Ask The Opposition 2014/15: Milton Keynes Dons (Capital One Cup - Away)


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Back by very popular demand is the return of Ask The Opposition. Our segment where we ask fans of opposing teams forums some questions and post a selection of the responses back on here.

I've asked questions to MK Dons fans on The Concrete Roundabout and here are their responses. Thanks to some newbie users for providing some of the questions (they have been credited):

Q1: With a forum made specifically for this game, excitement definitely seems to be building for the match. What do you personally feel about this game?

Young Alby:
Personally, I am very excited. But not as excited as I would have been had it been in the FA Cup on a Saturday at 3PM. Somehow, it just feels more anticipating and exciting. But excited anyway, it's a dream come true to host United here in front of a packed crowd.

kempstondons: i think i can say the vast majority of dons fans cant wait for this game with the excitment levels reaching fever pitch!

Bacchus: I think it's a great event and a historic match to look back on and say 'I was there' but I don't think I'd over egg it. I'm more concerned about how we do in the league this season now that we finally have a really good chance to go up.

Scumarmy.: I think it is brilliant that we, after overcoming AFC Wimbledon in a great cup draw, get to play host to one of the big boys. The only big club we have hosted in our ten years as MK Dons are Tottenham Hotspur, when we lost 0-5 at our old ground, the National Hockey Stadium. Stadium:MK was built for big occasions like this and it is great that we get a chance to use it to its full potential, especially while the fans have a feel good factor around the teams chances this season.

sausage2: It's a distraction for both clubs.

Also I'm pissed off. I ordered my tickets to be posted to me a week ago and they haven't arrived yet.

Corleone: I think you've missed the point about the new forum. It's there so we can keep all the stuff about this match out of the way of the proper stuff. Anyway, I'm excited about the game. We'll see the stadium full for the first time, which I've dreamt about for years. We'll get a chance to see how we stand up against a top side, albeit presumably a rather weakened one. And it gives us something to talk about on the radio show on Wednesday ( for our preview of Tuesday's match - plug :-))

Oldfarmdons: Very excited, looking forward to it. As it is the first visit for United it adds something special for the MK public, given that we have an unusual CV both as a town and as a club

BristolDon: Annoyed. I'm on holiday and can't make it. Still, I'm glad it's happening, the money has / will really help us out.

Q2: How do you expect both Manchester United and MK Dons to do in their respective leagues this season?

Young Alby: Manchester United, top four for definate. MK Dons, Top 6 mimimum.

kempstondons: Think united have a lot of work to do this year just to achieve champions league football we on the other hand have made some excellent signings in this window and certainly my optimism levels are very high this year after, in my opinion, 3 dissapointing seasons.i definetly think we will be in the top 4 this year and am hoping for an automatic promotion spot.

Bacchus: We could be a contender for automatic promotion and certainly have the squad to do so. However it all depends on how we handle mid-season injuries and Robinson getting it right on tactics and the demands of going for promotion. I think United are going to find this isn't going to be the easy ride some were expecting, I think you could struggle to get or even miss out on a Champions League position. That said give Louis van Gaal a second season to build exactly the squad he wants playing in his style and you could absolutely dominate and win the title again next season. I'd treat this season as a springboard for next and not expect too much.

Scumarmy.: I expect Manchester United to finish in the top four, probably third. I think it might be a bit too early to mount a serious challenge for the title and some rebuilding is still needed.
As for Milton Keynes Dons, I think the play-offs have to be the aim every season while we are still in League One, especially with the team assembled this season.

sausage2: Man Utd 5th, MK Dons 4th (that's gone up from 6th since our last couple of signings)

Corleone: I think we'll both finish 5th.

Oldfarmdons: United top four (third at a push), the broad expectation is a play off finish for Dons, fingers crossed from there

BristolDon: MK Dons in playoffs at least, maybe automatics. We still have top quality technical footballers, but now also have a bit of pace we've been lacking, as well as cover for most areas. United 5th, maybe 6th. Chelsea, City, Arsenal, and Everton are all better than United, but I don't know how Liverpool will react without Suarez, maybe they'll beat you to fifth, maybe not.

