Best graphics in a game


Full Member
Jul 12, 2009
Greater Manchester
Favourite game graphically for me has to be Heavy rain. Mass effect 2 probably next.

Gears of war and Modern warfare 2 were also outstanding.

I consider animation to be important as well as the actual texture so that's why I'm not a big fan of Drakes even though both games are brilliant the animation and the fact that some textures seem amazing and others not so much spoil it for me.

How about everyone else?
The trouble is he's not talking about graphics on a technical level, the question he's actually asking is "best art in a game".

Yep, best art is a fair comment, the game needs draw me in but not just art style. the graphics have to be technically good but also consistent.

A believable and consistent world would probably be my key art styles.
The facial close ups in Heavy Rain are perhaps the best I have seen

Agreed, Heavy Rain was very pleasing on the eye. FF 13 looked superb at times, and average at others. Just Cause 2 has some very good scenery and water effects. Gran Turismo makes some cars look so real you could hardly tell the difference.

But for me Uncharted 2 is the best all rounder with Heavy Rain just behind.
Favourite game graphically for me has to be Heavy rain. Mass effect 2 probably next.

Gears of war and Modern warfare 2 were also outstanding.

I consider animation to be important as well as the actual texture so that's why I'm not a big fan of Drakes even though both games are brilliant the animation and the fact that some textures seem amazing and others not so much spoil it for me.

How about everyone else?

Err...what? Outstanding? Hardly.

Even stranger when you say you look at the animation as a big factor aswell, ever gone in 3rd person view?
Uncharted 2 lacked subtlety for me, some textured were rendered beyond anything in any other game but loads were average.

Personally I prefer overall great textures compared to some brilliant and others average.

Heavy rain just blew me away.

Killzone 2 was also fantastic because of the animation of the levels, so much going on with debris and the superb lighting effects.
Uncharted 2.

Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 was also excellent (I have never seen the 360 version in action so can't compare).
Err...what? Outstanding? Hardly.

Even stranger when you say you look at the animation as a big factor aswell, ever gone in 3rd person view?

Each to there own but I'm not alone in thinking Modern warfare to was graphically brilliant.

The animation of the levels was also very good.

The thread is more about giving your opinion on what you like in games graphically not whining about what I like but feel free.
Each to there own but I'm not alone in thinking Modern warfare to was graphically brilliant.

The animation of the levels was also very good.

The thread is more about giving your opinion on what you like in games graphically not whining about what I like but feel free.

I am not whining, just found it strange to see MW2 spoken in the same light as Heavy Rain and ME2 in graphical terms is all.
Heavy Rain's facial animation was great but judging by the trailers LA Noire is going to be the new benchmark, although the body's still look abit weird.

There has been probably been a lot better after this game. But I always thought Crysis did well on the whole scenery side of the game.

There has been probably been a lot better after this game. But I always thought Crysis did well on the whole scenery side of the game.

That's absolute bollocks, no way has the game ever looked like that, even maxed out.
FFXIII is the best looking game i've played, shame it was garbage

I remember my friends and me going bananas at how gorgeous Flashback was when it came out. Graphics have come along way no doubt
Flashback did look brilliant in the day. So did Another World, Super Mario World 4 on SNES and some of the Disney games.
I remember thinking goldeneye looked brilliant when it came out. Looking back though, wow!
Dated, but even now Shadows of the Colossus still blows me away.

Beat me to it.

Looking forward to seeing it in HD (does anyone know when it is out?).

At times God of War 3 looks fantastic, especially at the beginning.

Heavy Rain and the Uncharted games get my vote though.
Why technically not superb, I thought Red Dead did a fantastic job lighting and distance rendering.

For me, I would love to see Gran Turismo 5 running at a max 30fps. I reckon it would make every game on the current gen console and pc look dated.