Audio problems on PS3 by Cinavia


Its Baltic!
Oct 20, 2006
Whilst watching a movie on the PS3 and the audio is falling out, blocked by Cinavia (?!), error code 3. Does anyone know how to bypass it?!
I haven't had problems with it for a while but when I did this method worked for me:

Go to your sound settings
Select audio output settings
Switch from HDMI to optical digital (even if you use HDMI)
Select every setting there is, then SAVE IT.
Once its saved, it will take you back to sound settings, select audio multi-output and turn it ON.

I also just read that it needs an internet connection to classify the audio, so if you disconnect from the net before you play the file that may work. If it has already noted that a file is DRM protected it won't work though, but it has been suggested that you can disconnect from the net, rename the file and then try again with the renamed file.

I have't tried this method though so it may be bullshit.
It is because you are watching a pirated film where the digital soundtrack has been ripped off from a DRM protected cinema version. You can watch it on your computer but the PS3 won't play it. Unless some of the tips and tricks mentioned work which I doubt somewhat.
It is because you are watching a pirated film where the digital soundtrack has been ripped off from a DRM protected cinema version. You can watch it on your computer but the PS3 won't play it. Unless some of the tips and tricks mentioned work which I doubt somewhat.

I was going to call you a doubting Thomas Wibble, at least regarding the optical out method as I've used it myself, but reading the extensive thread on Doom9: "Cinavia"/Verance BluRay audio watermark protection - Doom9's Forum suggests that the reason this method worked was a hardware flaw on the PS3, and it has since been sorted with a firmware update so no longer works.

As I posted it's not something I've had to bother with for some time.

To the OP, as Wibble said, watch it on your pc, or find a non-DRM audio track and remux it if you really must have it on your PS3.