Ask The Opposition: Chelsea


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
We asked Chelsea fans on /r/chelseafc some questions to see their thoughts on Monday's game. Huge thanks to those who responded for taking the time to answer them.


What have you made of your season so far?

EnglishMD: Disaster of a season in more ways than one. Transition is one thing but to alienate and annoy so many fans, under-perform like we have and suffer from problems due to issues that Stevie Wonder could have spotted back in August, it's all a bit too much

AndytheAlbatross: Disappointed we haven't come out with as much silverware as i thought, though i was aware this would be a transitional season. A little disappointed in the huge gap between Man Utd and us.

Squake: I'm a bit disapointed in the sacking of RDM and the fact that we didn't make it past the group stages of the CL, but I'm satisfied with the rest.

Nevascurred: Disappointing season. We could have won the Super cup and the Club world cup. I was skeptical that we could win the premier league with so many new players but I had hoped we could have secured a nice lead in the second or third spot. Also disappointing that we didn't get out of the group stages at the Champions League. I had hoped we could have gone a lot further this year.

Rynoh: The season has been what I expected, a true year of transition. The club has done its best to alienate the old guard and make it clear that they need to move on when their contracts are up. The goal all along seems to have been to finish top 4, set the field for a new coach to come in with little of the old guard left in the dressing room.

What were your expectations of the team before this season started?

EnglishMD: Related to the above, not great. I didn't think we'd embarrass ourselves like we did in Monaco and Japan but I assumed we'd be struggling for top 4 if we didn't sign proper reinforcements

AndytheAlbatross: Improve in the league to 3rd, win the FA cup, at least come out of group stages in CL, win the club world cup, somewhat expected torres to really have a great season.

Squake: I was expecting us to be pretty consistent all season and finish in the top 4, and was expecting CL quarterfinals.

Rynoh: I expected we'd win 1 or 2 of the easier competitions we were in and thought we'd make it out of the group stages of the Champions League. I guess it isn't a surprise that we didn't since the team is stuck playing a formation due to it suiting Mata when most of the team would be better in a 4-3-3 especially our midfield.

Who has been your best player this season?

EnglishMD: Juan Mata, his consistent 9/10 performances have steadied the ship and got us out of a lot of trouble. Hazard has the odd perfect game in him but Mata really has been sensational

AndytheAlbatross: Mata for sure, has scored important goals, has loads of assists and controls the game.

Squake: Juan Mata and Frank Lampard.. they both are very consistent and make big plays when needed.

Who has been your most improved player this season?

EnglishMD: I'd have to say Mata. While he looked so promising last season, he has really stepped up to be our main man now

AndytheAlbatross: Probably between luiz and lukaku (even on loan). Moses has had a big improvement over when he was at wigan.

i4foot: Difficult one to answer with the changes we have made with the squad and the overall season we have had this year. I would have to say Luiz. Looks less dodgy. Coming of age. Looks to be a leader on and off the pitch. Can also do a job in Midfield.

Bridgers: Mikel? This season I have realised what he actually does for the team when he's on the pitch, when in previous years I hadn't noticed. Maybe that's down to my higher interest in formations/tactics this year.

UndercoverFiretruck: I'd say it is between Luiz and Azpilicueta. Azpilicueta was brought in as the backup for the RB position, but has now rightly taken that position from Iva. Luiz is still far from the finished product, but he is vastly improving his defensive game, adapting to the midfield when needed, and most importantly, developing into a leader.

Who have been your best and worst signings this season?

EnglishMD: Hazard has a bright future ahead of him, it was a coup for the club to sign him in light of the competition. Honourable mention to Azpilicueta, looks a good player for £6m or so. Worst would probably be Marko Marin but he's the only signing I wouldn't call 'good', a surprisingly error-free set of transfers this Summer, just not enough of them

AndytheAlbatross: Best: Hazard, Azpilicueta has also been a great signing. Worst: Marin, has sort of an insurance policy anyways, hasn't had much first team time but when he has he hasn't been great.

Nevascurred: Hazard is a great signing and I think he will be even better next year. Marin has been unlucky, getting injured and maybe not getting the game time that he deserves. But I think he has not shown his true potential.

