Behold, The Supaboy

Lance Uppercut

Xbox, PS3 and Wii may be selling by the truckload right now, but that's because those kids don't know what's cool this Christmas. It's all about Super Nintendo.

Hyperkin's Supaboy is a portable SNES, boys and girls. It plays actual Super NES cartridges on the go without you having to hack a real Super NES to bits and try to shove its innards into some crudely-made wooden shell.

It's $80 on Amazon US (it doesn't appear to have a UK release just yet), has a 3.5 inch screen and if you ever feel like playing the big screen it also has an AV out and ports for two real SNES controllers.

All you need now is a copy of Contra III and it's on like Donkey Kong.


I want one but just so that I can play NTSC SNES games on my TV without needing a US console as well as my PAL one. Not really fussed about the portability.
I was all up in arms about the chance to play A Link to the Past on the go! ... then I remembered that I have it on my old GBA.
Are they re releasing SNES cartridges? If not, it's a bust.