Best (or worst) Fight Scenes Ever

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Thread inspired by a post from niMic in the weirdest movies thread

The Fury ! :devil:

1:03 is my favourite
Jason and the Argonauts obviously wins best fight scene.

The rest can feck off.
The wanderers and everyone else against the ducky boys at the end.

The warriors V the punks in the bogs.
There's a fight scene that is almost half an hour non stop in Ong Bak 2. Got bored before half was done
One of the worst is in Ong Bak (A terrible film anyway) where these two guards are just casually strolling around outside a cave entrance. The scene is silent, until abruptly you hear this screaming coming from no-where and suddenly - from off-screen this guy just jump kicks one guard and then batters the other and runs into the cave. Silence is resumed and the camera just lingers on the scene while this guy disappears into the cave.

It's the most spontaneous scene of random assault which served no purpose I've ever seen, I literally burst out laughing at the end of it as it moves seemlessly away from the scene as if nothing had happened.

That's fecking amazing, I love the action shot of him falling away, swinging his remaining arm.

Difficult to choose between these three. Hard to beat strangling someone with your own intestines. Obviously NSFW.

Difficult to choose between these three. Hard to beat strangling someone with your own intestines.

:lol: to be honest I didn't think the first one could be beaten after he popped the mans eye out of his head, but the clips just kept on giving.
First scene that came into my head when I read the title was this little gem:

Grosse Point Blank

One of the best fight scenes put on film in one of the greatest and funniest movies ever made, if you haven't seen this film I implore you to watch it.
Jesus Christ Lance.

Great thread. I was always partial to old school Jackie Chan

He had a couple of cracking fights with Bennie 'The Jet' Urquidez in from Meals on Wheels...

and Dragons Forever.....


Ricky-O, haha, I remember that film. You seen the Babycart films as well Lance?

The final fight scene in Kung Fu Hustle was great (but long) Edit - duffer beat me to it.

The Bamboo forest fight in House of Flying Daggers was pretty awesome too.
From 2:30 on.... Surely the most bad ass introduction to a villain ever?

I used to love this film. The end fight Chan is awesome too. Young Jackie has to drink opium to beat him. Which really was cheating.
Gotta be The Quiet Man, for best and worst.

Surprised nobody has posted this yet

I remember the Nunchuck scene was banned in the UK for some time after yobs started carrying them to football matches.