Azealia Banks


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
Does the caf approve?

Personally I don't think there are enough songs about cnuts getting eaten in the charts these days.

I like this one below a lot, even if the production on the chorus doesn't really work and sounds a bit messy.

Her set at Coachella went down very well too, apparently. So, what's the verdict?

Valid reasons for disliking her include:-
- She calls herself Yung Rapunxel
- She was top of NME's 2011 Cool List
- She may end up making a never-ending barrage of tragically shit collaborations with David Guetta and Flo Rida in a year or two.
Heard that first track on the radio in the car the other day. My missus told me it's the best pop song she's heard in years. I wasn't really following the lyrics but I now think she may have been trying to tell me something...

Good tune though. I like.

Don't like the second one at all.
I'm a hip-hop snob so I disapprove. She's not bad I guess but I just don't like the pop sound. I prefer her to Nicki Minaj though. I'm willing to hear a body of work from her first before writing her off.
I'd hit it....with a shovel.

I like parts of that 212 but it pisses me off at the same time and that video makes me hate it even more. It's rare for a hip hop/pop track not to annoy me these days, too much fabricated attitude.
The first one, she looks like Evra. Every time I see her face I think Evra.

Also the song makes no sense and I don't like that stupid little dance she does.

:lol: I couldnt watch that video without pissing myself laughing after reading that comment.

Also its probably racist :nono:
Seriously. 0:42. It's Patrice.


In a completely non racial way, her face just looks like Evras to me.
Terrible. I can't imagine how feckin' shite they would be if I hit play.