BBC iPlayer on PS3

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BBC iPlayer on PlayStation 3? Not Yet

Anthony Rose 14 Apr 08, 12:33 PM

I was interested to read that someone has managed to make BBC iPlayer work on the PS3 by pretending that it's a Wii.

As you know, our aim is to make BBC iPlayer available on a broad range of devices. We'd love to be on every popular device tomorrow, including the PS3, and it was on our roadmap. However, the reality is that we only have finite developer resources, and we need to divide our development time between expanding the platforms iPlayer is available on versus all the other cool things that we're working on (better video quality, personalisation, new site features, etc).

For each new device that we plan to support, we look at both a short and long term strategy, starting with encoding our content in a suitable format for browser-enabled devices that can view the iPlayer site, and moving in the longer term to possible customised versions of the site or even full custom applications for that device.

So, while I'm impressed that someone has done this, this doesn't mean that it's the best possible iPlayer proposition for that console. We're investigating the optimal video profile and browser proposition to enable us to officially make iPlayer available on PS3 in due course.

By the way, if the person who created the ps3iplayer port is looking for a job at the BBC, (s)he's welcome to contact me ;-)

Anthony Rose is Head of Digital Media Technology, Future Media & Technology.
What PS3 needs is its own app you can download and install and it appears under the new TV category that PlayTV gives, rather than having to fudge it through the web browser.

What PS3 needs is its own app you can download and install and it appears under the new TV category that PlayTV gives, rather than having to fudge it through the web browser.


Yup. Agree with that.

The beeb are being a bit slack about rolling out iPlayer to new platforms though.

"In due course..." Pffft...

As a sky subscriber (for obvious, football-related reasons) I have no intention of buying the Play Tv add-on though. I would want to be able to use iPlayer without buying any additional hardware.
I think that PlayTV will expand over time, but we will see. For example, depending on the inputs it has, I can see no reason why Sony could not do a deal with Sky such that instead of a card in a Skybox, you subscription was linked to your PSN username. I've always said that the problem the PS3 has as a true media centre is that there is no input sockets for TV. We'll see.
Just found that works on the ps3, has all the freeview channels streaming live.
Just found that works on the ps3, has all the freeview channels streaming live.

Does anyone know of any other online streaming sites (apart from youtube) that work with the PS3?

Some channels work (I've been watching the 24/7 Seinfeld one recently) but most of the movie channels are too jerky to watch. Megavideo works but after a few minutes the sound and picture go out of sync.