Austin Powers

The first one is alright. The others are recycled garbage.
I disagree I thought all three films were funny.
First one is definately the best, can barely remember anything about the other two.
I never even saw all of the first one and have had no urge to finish or to watch 2 or 3
Even more funny was Mike Myers' distinctly Austin Powersish scene in Inglorious Basterds.
First was great, second was funny, got old by the third. They're all decent enough, but the first two hold up to repeat viewings much, much better than the third one.
I haven't seen the third properly. And because i haven't seen the first two for a while, now could be a good idea to watch the third for me i think, so i don't get the feeling that ive seen it all before.

Time to "purchase" i think.
"I don't recall your name, but your fez... is familiar."