Ask The Opposition 2013/14: Wigan Athletic (Community Shield)


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Twitter: @RedCafe_ATO
Huge thanks to Olly for the banner​

Welcome to the return of Ask The Opposition. Before each game United plays this season, myself and KM will be asking fans of the opposing team some questions and we'll post a selection of responses in threads like this one.

Firstly, next week we're playing Swansea in the league, so if anyone has any questions which they'd like to be asked, either reply to this thread with them, tweet @RedCafe_ATO or send myself and KM a PM. Deadline for this is Tuesday.

This week, with us playing Wigan Athletic in the Community Shield tomorrow, we asked Wigan fans on Wigan forum Vital Wigan some questions and here is what we asked, and their responses:

Q1: What are your thoughts/comments on what happened to you last season - in the league and the FA Cup win especially?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: That day at Wembley was the best of my life. Would not swap it for the world. As for the relegation, it was disappointing but if we can get back up at the first time of asking it could've been a blessing in disguise. Our squad right now looks stronger than it did at any point under Martinez.

Wigan Blue: Winning the FA cup was priceless... The memories of that day will never Be forgotten. From getting the coach down, watching the prematch entertainment, Boyce carrying joe (our mascot for the day) in his arms, the sending off, the corner from maloney to watssssooooon! The goal and after match celebrations. Awesome!

As for relegation, we were the pundits favourites every year, but with one of the smallest wage bill I thought it would happen sooner or later. Its now evident the more money you spend the higher up the premier league you end up. Also we always seemed to have some strange referee decisions against us, which didn't help...

Betty-Swallocks96: In the league i thought that we where unlucky to be relegated as i believe we where not 1 of the 3 worst teams in the league last year. However injuries to the defence from december to the end of the season and having to play players out of position for many games, it lead to us showing defensive frailties and even though we could score, we couldn't stop them going in which lead to relegation.
In the cup, i think we had a good run in terms of teams we played but when it came to the 2 teams everyone thought we would lose to, everton and shity, we where excellent and it is a moment i will never forget.

Lincswiganfan: We have been tipped to go down every year, eventually everyone was going to be right, we were very unlucky with injuries, but, that's not really an excuse for some individual errors that cost us. We will be back though. As for the Cup, as others have said, it was the greatest day in my footballing life. People beforehand said they would choose premier league survival over the Cup win, more than likely because no one expected us to win it anyway. But when we won it, against all the odds, I'm not sure you'll be able to find a Wigan fan that would swap the two, I sure wouldn't.

Q2: What are your thoughts of the appointment of Owen Coyle? Is he the right man in your mind to take over Roberto Martinez, and how are things under him compared to Martinez?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: As many will confess, I was not overly delighted with the appointment. Knew, whoever it was, I'd be right behind him - but Coyle was not at the top of my list to replace Martinez. But now, I wouldn't swap Coyle for any of the managers we were linked with. The way he has gone about his business in the transfer market so far has been refreshing. The likes of Grant Holt, Perch, Carson etc look to be masterstrokes, fantastic players at championship level. Pre-season and the first championship match were both very encouraging too.

ere_Wigin: I didn’t want Coyle but he’s been like a breath of fresh air. It’s early days but so far is signings look solid as for our play it seems better because although we still pass the ball it’s more direct. In the long term I think he will do better than Martinez.

Betty-Swallocks96: I, unlike a few wigan fans, didn't quite mind the appointment of OC due to the fact he had gained promotion before unlike the other candidates. The signings he made are quality for the championship and to be honest i would of been happy with these signings in the premier league. He has now got us a squad where we could field 2 completely different 11's and both of them would be as good as each other. Where still playing the passing style as we did under Roberto, however we are more direct, getting it to the dangermen quicker and using the long ball to our striker when it is needed, especially by our defence instead of playing it out and costing us silly goals, for example Bale's vs us last season.

JvvB126: I need to see more of Coyle to get a better impression, but what he's shown and done for us so far is fantastic, so I'm very happy. As for Martinez, I thought he was a decent manager, but he definitely had his pro's and cons. We seem to have kept a lot of the work that Martinez did (which is great), but I think Coyle has added some more knowledge on top of that so for example we attack with more intent, and aren't afraid to put crosses (and people) in the box. We can still play from the back, but it's much more varied - we will clear when necessary (instead of passing dangerously) and Grant Holt seems to be much better at holding the ball up (imo).

