

Full Member
Jul 12, 2005
So what headphones do you use and how much did you pay for them?

For some reason, I need to buy a new pair every 6 months, probably because I wind them around my Ipod and it loses audio in one ear. I've had a pair of Sennheiser and Bose in-ears which didn't last more than 6 months each and now I'm thinking of buying a proper 'headset' pair. Any recommendations?
I've heard good things about Audio Technica and Shure but don't want to waste too much money without research.
Don't buy dr.dre headphones, I have them and they great, I also got them quite cheap, however the price you would normally pay for them at retail, you could easily get better quality ones.

there's actually a thread on this in the generals first page, headphones/earphones.
This is the second thread in 24 hours, look in the general.

It's also about the 2954439303552nd time this thread has been done.

For the record, my beats are awesome.