Rynoh: Hazard without a doubt. Azpi, Oscar, and Moses were all successful signings as well. Worst is obviously Marin, that and bringing Yosi back from loan....

Is there a player you'd love to see Chelsea sign in the summer?

AndytheAlbatross: If Mourinho comes i'd like to see Coentrão come with him. We also need another striker and/or mid.

Squake: I'd love to see Lewandowski at Chelsea.. great striker, I think would fit perfctly with us.

Nevascurred: We need a quality striker. Torres has not performed as well as he has been expected to. I think Cavani or Falcao would be great at Chelsea.

Rynoh: Fellaini and Benat. I think Fellaini gives us a physical presence we are drastically missing and can give huge tactical flexibility with his ability to play multiple positions. Everyone claims we need a deep lieing playmaker, this would be good, or you know we could push the defensive line higher and quit leaving so much space in between the lines.

UndercoverFiretruck: Either (or both?) of the Bender twins to strengthen the midfield. Lewandowski as long as we don't overpay for him, and the cherry on top would be a defender like Howedes.

jitendragarg: I don't think we need strikers, as Lukaku is doing great. But, we should be signing someone like wilshere to add to our midfield, if we are to continue with current formation. Also needed is a central defender like Hummels to replace terry.

How do you feel about the situation with Florent Malouda this season?

EnglishMD: Nobody knows the exact details. What is most likely is that the club told him he had no future here, offers were made but at a salary he didn't want and he's exercised his right to stay and collect a paycheque. I might not like it on a personnel level but it sends a message that the club is willing to play hardball

AndytheAlbatross: I kinda wish he'd have just left but there has also been times when we could have used him in our squad (like during AFCON) when we didn't use him for some reason. So overall... shrug

Nevascurred: Sad situation. The club wanted to get rid of him, he wouldn't leave for less pay. Neither the club or the player won. I think we could have used him this season but maybe we don't know the full story.

i4foot: A tough one. I personally don’t know enough about the situation. He seems like a mercenary. Wanted to leave, but wasn’t offered enough money from Santos. We gave him warnings, but he didn’t seem to care. He will probably just see out his contract whilst training with the reserves on ridiculous money.

Rynoh: FloMo got the shaft and I feel like in some ways it was to send a message to Torres. As bad as our forward play is we could of used him at some times this season, but I understand why the club did what they did.

UndercoverFiretruck: It's unfortunate that a player so vital to our 09/10 season success is now training with the reserves. I think both parties are to blame for, since Florent knew about his position within the squad and management took a nasty approach in dealing with him. I hope he finds a team next season.

Your thoughts on the Lampard contract situation too?

AndytheAlbatross: Sign him up, he is a club legend and his performance has been good this season.

Nevascurred: It's a shame that he will (most likely) not finish his career at Chelsea. Emotion aside I think he would be useful next season.

Rynoh: I'm in the minority here but I think they are making the correct business decision. He is currently our 3rd best midfielder behind Ramires and Mikel and we will be bringing in another midfielder this off season. He makes to much money for us to keep as an accessory.

Bridgers: My heart tells me I want him to stay, but I'd also like us to move on because we'll have to move on sooner or later.

UndercoverFiretruck: On the one hand I believe that a legend like him should have a place on the team as a thank you for all he has done. On the other hand, he does seem to cause headaches for whoever happens to be choosing the starting XI that particular week. If he accepts a diminished role in the team, then I think it's imperative we keep him for the experience he can bring to our relatively young team.

In the past few years, Chelsea's academy has consistently done well in the Youth Cups and NextGen Cup, is it a source of frustration for you guys that the academy players in the past haven't been given the chance they deserve in the first team?

AndytheAlbatross: In some cases I am disappointed with the lack of first team time for our younger players, but at the same time many of them haven't impressed that much. Our current crop does look more promising, however.

