Best of Big Bang Theory

I just have to get this off my shoulders (and is a general complaint directed at people I know in real life) -

While I have quite a fondness for the show itself, I fecking hate people that incessantly quote it. It's like its the new fecking Little Britain. I'm a nerd. A proper one. I collect and customise action figures, participate in Smash Bros Tournaments, game online, have lengthy discussions about Stargate, Superman, and Star Trek with my other nerd friends. I have suffered for this, taunting and the occasional beating, social ostracising. Now mostly stupid people think that they can live the happy go lucky nerd lifestyle portrayed in this show (and thus feel smart when really they're just Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime) by quoting it every now and then?

I recently had the misfortune to go to a fancy dress party hosted by a mate, mainly attended by the rest of his mates studying whateverthefeck at the second rate uni they all go to. The theme was science or science fiction, I went as Mal from Firefly. Between us getting there, and leaving, me and my best mate would have heard "Hey you should have come as the doppler effect/I'll come as the doppler effect next time" literally about 50 times. Followed by laughter, and "oh that's such a Sheldon moment". No it wasn't you dumb bint. Stop saying things like "I had a Raj moment today", or telling me how really you're "just like the cool guys from The Big Bang Theory" because you played Halo on the xbox a few times.

I don't care what you do that's like what the fictional characters on that television show do. That doesn't make you smart like them. Or me. SO STOP feckING QUOTING IT.

I am aware that has nothing to do with the opening post.
I just have to get this off my shoulders (and is a general complaint directed at people I know in real life) -

While I have quite a fondness for the show itself, I fecking hate people that incessantly quote it. It's like its the new fecking Little Britain. I'm a nerd. A proper one. I collect and customise action figures, participate in Smash Bros Tournaments, game online, have lengthy discussions about Stargate, Superman, and Star Trek with my other nerd friends. I have suffered for this, taunting and the occasional beating, social ostracising. Now mostly stupid people think that they can live the happy go lucky nerd lifestyle portrayed in this show (and thus feel smart when really they're just Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime) by quoting it every now and then?

I recently had the misfortune to go to a fancy dress party hosted by a mate, mainly attended by the rest of his mates studying whateverthefeck at the second rate uni they all go to. The theme was science or science fiction, I went as Mal from Firefly. Between us getting there, and leaving, me and my best mate would have heard "Hey you should have come as the doppler effect/I'll come as the doppler effect next time" literally about 50 times. Followed by laughter, and "oh that's such a Sheldon moment". No it wasn't you dumb bint. Stop saying things like "I had a Raj moment today", or telling me how really you're "just like the cool guys from The Big Bang Theory" because you played Halo on the xbox a few times.

I don't care what you do that's like what the fictional characters on that television show do. That doesn't make you smart like them. Or me. SO STOP feckING QUOTING IT.

I am aware that has nothing to do with the opening post.

:lol: I had no idea you were that nerdy
I just have to get this off my shoulders (and is a general complaint directed at people I know in real life) -

While I have quite a fondness for the show itself, I fecking hate people that incessantly quote it. It's like its the new fecking Little Britain. I'm a nerd. A proper one. I collect and customise action figures, participate in Smash Bros Tournaments, game online, have lengthy discussions about Stargate, Superman, and Star Trek with my other nerd friends. I have suffered for this, taunting and the occasional beating, social ostracising. Now mostly stupid people think that they can live the happy go lucky nerd lifestyle portrayed in this show (and thus feel smart when really they're just Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime) by quoting it every now and then?

I recently had the misfortune to go to a fancy dress party hosted by a mate, mainly attended by the rest of his mates studying whateverthefeck at the second rate uni they all go to. The theme was science or science fiction, I went as Mal from Firefly. Between us getting there, and leaving, me and my best mate would have heard "Hey you should have come as the doppler effect/I'll come as the doppler effect next time" literally about 50 times. Followed by laughter, and "oh that's such a Sheldon moment". No it wasn't you dumb bint. Stop saying things like "I had a Raj moment today", or telling me how really you're "just like the cool guys from The Big Bang Theory" because you played Halo on the xbox a few times.

I don't care what you do that's like what the fictional characters on that television show do. That doesn't make you smart like them. Or me. SO STOP feckING QUOTING IT.

I am aware that has nothing to do with the opening post.

You went as MAL?!

Can I kiss your feet?
I just have to get this off my shoulders (and is a general complaint directed at people I know in real life) -

While I have quite a fondness for the show itself, I fecking hate people that incessantly quote it. It's like its the new fecking Little Britain. I'm a nerd. A proper one. I collect and customise action figures, participate in Smash Bros Tournaments, game online, have lengthy discussions about Stargate, Superman, and Star Trek with my other nerd friends. I have suffered for this, taunting and the occasional beating, social ostracising. Now mostly stupid people think that they can live the happy go lucky nerd lifestyle portrayed in this show (and thus feel smart when really they're just Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime) by quoting it every now and then?

I recently had the misfortune to go to a fancy dress party hosted by a mate, mainly attended by the rest of his mates studying whateverthefeck at the second rate uni they all go to. The theme was science or science fiction, I went as Mal from Firefly. Between us getting there, and leaving, me and my best mate would have heard "Hey you should have come as the doppler effect/I'll come as the doppler effect next time" literally about 50 times. Followed by laughter, and "oh that's such a Sheldon moment". No it wasn't you dumb bint. Stop saying things like "I had a Raj moment today", or telling me how really you're "just like the cool guys from The Big Bang Theory" because you played Halo on the xbox a few times.