Lincswiganfan: Also as others have already said, Coyle was by no means the favourite, people were unhappy to say the least when he was first hired. But by how he has done so far I would not have swapped him for any of the other candidates. Coyle has made some excellent signings, I can't complain about 1 of any of the 10 signings we have made so far, bringing in quality such as Holt, McClean, Fortune, Perch and Carson. Along with Championship quality and experience with players such as Crainey and McCann. Things are very different compared to Martinez but the way they like their team to play is not so different. But one would stand elegantly on the touchline with his finger on his mouth in a very flashy suit, whilst the other screams whilst wearing a training top, shorts and high socks.

Q3: What are your expectations for the coming season and how do you think you will cope playing 50+ games with your squad?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: With the squad as it is, I think we're more than capable of promotion. But whilst the Europa League is a fantastic new venture for the club (I can't wait for European away nights), it does concern me the amount of games it could mean we play. I want us to have a go in Europe, but if offered promotion whilst not making it out of the group stage in the Europa league, I'd snatch their hands off.

Betty-Swallocks96: I think we will be able to cope with the high amount of games as we now have a deep squad with the quality that we need, and if we Get a few injuries, we have some promising youngsters who could step up for a couple of games. Im hoping for automatic promotion as we have a premier league squad but if we don't cope with europe well then i'll settle for promotion via the play off's to make it 4 wins out of 4 at wembley ;)

Lincswiganfan: Some fans expect playoffs or bust, but I believe Coyle should not be put under that pressure, I thing he deserves two seasons to achieve promotion, especially with the 60 something games as you highlighted. But I do believe we can achieve promotion this season, be it via automatic or playoffs even with the demanding schedule.

Q4: Coyle has been busy in the transfer market since he took over and has made some shrewd signings, most notably Grant Holt from Norwich. Do you think he can replace the goal threat Arouna Kone and Franco Di Santo offered? (Question suggested by nahealai)

ere_Wigin: If you examine Holts scoring record for last year he scored more goals against top sides than Kone did. Having said that Kone scored more goals but I think Holt and Kone are equivalent. Di Santo was a bag of spanners all the ever did was run a lot so you can’t class him as a striker.

Betty-Swallocks96: Yes as Holt is proven in the championship and has the knack for being in the right place at the right time so will thrive of players like maloney, mcmanaman, gomez, mclean and beausejour. However, any striker could replace the goal threat of di santo as unless the shot got deflected, he couldn't score.

Lincswiganfan: Di Santo, goal threat? I think you've mistaken him for someone else ! But seriously yes, he looked good in pre-season, scoring goals and scored on his League debut against Barnsley. Obviously you could say Kone is a more complete player, he's a starter for the Ivory Coast, but Holt is more than capable of scoring 20+ goals in the Championship, maybe even 30!

Q5: James McClean had a good impact for Sunderland in the 2011/12 season and struggled in the 2012/13 season. What do you make of his signing?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: Worried at first when linked with him, carries a bit of a reputation off the field. But, he starts with a clean slate. Could be another potential masterstroke if he can play consistently as he is capable of.

Betty-Swallocks96: I think he needs a season in the championship against worse defences to boost his confidence and to be honest many players where poor who are not, Adam Johnson, Sessegnon. I think McLean will thrive playing with his international teammate - providing he stays - McCarthy, Gomez etc and he will provide many assists to Holt and Fortune

JvvB126: I think he has the potential to do well, especially in the Championship. Hopefully he can keep his head down and concentrate on the football.

Lincswiganfan: I think again, McClean is a great signing for the Championship, he proved he can score and do well in the premier league, he's only 24 (I think), one bad season does not mean that is how his whole footballing career will transpire. I am really excited to see him play, and also become the third Jimmy Mac in the midfield along with James McCarthy and James McCarthur!

Q6: Are there any more players you would like to see sign for Wigan before the transfer window shuts?

ere_Wigin: Another striker, wouldn’t mind Henriquez on loan again as Martinez didn’t really give him a chance due to him playing donkey Di Santo.

Betty-Swallocks96: A striker with pace, we have been linked with Mayuka of southampton on loan so he could be decent.

JvvB126: No-one in particular at the moment, but a striker (or two) would be nice.

