Ask The Opposition 2013/14: West Ham United (Premier League - Away)


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Mar 4, 2010
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Back by very popular demand is the return of Ask The Opposition. Our segment where we ask fans of opposing teams forums some questions and post a selection of the responses back on here.

In our next domestic game, we'll be hosting Manchester City and asking them some questions. If you've got anything to contribute, feel free to PM me or tweet the RedCafe account.

I've asked questions to West Ham United fans on /r/Hammers and and here are their responses. Thanks to some newbie users for providing some of the questions (they have been credited):

Q1: What have you made of how Moyes has done for United this season?

alex_texasiswest (Reddit):
He stepped into the biggest managerial shoes in the footballing world. He needs time to sort things out, and if I'm honest I think your squad needs strengthening. Yes Sir Alex won the title with them last year - but he had been at the club for ages, you can't expect a new manager to come in and repeat that.

drmrspkds (Reddit): Moyes has obviously under performed from expectation, but i think he has been unfortunate. United's woes run much deeper than just the manager.

pancakes1271 (Reddit): Moyes had a hard job, as the team Ferguson left behind was very poor indeed, compared to past United sides, and the other top teams in the league. However, Moyes has done especially bad, even after spending £80 million on players. How on Earth has he not been sacked?

inconsistant fc (WHO): Personally (and I know I may be alone here!) I actually rate Moyes and think he will do well for you long-term. It's a question of whether you can wait that long though. I think your relative "under achievement" has more to do with the fact that, aside from one or two obvious exceptions, you have a pretty average squad now.

LJC (WHO): Quite funny, I hope you sack him and we go all out to get him in the summer.

hammer 74 (WHO): Almost a poisoned chalice, he hasn't done well, but it was possibly the hardest job to take over in football.

Know it all (WHO): Well it's not great is it but then it was never going to be as Sir Alex knew the team needed a total overhaul.

Q2: Where do you think United will finish in the league come the end of the season, and how do you think we’ll do in what is left of the Champions League?

alex_texasiswest (Reddit):
7th, maybe 6th. I don't think you'll qualify for Europe. I think Bayern are gonna massacre you aswell if I'm honest.

username_taken_rage (Reddit): I'd think UTD could finish 5th, maybe edging out Everton and Spurs. A lot can still happen. As for the Champions league, with Mata cup tied and Van Persie out for 4 - 6 weeks it doesn't look like they'll make semi's.

whumulac (Reddit): Can't see you beating Bayern in any way. I think keeping it below a 5 goal difference will be tough. As for the league, Europa League is well within reach, Champions League, not so much.

inconsistant fc (WHO): I'm not really bothered, to be honest, but outside the top 4 is looking likely now and 5th would be about right. I can't see Man Utd winning the CL and hope you don't (same goes for Chelsea, so it's not just a anti-Man Utd thing).

Q3: Are you in favour of the move to the Olympic Stadium? and can the move raise West Ham to the next level? (question provided by newbie user Angelinho)

scartlead (Reddit): For West Ham to have any chance to compete in the top half of the table, it's the only option. The Boleyn Ground has little room for expansion, and even if it did, getting to and from the ground would be even more of a pain in the arse.

whumulac (Reddit): Olympic Stadium will be a huge move for revenue purposes, but we'll need a new manager and potentially new owners to keep the fans happy.

inconsistant fc (WHO): I have mixed feelings. The objections I have are more practical and to do with the atmosphere rather than opposing it because of any nostalgia. Our history will remain and nobody can take that away but I think we will get max 40k for most league matches and maybe 45k for the big matches but there is no way we will go beyond that if we are not pulling up any trees. I'm still not convinced that the running track won't be an issue as well. The Boleyn is in a shit location, in terms of travelling, but I think most fans would rather we fill in the East Stand corners, or redevelop said stand, and stay at Upton Park and haven't heard a good reason why that can't be done.

Know it all (WHO): No and No

The Mercernary (WHO): Yes but leaving the Boleyn will be a big wrench. Jury's out on the impact but in theory it should

Q4: If Allardyce can bring you Premier League stability, are you prepared to forgive his pragmatic style of football? or would you prefer a more progressive manager? (question provided by newbie user Angelinho)

alex_texasiswest (Reddit): He plays a different style of football, but it seems to be working. I never lost faith in him this season, and I think he can make us an established Premier league side,

startled (Reddit): Well, we're surely not going to finish higher than 10th, and we're still not clear of relegation, so Sam Allardyce and his team are not really the answer to our long term success. We could employ a better manager on the wages Allardyce is on. Whether we can attract someone better is unlikely.

pancakes1271 (Reddit): The Fat Man is yet to outlive his usefulness, however he will only be viable for maintaining survival and stability. We will not progress at all with him in charge.

username_taken_rage (Reddit): I think Allardyce is a good manager and at the end of last season he said one of his goals for next season was to "Adopt the West Ham way" unfortunately due to a terrible spell of injuries we got sucked into a relegation battle and he was forced to winning games the way he knows best.

inconsistant fc (WHO): I wouldn't call it pragmatic. I would call it negative. That's ok, when it works but he can't play any other way. Also, I resent the way nothing is ever his fault and his apparent contempt for the supporters. I, like many others, went to both of the cup humiliations (and that IS what they were) in January and no matter what the reasons for putting out the sides he did and not trying to win the matches, it is unacceptable because both of those matches meant something to the fans and there are very few valid excuses for setting your team up to get battered twice in 4 days.