Q3: What are your thoughts on your current squad given the big turn around in players since the end of last season? (question asked by D. Grayson)

Young Alby:
Very impressed. I'd not have believed we'd bring in these players with this amount of quality at our level at the start of the season. I'd basically resigned myself to a few more years of mid table finishing. But it seems we're back to promotion optimism. Look out for Danny Green, and Benik Afobe. Will no doubt cause problems if played.

Bacchus: It's significantly improved and has the depth we've lacked for years. Green, McFadzean and Carruthers stand out the best signings we've made so far.

Scumarmy.: I am very optimistic about the squad this season, mainly because we actually have a squad! In the last few seasons, we have suffered from a lack of depth and were crippled by injuries and suspensions. This season however, we appear to have around twenty players who can all stake a claim for a starting position.

sausage2: Our squad is better than the last two or three years.

Corleone: Quite excited by it. For the first time since the move to MK, we've spent more than a bit of cash, and we've attracted players to sign for us of the calibre that we've previously only managed to attract on loan.

Oldfarmdons: Encouraged, but hoping that with the recruitment will come some expansion of the coaching philosophy, which whilst basically sound does need some variation

BristolDon: Very good thougts. Probably not suitable to post on a public forum. See previous answer as to why.

Q4: With the match being just two days after Manchester United’s game against Sunderland and us currently suffering a number of injuries (particularly in midfield), do you see this game as one where you can cause a big upset? (question asked by clarkydaz)

Young Alby: I like to be optimistic. It's what cup competitions are about. There's no point the players or the fans turning up if we're going to resign ourselves to defeat straight away. I take a lot of hope from Southend, Coventry and Leeds beating you in the Cup in recent years. Robinson, our manager, is very much into the whole 'take inspiration from that' sorta thing so will spurr the players on.

kempstondons: Could we cause an upset? Well who knows? I suppose that depends on the team utd play and if the occasion gets to our players, it will be the 1st time our stadium will be full so cant wait to see and experience that, i think you will be surprised at how good our ground is!

Bacchus: Possibly, but it's unlikely. That said we do have a proven ability for giant killing in cups and I think we'll certainly go out looking for a result. If van Gaal takes us seriously and puts a decent squad out with a few first-team players and reserves up to Championship first-team quality you'll wipe the floor with us. If not we might be in with a chance as we did to Redknapp and QPR in 2013 when they failed to take us seriously and went 0-4 up at Loftus Road before they could respond.

Scumarmy.: You have to be optimistic - it is the cup and anything can happen! I think you will have too much for us even if you are missing players but I think if you field a few fringe players which I think is likely, then it will be a closer game than most of your fans would probably expect. We have after all, beaten Queens Park Rangers, Norwich City and Blackpool (all were Premier League at the time) in recent seasons and even more impressively, scored four against each of them (QPR 2-4 MK Dons, Norwich 0-4 MK Dons, MK Dons 4-3 Blackpool). I think Manchester United are a different kettle of fish but I am optimistic that we can at least score.

sausage2: Possible but doubtful.

Corleone: I'd like to think we could give you a good go - you'll underestimate us, we'll go in front at some point, but you'll have a few millions sitting on the bench to be able to pull it back.

Oldfarmdons: Possible but not that likely - I think everyone here hopes primarily that it will be a good game and a good advert, and that we will get on the scoresheet whilst the game is still a contest

BristolDon: Depends on what squad you guys play. First teamers, no chance. Fringe / young players, then yeah, why not.

Q5: What do you feel is your club’s highest point and lowest point in its history?

Young Alby: Lowest: Probably relegation. But in my personal opinion, not getting promoted in 08/09 when we probably had our best chance to do so. We bottled automatic promotion and bottled the playoffs even more. Since then we've really really struggled to get out of this League. Even losing in the playoff semi-finals 3 times in 4 years.