Lincswiganfan: If the window closed now, I would be happy, although Coyle has publicly expressed his want to bring in some players using the loan market, as he has done at Bolton with great success with such players as Wilshere and Sturridge. We still have players such as Caldwell, Ramis and Al-Habsi to come back from injury who will also be like new signings. If I was being greedy, I would like one more striker to come in.

Q7: A lot has been made of potential departures from your squad this summer including the highly-rated pair of James McCarthy and Callum McManaman. Do you think you can hold on to them and see them aiding your promotion push this season? (Question suggested by nahealai)

Wigan Blue: James McCarthy i can see going to everton if you buy a Baines from them. McManaman will stay, just to get some match time in Europe.

ere_Wigin: Since we’ve had no bids we can only hope. However, if we get a fair price for them and the money is reinvested on quality players then that’s football. Just the same as you if Rooney leaves.

JvvB126: I think / hope we can, but it's impossible to predict what will happen. I have more confidence that McManaman will be staying over McCarthy.

Lincswiganfan: I can see everyone staying, obviously a big bid could change everything, but as far as us fans know, no one is pushing to leave which I think shows the unity in the team. With James McClean coming in who is apparently a big buddy with James McCarthy, that could help our cause in keeping him at Wigan, clever stuff by Coyley there!

Q8: Which of your players are you looking most forward to seeing this season?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: Holt, as I said his performance at Barnsley was immense and more than enough to wet my appetite for seeing him in the season ahead. McCeady will be interesting to see if he can perform consistently as he did at the start of his time at Sunderland. If McManaman stays then seeing him develop further will be fantastic and his style of plays means he is always exciting to watch and Shaun Maloney just because he is Shaun Maloney. Absolute gem of the team.

ere_Wigin: I’m not looking particularly at individual but how the team performs. I would like us to retain some of the Martinez style but be more ruthless in attack and defence.

JvvB126: Grant Holt. If he can do what he did for Norwich for us, then he'll be another club legend.

Lincswiganfan: Obviously we are all looking forward to players such as Maloney, Mcmanaman and Holt ripping the Championship to shreds, but there are other young promising players such as Nouha Dicko Adam Buxton and maybe even Lee Nicholls who could also all have big roles in the team this season.

Q9: Angelo Henriquez went on loan to you last season and didn't feature much. Would you like to see him play for Wigan again this season, and if so/not, would you like to see any other United players go to you on loan? Who?

Wigan Blue: Angelo Henriquez was a bit like when we had scott sinclair on loan. Hed spend 5 mins warming up around 70mins into the match only to stand on the touch line then to be told to sit back on the bench by RM. He played well but didn't have time to make any real impact. I'd be happy to take him on loan again. As for other players how about RVP?

Betty-Swallocks96: I wouldn't because the only start he did get against non-league macclesfield, he was poor. I would like to see someone like Jesse Lingard or Adnan Januzaj, they both seem to have been impressive in pre season and could have big futures, and a loan to wigan could be as beneficial as Cleverly's loan to us

JvvB126: For what it's worth I thought Henriquez was really unlucky last season, and you have no idea how many times I was hoping to see him play for us. I'd love to take him on as our third striker. Unfortunately, I have no idea how many games he would get, although he would have a much larger chance to feature with so many games.

Lincswiganfan: Henriquez never got a chance to shine, which really isn't the fault of himself or Martinez, I don't blame Martinez for wanting to keep the same team together in the run in. He looked promising when he did play though scoring against Sunderland and hitting the bar against Bournemouth in the Cup on his debut. I would be happy if he came back, I think he would do well. We have been heavily linked with Powell, who I would really like to see as we all know he can score in the lower leagues and even bagged one against us in the prem last season! Will be interesting to see if that Janujaz (correct spelling?) goes on loan anywhere, I wouldn't mind him here.

Q10: Are there any young players of yours that you're excited about/who we should look forward to seeing?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: Our squad is looking so strong that our young players may struggle to get game time. But I particularly hope Dicko might get a look in. His pace looks unbelievable.

Betty-Swallocks96: Apart from McCarthy and McManaman, the others are unlikely to play. But one who could have a big future is Goalkeeper Lee Nicholls, was on loan at Northampton last year and is currently our number 2 as ali is injured.

JvvB126: I think McManaman counts - he's still got a lot to prove. Someone less well known could be either Dicko or Fyvie.