Squake: A bit, we always sign young players from other clubs also and don't give them playing time, and their talents goes to waste (See Kakuta)

i4foot: Yes. It could be argued some of the players in the past weren’t good enough. Which I agree with. However, the current batch of youngsters are good enough imo, and when we get a stable manager (if ever) who isn’t afraid of using the young'uns, and then they can make quite the impact at Chelsea and their respective Nations.

Rynoh: Not at all, if they are good enough they will make it into the squad, if not they will be sold generally for a profit. Football is a business and the kids are getting a lot of experience, coaching, and exposure from Chelsea.

UndercoverFiretruck: It is frustrating to see so much talent wasted, but I can understand why no manager has taken a chance with the youth. I wanted so bad for AVB to be the guy to finally start working with our reserves, but he probably handled it the worst (sigh!). I just hope the next manager has the support of both us the fans and Mr. Abramovich to do wonders with our youth pool.

Chelsea have around 20-odd players on loan at the moment, which of those players do you think can make an impact in your first team next summer?

EnglishMD: Lukaku, DeBruyne, Courtois could all have a big say in the future Chelsea. If Chalobah grows and learns his trade the way we all hope he will, he could become a big fixture for us too

AndytheAlbatross: Lukaku and De Bruyne. Courtois could probably play in the first team, but Cech is still performing.

Rynoh: Depends on the decisions the club makes. I feel we could sell Cech while he still has a high value and move on to Courtois right now and not see a drop off. Lukaku is already better then any striker on our roster and KDB is an improvement over Yosi and Marin. I could see Patrick Van Aanolt making some noise for left back soon as well.

Bridgers: Lukaku and De Bruyne I'm sure can challenge for places in the team. Whether they can hold one down will depend on their performances. Haven't followed McEachran, Chalobah or Piazon recently but I think they will be able to soon.

UndercoverFiretruck: The Belgians have all impressed in their respective clubs and I hope KDB and Lukaku (aka Drogba 2.0) settle in nicely with the first team. Kalas has also impressed, so I would love to see him add to our squad depth next season.

Who do you think is the best player in the league?

EnglishMD: RvP wins games and earns points, pure and simple. I was strongly in favour of bringing him in during the Summer and I had the feeling we could have if we'd moved quickly enough, once United stepped in with the increased likelihood of trophies, we were dead in the water

Squake: I'd say Bale, Suarez or Mata (bit biased)

Rynoh: Yaya Toure

Bridgers: Mata. He can score, he can assist, he has a great record and often plays well in big games (like vs Spurs).
Like the majority of Chelsea fans, were you aggrieved at the sacking of Roberto Di Matteo? How do you think your season would have panned out had he not been dismissed?

EnglishMD: I don't think he was ever good enough at this level and with the pressure of the Chelsea job in particular. While he gave us the best moment of our club's history, he also failed to get us through the group stages this season, when relying on Drogba was no longer an option. Had he stayed on I don't think we'd be in much different shape than we are now, though. The problem we face is a lack of squad depth and fatigue, some of Rafa's more baffling decisions aside I don't think DiMatteo would have done much better, if at all

AndytheAlbatross: Obviously I didn't like to see him go, especially with Rafa coming in as a former rival manager. Honestly, I can't say our season would have been better or worse. Credit to Rafa for making our defense much more solid but we really lacked results for a bit there. Recently we have been playing a lot better though.

Squake: Our season was going great until we lost that game against united.. we played horribly for the next couple of games and dropped alot of points, and this led to the sacking of RDM.. Rafa hasn't done too bad at Chelsea, but I wish we stillhad Di Matteo.

Rynoh: There was never any chance of him making it through the season. Roman wanted Pep, there was no way the fans were going to embrace Pep if we fired RDM to get to him. Firing him at the first sign of trouble allowed management to appoint a manager that is so despised that the next manager will be loved regardless of who it is.

voilavoila: No, he dropped Torres for Eden Hazard in our biggest Champions League game away to Juventus, it was a game we needed not to lose and we got thumped 3-0. He also blew away a 2-0 lead at the Bridge - failing to get the defence and midfield's backsides together and sitting back at the efforts of boy wonder Oscar. He was a great player for Chelsea, but was right out of his depth as a manager.

jitendragarg: Didn't felt anything for RDM, but was pissed at this sacking trend. We wasted 2 years in transition, because of this instability. By now, we should have had replacement ready for Lampard, Terry and Cech. But, right now, we are struggling to replace drogba. Getting pissed should be considered normal.