Highest: Our greatest achievment being the year we got promoted and won the League in 07/08. We also won the JPT. It was our first year at the new stadium, crowds started getting bigger, players started getting better, Paul Ince as a manager... And the promise of League One football and the future looking bright was a sign we were going to strive as a new club in oppose to flop like many suggested we might.

Bacchus: Highest I think has to be the JPT and League Two double in 2008. Lowest probably the first few years and administration when it looked as if the club might fold after a season or two and the relegation and squad collapse that followed.

Scumarmy.: The highest point would probably be winning the League Two title and JPT in 2008, a 'lower league double' if you will.
The lowest point would probably be getting relegated on the final day of the season from League One in 2006.

sausage2: Highest was beating Liverpool to win the FA Cup, lowest was going bust in 2002-ish with no money, no ground, and most of our fans deserting us without a fight.

Corleone: Highest? The way we as a club behaved in the run up to the first meeting against the Kingston club. Despite almost universal coverage against us, we acted with dignity throughout, didn't engage in petty battles, focused on us instead of them and concentrated on showing the football world what we're building here.

Losing to Shrewsbury in the playoff semi. It was our last match at the NHS, and the sounds of their fans singing "Hey Jude" as we left for the last time have stuck with me.

Oldfarmdons: The low for me has been the perceived loss of momentum last season after several tilts at the play offs. Loads of highs for such a young club, the JPT wins as it was shared by so many MK people at Wembley

BristolDon: High: JPT win. Cup wins at Wembley are what this game is about. Also, when Robbo became manager, and the Heel of God mark I against AFC Kingston.
Low: Losing to Posh in playoffs. Also, relegation.

Q6: Your thoughts on AFC Wimbledon and are you worried about possibly being surpassed by them in the future, or are you just not that bothered about them? (question asked by blys)

Young Alby: Not arsed about them getting ahead of us in the League as it won't happen for a very long time. Or shouldn't at least. But am I worried about it? No. I see no reason why it should worry me any more than it should worry Cardiff being surpassed by Swansea or Rangers being surpassed by Celtic, or Liverpool being surpassed by United in recent years. That's football and we'd just better roll our sleeves up and get on with it.

kempstondons: On afc i personally have no feelings for them whatsoever least not in the positive sense! They have caused trouble on both occasions at our ground and caused damage so i have nothing but contempt for them.

Bacchus: Generally indifferent, but still satisfied by us beating them and would hate to see the day they beat us in any fixture. I seriously doubt they will ever surpass us though, not at least under their current ownership model even with its wealthy individual backers. They'll probably become a League One club if they carry on with their present growth and get their new ground given the go-ahead. I suspect after that they'll hit a glass ceiling though and end up like Oldham, a perennially mid-table League One club that doesn't looked poised to go either up or down.

Scumarmy.: I do not really care about AFC Wimbledon. They have shown themselves up to be hypocritical, spiteful keyboard warriors on their forum and mindless vandals in person but other than that, they are for the most part, an irrelevance.
No idea why I would be worried about them overtaking us - 1) it will probably not happen for a very long time and 2) it makes no difference to our club whatsoever.

sausage2: Not bothered but doubtful they'll surpass us.

Corleone: Full of admiration for their decision to turn their back on WFC when they felt it no longer represented them, and full of admiration for their achievements in building a new club around the former supporters of WFC. Nothing but contempt for their belief that they maintain some rights over what happens to the club they let behind.

If by surpass us, you mean go past us in the league, then I'd be surprised, but not too fussed. I'd expect that their business model will keep them in League two or below for the foreseeable future, but they may get an occasional season in League one.

I'd have no problem being in the same league as them - when we play them, the world gets to see what they're really like, and that can't happen often enough for me. The reality behind the 'fairy tale' isn't pleasant, and the more they're forced to squirm in the hypocrisy of that the better.

