes I have to let her win a round, just to lure her into a false sense of security before unleashing an ultra combo on her ass.

I'm only joking if you're reading this...

That ruined it
World of Warcraft

Just imagine...

I played that once with some astonishingly fit girl I used to know. Tbh I didn't know what the hell what was going on, or even why she was playing warcraft. But I can infact tell you I didnt have a boner whilst watching her navigate away from peril.
This has never worked for me.

You either smash them and they get upset that they suck, or you give them a chance and they get upset you are condescending them cause they suck.
This has never worked for me.

You either smash them and they get upset that they suck, or you give them a chance and they get upset you are condescending them cause they suck.

That's why it has to be co-op. Then you can rescue each other and it builds the illusion that you're going to always be there for each other.