This child is accusing me of racist sterotyping in my Post - "Black Men Cann't JUmp"
When I pointed out in a PM it was just a Pun on "White Men Cann't Jump" he then said that my line where Black men are not good Goalies because they are afraid of catching a cold from standing around in the one is rasict.
I then pointed out that this is an old Chris Rock Joke - along with - When they start heating Ice Rinks - you will start to see Black Ice Hockey players ruling that sport.
Imo, Warner Bros and indeed Chris Rocks all are not racists.
He then realised they were not rasict remarks and rightfully accused me of knowing feck all about Football and told me to stay away from the Football forum.
All very confrontational from him, and indeed childish to say the least.
Fortunately I am talking to Blythy today by phone and I will gauge his opinion on this child and ascertain what was in that PM Blythy sent.