Can I still say I'm not bothered by them? ;-)

Oldfarmdons: I wish them no animosity but did get uptight by their fans behaviour on their two visits. Not worried about being surpassed because their progress is not a benchmark for our development as a club

BristolDon: Not worried, probably won't happen, but even if it did, ever since their behaviour against us the first time we played, a lot of fans realise the truth about them and don't really care anymore. As for my thoughts, they're lying, self-righteous, hypocritical c**ts and so wish their pub team ran out of money and they were forced with the choice of relocate or fold.

Q7: Anything else you’d like to say?

Young Alby:
AFC Wimbledon aren't as beautiful as they make themselves out to be. And a lot of teams are slowly coming around to that fact. I'd bet if you played them in the Cup, they'd again hypocritically throw away all relations they have with FC United and have a wankfest (Much like ours tbf :-D) over the match, despite saying you're (As in the moneybags in the Prem along with us) ruining football and x,y and z in the past. feck em I say :-)

Bacchus: In the long-term interests of our club's identity we should drop the 'Dons' suffix.

sausage2: Welcome to Milton Keynes.

Corleone: Looking forward to the draw for the next round.

Oldfarmdons: Yes - I hope that you all have a good visit to S:MK, don't get freaked by the roundabouts and the realisation that there are far more trees in MK than there is concrete - the truth is out here!

BristolDon: Yes. feck AFC. C**ts.

Q8: Which XI would you like to see your team field against us?

Young Alby:

A few brief pointers. Martin is a great keeper but I worry how he'll fare with the accuracy and clinical finishing of players with European pedigree and/or potential. If he has a blinder, don't be surprised. If he has a shitter, don't be surprised either. But at our level you won't get many better. I should tell you he is ex-Liverpool though, so that could make for some banter chant wise.
Dele Alli is a player with multi-million pound potential. He has been eyed by many a big name club, and this could be his stage. His stage to prove his worth and prove his qualities he already has for an 18 year old. He's a no brainer in most first team XI's picked for us. And he oozes class, experience [By the looks of it, he's been playing for years] and confidence. I'd keep an eye on him, would be interesting to see how fans who see big name players on a regular basis rate him. Our defence has looked shaky as a unit this season, but individually we are pretty decent at this level. Just need time to gel.

---------------------- Martin ------------------------
Spence - McFadzean - Kay - Lewington
------------------ Potter ---- Alli ------------------
Green ------------ Reeves ---------- Baldock
-------------------- Hitchcock ---------------------

Scumarmy.: 4-2-3-1:






sausage2: We'll need our best XI, whatever that is.

Corleone: Whoever is prepared to pull that shirt on for 120 minutes, play their heart out and score a penalty.

Oldfarmdons: That will depend on how we do tomorrow!



Q9: Finally, your predictions for the match?

Young Alby: United to win 3-1. But MK Dons to give a very good performance.

kempstondons: a poor utd and a good dons 2-1 to us however if utd play anywhere near their ability an easy win to you 3 -0. Will be a strange atmosphere for me as i have a lot of mates that are utd supporters,indeed many moons ago i used to be in the thames valley supporters branch in the days of stevie coppell and co but come 8pm on tues i will only be singing for 1 side, has to be the dons all day long now so c.o.y.d's. Enjoy your night out at mk

Bacchus: 1-2 United. Early goal and control over the match by us throughout, but turned over late on with any first-team players being subbed on in a similar way to Sunderland.

Scumarmy.: Milton Keynes Dons 0-2 Manchester United
Attendance: 29,000

sausage2: I hope we make a good game of it, but Utd to win 1-3

Corleone: 2-2 after 90 minutes
4-4 after extra time
You win 4-1 on penalties.

Oldfarmdons: United win what I hope will be a good game, fingers crossed Dons score. Scoreline dependent on how many names LVG puts out

BristolDon: Dan will take his shirt off