Although, I never had much expectation from this season, so RDM might have achieved those expectations. Good environment during matches, high player moral would have helped him too.

Have you seen much of United this season? If so what are your thoughts?

AndytheAlbatross: I have seen about 8-9 games and my brother has seen about 12-14. United is a good club and definitely deserves to be on top with the way other teams have played this season. I think you guys have been fortunate in some your results with ridiculous chicharito and van persie heroics but overall you should be in first.

i4foot: Look strong. Van Persie proving important, despite the slump in form. Carrick and Rafael also proving to be important players for United.

Rynoh: I've seen about 15 or 20 games on television this season, I think United is a flawed team but they have an extreme excess of talent up top that allowed them to overcome poor play in other areas of the pitch especially against what seems to be a weak premier league.

UndercoverFiretruck: I've seen a few matches and while I don't like the calls that United almost always gets, they've simply been the most consistent team. No one can say that SAF and the boys haven't earned the title this year.

Do you think the points difference shows the gap in quality between United and the rest of the league? How does this make you feel about United in general?

EnglishMD: This is one of the poorest seasons in terms of quality for a long time, an opinion reinforced by the shocking display of the English clubs in the Champions League. While everyone is generally worse than last season, Spurs have improved slightly and United have all but maintained their level. That's been good enough to win the title convincingly

AndytheAlbatross: I think United has been consistent this season, something Man City and Chelsea really can't say. The fact that you guys have had a bit of luck, a great manager and have achieved consistent results coupled with Chelsea/Man City inconsistency created a bigger gap than I believe there should be.

My opinion of United? You guys obviously are a great club and I love that you have tons of youth players in your ranks, something we hope to emulate. I wouldn't say you guys are better overall than us in any area other than strikers and next year i think we can really contend for the title.

Squake: I don't like United. They outplayed every team this season and deserve to win the title.. They are very consistent and got great squad depth, and this is the main reason why they are on top. Also feck Chicharito.

i4foot: United again proving strength in depth. Something I feel Chelsea lack. I think United have done well this season but won’t be as one sided next year. The gap in quality is closing.

UndercoverFiretruck: United have been the smartest team in the league, and that's why they are on top. They have not dropped important points and have managed to stray away from lengthy rough patches, and that's crucial. City and Chelsea had everything necessary to compete for the title, but in the end the team with the least mistakes is the one who'll be lifting the trophy. I'm not taking anything away from United, but hopefully next season all three teams play to their full potential and make it an interesting race.

Finally, predictions for the game?

EnglishMD: We'll win by a few, the feel good factor will return and Rafa will get a lap of honour after the match, as demanded by the fans... Or 2-1 to us

Squake: Obviously hoping for a Chelsea win.. I think it will go to penalties, and John Terry will slip but still score his.

i4foot: Not overly confident but still think we can get the win. Would like to mainly focus on the Prem to get a top 4 finish even though it looks increasingly likely so a go at retaining the FA cup would be good and less focus on the europa league. 2-1 Chelsea.

Rynoh: I hope we roll over and play a complete B team and get out of the FA Cup. With 4 games in 8 days I'd rather play our starters Sat, Thu, Sun and ditch Mon, I think Rafa will try to go for the win though and with our luck we will get it leading to more fixture congestion and a hard run in to stay in the top 4.
Rynoh: I hope we roll over and play a complete B team and get out of the FA Cup. With 4 games in 8 days I'd rather play our starters Sat, Thu, Sun and ditch Mon, I think Rafa will try to go for the win though and with our luck we will get it leading to more fixture congestion and a hard run in to stay in the top 4.

