
looks good, what console is it for, if any?

PS3 and 360.

Eurogamer loved it as well Bayonetta Review | Xbox 360 | Eurogamer

'The result is a game that exemplifies so much of what commentators claim has died in the Japanese game industry. A blast of creative brilliance, both technically accomplished, strategically deep and infused with rare imagination, Bayonetta represents the pinnacle of its chosen niche.'
I was looking forward to this during the summer and then forgot clean about it. Looks mental. Assassins Creed 2 can go and shite, i'll be getting this and MW2 after xmas when i've finally got some money together.
Famitsu gave it 40/40 which is about as high praise as you can get.

Although they are handing them out with too much regularity these days, New Super Mario game deffo didn't deserve it.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I've just started playing this and it's really good. I prefer the fighting to the other games in this genre, coz there's way more moves and combos, plus there's huge demons which can be summoned to finish off a particularly tough foe, a la Final Fantasy. I've just beat Castlevania, so this will satisfy me for a while til Darksiders 2 arrives.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I've just started playing this and it's really good. I prefer the fighting to the other games in this genre, coz there's way more moves and combos, plus there's huge demons which can be summoned to finish off a particularly tough foe, a la Final Fantasy. I've just beat Castlevania, so this will satisfy me for a while til Darksiders 2 arrives.

I never really got into this, just like Heavenly Sword I struggle to play with a female character....
Mega bump....had it for ages(because it was £7 in HMV last year)....started it's the most fun I've had in a single player game for years, seriously. Might not be better than the two Arkhams and Skyrim etc on a complete basis, but it's fun as hell.

Rather than DMC, seems more like a Ninja Gaiden type thing for me(another game I absolutely loved, first one anyway.) friend with a PS3 said the same, but he still went ahead and platinumed it on PS3. So it can't be that much worse.
I got to Stage 11 or something (it's a motorway) and found it too hard. It's great craic, though, and the music is inspired. I love the Cardigans.
didnt notice this thread. got it a while ago - bloody good fun, and very challenging even on normal difficulty.

well worth a go if you can get it cheap....i never did get round to finishing it though, got quite close to the end mind.
Whilst I see your intention, no. Its just too bloody hard.
I do not have that option, unfortunately. Technical issues with the PS3 version?
It' s still playable and a very good game, but it was originally developed for XB360 by Platinum and then ported to the PS3 later as Nex Entertainment was given this task by SEGA. It's just not as good as the XB360 version in terms of framerate, smoothness, and overall graphical polish. Hopefully if they every do a sequel, Platinum Games will do both versions.
I always found the sub-games (where you have to kill the angels in a certain way within the time limit) to be very hard. I'm not sure if I ever beat one of them. Still a fantastic game, though.
I bought it for the 360 (£7) a few weeks ago. Haven't played it yet.
Why haven't I played this til now?! The pacing and responsiveness of the controls are absolutely ridiculous! I love the corny and cheesy character lines too, for some reason.

I guess I won't see daylight for a few days now.
It's definitely good, even though I have no idea what the hell is going on for the most part. My only gripe is the stupid music that kicks in when you start fighting.