Best Movie Scenes

My favourite scene is the Odessa Steps from Battleship Potemkin. Nobody appreciated it last time, so now I'm not bothered finding it.
My favourite scene is the Odessa Steps from Battleship Potemkin. Nobody appreciated it last time, so now I'm not bothered finding it.

Saw that movie a couple of months ago, very well made considering when it was made.
My favourite scene is the Odessa Steps from Battleship Potemkin. Nobody appreciated it last time, so now I'm not bothered finding it.

So are you in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of your media studies degree?

Having only seen Blade runner last week (shame on me) i loved it. And the i've seen things scene is fantastic. Also The Last Boy Scout is one of Willis' forgotten films really, but it's one of his best, for one-liners anyway.
Pacino is indeed the man. How could I forget this scene? Inspirational. Superbly written and impeccably acted. Always gets the hair on the back of my neck on end. You can bet your life every sports coach wishes they could produce something like this...

Just a question, sometimes youtubes sounds doesnt work for me, why is this?
