BBC3's latest offerings


(• ___ •)
Dec 31, 2007
The King Is Dead - Thought it was fecking rubbish. Pointless show. Simon Bird has gone down in my estimation.

Him & Her - Liked it, there something about the girl :drool::drool: She's amazing.

Anyone seen them?
I saw an advert for that King is Dead thing, and I didn't really understand the point. :confused:
Also saw a thing called The Klang Show the other week with Greg Davies. It was fecking horrible. Could not be less funny.
Him&Her was decent on first viewing - lets see if they keep it up
I liked it :nervous:

It may have just not been to my taste. I'm kind of sick of shows like that. His two sidekicks aren't funny either. Girls aren't funny and the other guy was meh imo.
It struck me as one of the most retarded shows ever. I don't think Simon Bird is at all funny and the concept seemed fecking weird.
There should be some more after the first ep, that arse and those legs :drool:
It may have just not been to my taste. I'm kind of sick of shows like that. His two sidekicks aren't funny either. Girls aren't funny and the other guy was meh imo.

Yeah I get where you're coming from. It's very much trash. It probably helped that I had low expectations.
Him and Her was wank...You could see it sort of worked as a script, but I didn't find him believable as a straight person, and despite the girl being very feckable, there weren't enough things that I thought were good lines or situations...

I'm gonna have a pee isn't a funny line, and people being scared of a spider is cartoon shit

The King is Dead on the other hand, was poison to my eyes.
Him & Her seemed alright although the guy seems to be batting out of his league and this oddly annoyed me.
I don't know which BBC chanel it was but I saw Grandma's House the other night and it was absolute tripe. Truly shocking.
Yeah Grandma's House is dire....It's the Royal family on ketamine...

I don't get why Simon Amstell would have a cockney family? Why you would like any of his cockney family? Why it's all set up for him to make quips, which then aren't very good, and why nothing ever happens?
I don't know which BBC chanel it was but I saw Grandma's House the other night and it was absolute tripe. Truly shocking.

Ye that one is horrific - shame as I used to like Amstell