I don't care what you do that's like what the fictional characters on that television show do. That doesn't make you smart like them. Or me. SO STOP feckING QUOTING IT.

I am aware that has nothing to do with the opening post.

Yeah but...only 3 hataks???
I just have to get this off my shoulders (and is a general complaint directed at people I know in real life) -

While I have quite a fondness for the show itself, I fecking hate people that incessantly quote it. It's like its the new fecking Little Britain. I'm a nerd. A proper one. I collect and customise action figures, participate in Smash Bros Tournaments, game online, have lengthy discussions about Stargate, Superman, and Star Trek with my other nerd friends. I have suffered for this, taunting and the occasional beating, social ostracising. Now mostly stupid people think that they can live the happy go lucky nerd lifestyle portrayed in this show (and thus feel smart when really they're just Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime) by quoting it every now and then?

I recently had the misfortune to go to a fancy dress party hosted by a mate, mainly attended by the rest of his mates studying whateverthefeck at the second rate uni they all go to. The theme was science or science fiction, I went as Mal from Firefly. Between us getting there, and leaving, me and my best mate would have heard "Hey you should have come as the doppler effect/I'll come as the doppler effect next time" literally about 50 times. Followed by laughter, and "oh that's such a Sheldon moment". No it wasn't you dumb bint. Stop saying things like "I had a Raj moment today", or telling me how really you're "just like the cool guys from The Big Bang Theory" because you played Halo on the xbox a few times.

I don't care what you do that's like what the fictional characters on that television show do. That doesn't make you smart like them. Or me. SO STOP feckING QUOTING IT.

I am aware that has nothing to do with the opening post.

:lol: Do people really quote the Big Bang Theory that much?
I've only seen a few episodes but its always seemed a pretty shit show to me.
At first I didn't like the show. Thought they were too over the top with their nerdisms. But after having watched it a few more times, I can say it's actually pretty funny.

And damn, Sharky. You're one hell of a nerd.
:lol: Do people really quote the Big Bang Theory that much?

An UNBEARABLE amount. It's RAMPANTLY quoted here.

You went as MAL?!

Can I kiss your feet?

I've now got that facial expression that he had when Saffron asked to wash his feet in Ours Mrs Reynolds

McShark's not crazy. he knows because his Mum tested him.


Yeah but...only 3 hataks???

One of the more amusing things about the progression of SG-1 is that at the end of season 1 two hataks turned up and we were like "SHI-", whereas by season 7 ish we'd have just laughed and blown them away.

Apophis really was small time...
Well Stargate's progression got stupid when they first ascended a Goa'uld, and then thought "ah feck it, this is boring, let's have them fight gods".


To be fair the writers actually ended the show after season 8, after they defeated the Gaould and the Replicators (the last scene was meant to be where they all went fishing at the end of Moebius part 2). They then pitched what became season 9 and 10 as a spinoff called Stargate: Command, which was to take a more military approach (and taking on the Ori), as opposed to the exploration angle they'd generally taken with SG-1. Sci Fi made them just continue with the SG-1 name though.
second rate uni they all go to.

Now right here you look like a massive cnut. Cut that shit out. It doesn't matter where the bloody hell you go, if you're good at what you do, what does it matter? I know people that did Law at Sydney Uni 'which is a 99.9 there abouts' requirement, and have become some of the shittest, dumbest fecking lawyers you will ever meet, yet a family friend who studied Law at a University in my home town 'rural area etc', is now one of the head lawyers for National Australia Bank. Explain to me how these truly smart academics with some of the best teachers in the world, can feck up so badly yet some country hick can end up in one the highest paying jobs in Australia for a lawyer who's not a partner in a firm and do a rather exceptional job at it?????
This thread, and in particular Sharky's rant, has made me feel less of a nerd. That is some achievement.

I wish to stand next to this Sharky to fell even less nerdy but i'm fearful of some sort of osmosis of nerd that would occur until we were both as nerdy as each other.

Actually i'm good just standing over here. Carry on.
I feel if I hang around in this thread too long I might start giving a feck about Stargate, and its all downhill from there.
Awful program. Not funny at all. The blond is hot though.
Now right here you look like a massive cnut. Cut that shit out. It doesn't matter where the bloody hell you go, if you're good at what you do, what does it matter? I know people that did Law at Sydney Uni 'which is a 99.9 there abouts' requirement, and have become some of the shittest, dumbest fecking lawyers you will ever meet, yet a family friend who studied Law at a University in my home town 'rural area etc', is now one of the head lawyers for National Australia Bank. Explain to me how these truly smart academics with some of the best teachers in the world, can feck up so badly yet some country hick can end up in one the highest paying jobs in Australia for a lawyer who's not a partner in a firm and do a rather exceptional job at it?????

And most people don't give a feck. Only those with tiny penis'

The hell are you talking about? Why shouldn't he call it a second-rate university if it is, indeed, a second rate university? There are plenty of unis in this country that barely deserve the name.
The hell are you talking about? Why shouldn't he call it a second-rate university if it is, indeed, a second rate university? There are plenty of unis in this country that barely deserve the name.

It's probably a miss understanding then. See here in Aus, most people would consider Uni's outside of Sydney, ANU, Melbourne and UQ on the East coast, 2nd rate or "too a lesser standard" yet the standard at these other university's are still very high. Sorry if I was being pedantic Sharky, but it gets my goat a bit.