Being Human


Ripped :'(
Apr 22, 2008
New show that aired last night. Anyone watched? It's got some very good reviews till now.
Yeah read that but it's been getting some good reviews today so wondered if anyone seen it.
I think the UK version is great, and I'm always wary of remakes. Not least because the female character in the US version doesn't look even half as cute as the one in the UK version.

Think I'll wait until the season and then watch it if the reviews are still god.
3rd Season is turning out to be good. Though it's such a huge transformation from it's orignal incarnation. Anyway, this is basically just a lead in for a story I want to tell..

I was at the QI Christmas party a few months ago (I co-wrote a chapter for their E annual) and was having a conversation with some relatively low end TV people over a fag and some free alcohol about stuff I was trying to work on and it transpired that one of them was privy to the early drafts and development of Being Human and it was very interesting. Apparently it was originally a straight sitcom about 3 people in a flat. The writer was well known for his work on other big stuff (like Dr Who, Hotel Bablyon etc) and as is usual for in house successes, he was given the chance to develop his own show. However the big wigs thought it was too dull as a concept but well written so after a few meetings it was decided the characters be changed to a vampire a ghost and a werewolf, but such was the relative genuis of this concept twist that virtually no dialogue, apart from the needed, was changed. After the pilot was made and aired they recast virtually everyone (bar Russell Tovey) and made it slightly more serious and less comic for reasons pretty much everyone thought was relavent for the concept...I haven't really kept too in touch with it but watching a few episodes here and there it's staggering to see how dramatic and virtually comic-less (apart from some clever wry lines here and there) it's gotten.

Can't say I don't like it though. I think it's one of the rare British things that's doing something original and pretty well. I just find it's progression fascinating. Anyway, Being Human, a rare example of executive medling gone right.
Yeah I got a small amount and basically a percentage of a percentage of every one sold. I think they've forgotten about that though. I got £500 for phoning the US Naval reserve and asking whether Tom Cruise was technically too short to be in Top Gun when I was an elf. (Well, that and some other stuff)
I liked the first season, the second started OK and then lost itself as they seemed to be making it up as they went along. This one has been better although there are lots of things that happen which clearly shouldn't - guess there has to be a certain suspension of disbelief to enjoy it.

I think it is far better when Herrick is around as well, which is another reason why series 2 suffered.
It's a show about a Ghost, a werewolf and Vampire living together, you can't exactly draw a line between things that should and shouldn't happen.

Personally I love it, one of my favourite things on TV right now.
Don't get me wrong, I really like it, there are just some holes in the premise that you have to ignore - it's tricky as the scope of the program seems far greater post-series one than it had before which is reinforced by mockney's comments above.
No that's fair enough, but there's only so much they could do with the first series premise so they pretty much had to change it.

This seasons finale should be good though, I reckon it'll end on a cliff hanger with 'the old ones'
I watched one of these by accident one night. One of those nights where you're just flicking through the channels, saw this, thought it sounded interesting so I watched it.

Enjoyed it and would like to watch more but I could never track it down again.

I also don't like watching things "halfway through". Prefer to start from the beginning.

The episode I watched was where the vampire befriends a boy and lends him a DVD of a cartoon or something but it gets mixed up with a porn DVD and when the boy's mother sees it, she goes ballistic and he gets accused of being a paedo.

Sort of funny and not funny at the same time.
The finale tonight was fantastic I thought. Really good writing.

Aye, thought it was very good tonight. 1st and 3rd series very good in general, 2nd was a bit silly but they recovered very well in this series. Was a brilliant ending and 'the elders' were a good addition, particularly with them being dismissive of Herrick who, despite being great entertainment, wasn't serious enough to be the head honcho so to speak.
On again tonight...So basically no one but us two watched this finale then?....What a crying shame. A whole forum of cuntflaps moaning about TV and movies being shit and when there's a something genuinely well written, british and on free to air TV (as long as you've paid to get freeview of course) no one watches it...

Nah, the 3rd season's been good and the finale was fantastic IMO. And I hate most things on British telly.
I watched it. Are they doing another series?
How's it going to work without Mitchel?
On again tonight...So basically no one but us two watched this finale then?....What a crying shame. A whole forum of cuntflaps moaning about TV and movies being shit and when there's a something genuinely well written, british and on free to air TV (as long as you've paid to get freeview of course) no one watches it...


Bangerwrong is excellent, I will promote it's usage.

Seeing as no one else cares, I won't spoiler this -

Did you find it as funny as I did when George, Annie and Nina faced off the 'elder' at the end? They'd be annhiliated!

Very good ending though, even gave redemption to some of the aspects that undermined previous storylines - exposing Herrick and co as nothing in the big picture made sense to me; always seemed a bit weird to think the hub of the vampire world etc was Bristol.
Annie is a rather useless character....For the "love of her life" who she was willing to spend eternity in a police cell with earlier, she didn't really put up much of a protest when he wanted to be staked....Tovey and the Irish geezer played the end brilliantly though. The 'elder' was fantastically camp on the right sinister note, though since I'm not much of a series regular, I don't really know his significance...But I'm sure it's mega-striesand.
I came to this thread, purely to say,


is really attractive, but does not photograph well.
Yeah, I watched the whole of this series. Best one out of the three - far more drama. There's really not much on to rival it at the moment. Mitchell's character had basically run it's course- you can't very well murder 20 people on the train and then revert to being a character people can empathise with - although wierdly I did up until the end. But he really couldn't go back to normal. I reckon ghosts will have more significance in the next series. Shame Robson Green's character was killed off and Herrick - seemed like they were both killed for the sake of it to make the finale more dramatic.