What a nutter
I'm a bit disapointed in the sacking of RDM and the fact that we didn't make it past the group stages of the CL, but I'm satisfied with the rest.

fecking hell battling for 4th, lost the world club championship and super cup and he's satisfied. Not forgetting they are the European champions it's been a disaster of a season. Good read though I enjoy these threads.
I always find it odd how, in the last 4 or 5 years at least, Chelsea seem to have consistently brilliant youth teams yet fail to bring any at all into the first team. In recent times people have raved about the likes of Kakuta, Di Santo, Borini, Bruma and Mancienne but none of these proved even remotely good enough.

McEachran hasn't really impressed since his early promise but I suppose the jury is still out. Bertrand is now a squad player, Chalobah looks the part at Watford and Ake looked decent on his debut, but I wouldn't be surprised if those three struggle to find a place in the side and end up moving on. The current crop again looks to have some gems but I think I'll reserve judgement until they reach the top level.

For me the constant reshuffle of managers is really damaging to the development of these youngsters, with each transfer window prompting new managers to plug holes in the side with expensive imports and restrict chances for those that impressed under previous management. Courtois, De Bruyne and Lukaku look great on loan but they can hardly be seen as youth products as they were purchased at significant expense from overseas. Chelsea have spent a huge amount of money on that youth system of late and, despite getting results at youth level, they've had a poor return in terms of producing players for the first team.
I don't quite understand this whole argument that this is the weakest the Premier League has ever been, which I've read in numerous places now. It almost seems like its an excuse to alleviate United winning the league, as if to say "It's okay. United deserve it because everyone else has been rubbish" whereas last season seemed to be being touted as the a classic Premier League season; conveniently one that United didn't win. With the amount clubs are spending, and how teams from top to bottom are studded with good international players, I can't get behind the argument that this division is weak when City and Chelsea have spent close to half a billion each since being taken over, and are bringing in big, exciting players. A few years ago, there was a gulf of quality between the top 3 or 4 and the rest of the division, and now I do believe there is a good distribution of quality across the board. There's just not a single easy game. It seems like City and Chelsea have stumbled a little in games against resilient, hard working teams lower down the leagues, whereas United have battled through, though have looked troubled and uncomfortable at times. If anything, that makes the league stronger and more competitive. There's only 10 points separating 9th place and the relegation zone, which is very telling of that. Years ago, the gulf in quality from the big teams and the rest of the league was bemoaned, and now that gap has drastically closed and league is much tougher meaning top teams are a little less consistent, it is bemoaned even more.
You wouldn't have gotten such magnanimous responses from the chavs on the shed end forum. As with the last game, a very good read. I always like to hear opinions from other fans about United.
I don't quite understand this whole argument that this is the weakest the Premier League has ever been, which I've read in numerous places now. It almost seems like its an excuse to alleviate United winning the league, as if to say "It's okay. United deserve it because everyone else has been rubbish" whereas last season seemed to be being touted as the a classic Premier League season; conveniently one that United didn't win. With the amount clubs are spending, and how teams from top to bottom are studded with good international players, I can't get behind the argument that this division is weak when City and Chelsea have spent close to half a billion each since being taken over, and are bringing in big, exciting players. A few years ago, there was a gulf of quality between the top 3 or 4 and the rest of the division, and now I do believe there is a good distribution of quality across the board. There's just not a single easy game. It seems like City and Chelsea have stumbled a little in games against resilient, hard working teams lower down the leagues, whereas United have battled through, though have looked troubled and uncomfortable at times. If anything, that makes the league stronger and more competitive. There's only 10 points separating 9th place and the relegation zone, which is very telling of that. Years ago, the gulf in quality from the big teams and the rest of the league was bemoaned, and now that gap has drastically closed and league is much tougher meaning top teams are a little less consistent, it is bemoaned even more.


I really hate those backhanded compliments(if you can call them that). When opposing fans call us lucky or corrupt, it's hilarious. When they start to blame the league for being crap, it's just annoying as hell. They're basically just saying that we're only a decent side who happens to be "up for it" at the right time. Oh, you definitely deserve to win the league, seeing as you have the most points and all heheheeh...
My motherfecking reddit name. Solius was taken.
Another good read. Hernandez seems to torment their dreams :lol:

Nice that one of the picked up on Carrick and Rafael being key to our team this season.