Q11: What are your thoughts on Dave Whelan and his chairmanship?

Wigan Blue: I like DW but you do have to take what he says with a pinch of salt. He saved the club, and it's now run like a normal business. We only spend what we get in. That's why our young players are important to us.

ere_Wigin: Opens his mouth a bit much but his heart is in the right place. He’s a top chairman I’d rather have him over some foreign nobody.

JvvB126: He talks a lot of crap and can be embarrassing at times, but he means well, and I have to love him for what he's done for us.

Lincswiganfan: What can you say, he is royalty at Wigan, picked us up and raised us as his own. Took us to the promise land and have never looked back since. A very safe pair of hands, and makes us Wigan fans feel very lucky we have him as our Chairman when you see the things going on at places like Blackburn and Coventry. He has his critics and can sometimes say some things that may wind some people up, but he means no harm really! He's a wonderful man and a Wigan Athletic legend, the FA Cup win was the pinnacle of it all for him here at Wigan Athletic.

Q12: How do you think United will fare under Moyes this season?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: 3rd place would be my prediction for you lot. Jose is a better manager and City have a better team. Sorry.

ere_Wigin: Initially not so good but he will improve provided you give him enough time.

Betty-Swallocks96: I think it will be a slow start and potentially a 3rd or 4th place finish but will win a cup, i believe he will break your FA Cup hoodoo, however i think if he gets given time, like fergie did, then he will be half as good as fergie ( which will still make him one of the best managers in the premier league)

Q13: Finally, what is your prediction for the game?

Jonny_SuffolkLatic: Head: 3-1 United
Heart: 2-1 Latics

Wigan Blue: heart says 1-0 to Wigan who score on 89mins - holt- but my head says it likely to be 4-0 to utd

ere_Wigin: Wigan to win 2-1. The reasons are:
1. We are slightly ahead in our training as we’ve already played one competitive game whereas your season doesn’t start till next week.
2. Our new players have put some steel into the side.

Betty-Swallocks96: 1-0 wigan, mcmanaman or 3-1 united with van persie first goalscorer, only because thats the bets i have placed

JvvB126: I think we have a better team than last season and we could surprise with something like a 1-0 or 2-1 to Wigan, but you're heavy favourites for a reason and I'm thinking 3-0 united wouldn't be the end of the world. No more though, please.

Lincswiganfan: I have always thought that we were going to get tonked in this game, but, I thought the same against Man City, almost thinking it was a given that we would lose, and look what happened there.

Prediction: Wigan 1 United 0 after extra time. Ben Watson 120th minute header cannons off the post from a corner, falls to Grant Holt who sticks it in, the crowd goes wild. Sorry boys ;)!

Good luck for the season!


Link to full thread with all responses

If any of you have any suggestions on what we should do as part of this, or any questions for future games, reply to the thread, send myself/KM a PM or tweet @RedCafe_ATO.

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Nicely done, lads. The images are slick. And fair dues Wigan fans, still happy with their performance in the FA Cup last season, and in McCarthy they harbor my nations hopes and dreams. :)
They seem like a pretty grounded and honest bunch of fans. I guess it's not easy to have delusions of grandeur when you've just been relegated. Hope they're back up in the Prem soon, a proper family club.
Good read.

Nice pic for the lineups game
120th minute Wigan winner? 30 minutes of Moyesy time only for us to concede would have the papers on our backs already.
Do you think he can replace the goal threat Arouna Kone and Franco Di Santo offered? (Question suggested by nahealai)

FFS :lol:

Good read though, it's been said before but this really is a great idea, I love hearing opposition fans opinions on their own team and United.
Great thread, look forward to reading some meatier posts from our main rivals. Hope wigan comeback up.
Nice q&a. I was delighted for them in the Cup Final, seeing their fans celebrating was a reminder to all those teams resting players in Cup competitions for the sake of league points that it's not all about getting your share of the PL TV money.
Ooh I love these threads.

Nice to see Januzaj getting a reputation among other teams as well.
I really enjoy these ATO threads. Great addition to the Caf.

Liked hearing what they said about Henriquez, Adnan et al.

I'd never trade that FA Cup win for PL survival if I was them either. Was an amazing moment.
One of the bets new features of the site this, really enjoy it.

Good luck to the Wigan fans this season!