

Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Is this not one of the best films of the 1980's? It's got everything you could wish for like sword fighting, magic, scary insane BDSM monsters, freaky religious types, heroic sidekick, fit bird, a couple of weasels called Podo & Kodo, loincloths, and some other shit I can't exactly remember.

I'm amazed the modern-day studio cnuts haven't remade it yet.
Is this not one of the best films of the 1980's? It's got everything you could wish for like sword fighting, magic, scary insane BDSM monsters, freaky religious types, heroic sidekick, fit bird, a couple of weasels called Podo & Kodo, loincloths, and some other shit I can't exactly remember.

I'm amazed the modern-day studio cnuts haven't remade it yet.

Really don't want them to. Podo and Kodo, the sacrifice. :(
The masked beserkers. So much great stuff.
Loved this film as a kid. As an adult looking back, I'm a bit concerned about the Tiger that they dyed black!

I don't remember there being a lion in it.

His hair is different too. Must be from summat else. He looks a bit like Bjorn from ABBA
That movie was epic. I would watch it on tv all the time as a kid. I don't think it's on DVD though. :(