Audio fun in video games

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Amad World
I remember in FIFA '98 I think it was (the one where you could play 4 a side indoor), one of Andy Gray's audio bits was "lovely control on the ball"...if you did it right and scored just as he started to say it, it would cut him off and the line would instead sound like "lovely cnut".

Any other fun bits of audio you lot recall?
Pretty much all of the Pro Evo commentary is hilarious.
I can't remember what game it was but it was for the Sega Saturn where the commentator would start a sentence like so....

"That shot's gone closer to the corner fl-OH IT'S A GOAL!"
I frequently have Mark Lawrenson question my decision to shoot from a penatly on Pro Evo.
ISS64. I reckon they made the game, realised they had no commentary so just threw it in an hour before the deadline.

Even simple things like announcing the teams at the beginning, the commentator (I don't know who it was) sounds like they asked him to record every word in the dictionary sepearately so they could chop it together themselves. He would say one team's name soft and quietly, following by 'versus' or 'against' in a totally different tone and then another team's name loud and aggressive. Hard to portray on here, but like: "Today's match is ENGLAND! against... Scotlaaaand."

There was also a particular point in the centre circle where if you fouled someone he'd say: "That's got to be a penalty!"

It was mental. Terrific gameplay though, in fairness.
When first installing Warcraft 2 there was a button to test the soundcard, and you could hear a Human Footman saying "Your soundcard works perfectly". If you press it too many times (tempting because his voice is funny) he, in an annoyed tone, said: "It doesn't get any better than this".

EDIT: Ah, found it :D

Also love the random pedestrian that says "I smoke 'cause it gives me knowledge" in GTA: San Andreas
When I was young the only thing that was funny was fart noises.

I remember being about 7 and playing Super Mario World on the SNES - going through a door in a castle sounded like a fart.

That could keep me amused for a good 45 minutes.
There was a farting plant in Tombi, i remember i used to just jump onto it over and over again to hear it. And the pigs squeal as you jumped on their heads was good too, i loved Tombi and apparently it's going to be on the PSN soon.
When first installing Warcraft 2 there was a button to test the soundcard, and you could hear a Human Footman saying "Your soundcard works perfectly". If you press it too many times (tempting because his voice is funny) he, in an annoyed tone, said: "It doesn't get any better than this".

EDIT: Ah, found it :D

Also love the random pedestrian that says "I smoke 'cause it gives me knowledge" in GTA: San Andreas

In Warcraft 1 if you clicked on someone he'd say "My leige" or "Your bidding" and then if you kept clicking on him he'd keep repeating one of those standard phrases the first few times, but if you kept going he'd say "WHAT?" and then one more he'd say "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" and then finally "WHY DO YOU KEEP TOUCHING ME?"
Ah GTA 4 had serious ones lol

"Pick the sweetcorn from my shit!" If you roughed up a random pedestrian

"Lick my love puddle" if you bumped into a random hooker

My fave was in Red Dead Redemption when you visit one of the little guesthouse brothels you could eavesdrop on conversations and i heard one of the madames say
"Aint nothing worse in the world than a man with a dry pecker!" :lol:
I was playing FIFA 11 last night, United vs. Arsenal and Andy Gray said:

"Well this fixture has generally been the top of the table clash in England, that is until the last two years when Jose Mourinho's Chelsea came along."

Anyone else had this?!
In Warcraft 1 if you clicked on someone he'd say "My leige" or "Your bidding" and then if you kept clicking on him he'd keep repeating one of those standard phrases the first few times, but if you kept going he'd say "WHAT?" and then one more he'd say "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" and then finally "WHY DO YOU KEEP TOUCHING ME?"

Yeah, that's a Blizzard's classic, each unit has it's own "annoyed replies", in Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 and in Starcraft as well.

But the first time I ran into that idea was when I installed Warcraft 2 hence my choice. :D