LJC (WHO): He is doing his job and meeting targets. Don’t mind him but so many hate him that the atmosphere has gone from match day. I wish we would go for someone like Vitor Pereira or Dragan Stojkovic.

Q5: What do you make of Ravel Morrison, and why do you think he’s been loaned out to QPR? (question provided by newbie user bdecuc)

alex_texasiswest (Reddit):
He never found his feet with us this season, hopefully over summer we can sort things out because I'd love to see him start for us regularly and play well.

startled (Reddit): He is amazing in bursts, but at times frustrating, and far from the finished product. Maybe he is not mentally strong enough for a relegation battle, hence why he's at QPR.

pancakes1271 (Reddit): No idea. Based on past English talents he will probably never be anything more than 'potential', but he could end up the next big thing. I think he's worth keeping. And I think he went to QPR for some game time, as the Fat Man will never drop Nolan, his long term romantic partner.

username_taken_rage (Reddit): I think he has huge potential and as long as he cools his head and looses the 'solo man, god complex' thing he was gifted by the press he will be a great attribute. I believe he was loaned to QPR due to complaints of a small injury, which was never proven by the medical staff at West Ham. for this reason Allardyce decided he wasn't committed enough for a relegation battle and shipped him off where he'd get game time.

Abdicator (Reddit): Even though he hasn't played much due to injury I think bringing in Andy permanently will end up being the best signing this year; I've also been a fan of Stewart Downing for years and I'm very happy that he's a part of the team, even if he hasn't always been completely effective. I almost forgot about Adrian as well, he's incredible and I still can't believe we got him for free. As far worst goes, I'd say Razvan Rat and Roger Johnson were almost completely pointless signings.

Q6: You have made quite a few signings this season, who do you feel has been your best and worst signing this season?

drmrspkds (Reddit): Our best signing this season is Carroll. even though he has been injured for a lot of the season the team looks completely different without him in it. The worst for me has been Roger Johnson, but he was an emergency signing from a lower league, so i wasn't expecting much.

username_taken_rage (Reddit): though we have made mostly lone deals, It has to be Carlton Cole. He came back and helped us out big time when we where at our most injury stricken. hell he didn't need the money but he wanted to help the club and he did. Worst has to be 'Relegation Rodger' from wolves.

whumulac (Reddit): Best signing and new favourite player would be Adrian. Don't forget, he was MOTM at the Bernabeau against Madrid last season. Worst signing would be Johnson. Massively out of his depth at League 1 level by all accounts, let alone Premier League.

Know it all (WHO): This season I think although he's been injured Carroll is a massive signing, Downing has impressed and Adrian looks a great keeper. The Rat was a waste of space.

Q7: Are there any youth prospects you have that you’re excited about/looking forward to perhaps see breakthrough in the future?

startled (Reddit):
I would like to see Elliot Lee break through, but our youngsters don't really get much of a chance under Allardyce.

username_taken_rage (Reddit): Two, assuming they stay, would be Danny Potts, and Elliot Lee. Potts played some first team games last season and i thought he was excellent, lots of commitment and passion for the game. Elliot Lee is already earmarked to go but he has played brilliantly for our under 21s would be a sad loss.

Know it all (WHO): We have a pretty good U18 and U21 side but it's so difficult to make the step up, I doubt we'll see any anytime soon

goose (WHO): we could have Pele in our youth team and Sam wouldnt pick him........... unless he grew about 6 inches.

The Mercernary (WHO): I'd like George Moncur, Danny Potts and Elliott Lee all to make it but looks to be too big a step-up

Q8: Assuming you do stay up, what are your goals for the club next season? (question provided by newbie user Hojoon Lee)

startled (Reddit): We should be aiming for top 10 (and not just the best club out of all those in the relegation scrap)

pancakes1271 (Reddit): Stay up again. That's all a team with the Fat Man in charge can ever hope to do. He will consistently keep us treading water in lower mid table.

username_taken_rage (Reddit): 'Assuming we stay up' Shots fired! Sign a small skilful striker to work with Carroll. Keep Winston Reid and find him a place in the squad that doesn't break up the Tomkins/Collins partnership. which has been great, also Noble as captain.

whumulac (Reddit): The only thing I want season on season is to improve on our previous campaign. If that's not possible, then an exciting and successful relegation scrap is always good fun to watch.

goose (WHO): entertain. try and win games instead of avoiding defeat first. we must have set some kind of record for 0-0's this season.

Q9: Which XI would you like to see your team field against us?

Mr Kenzo (WHO):
Collins in for Tomkins, apart from that same as last week

inconsistant fc (WHO): Adrian- O'Brien- Collins- Reid- Armero- Noble- Taylor- Nolan- Jarvis- Downing- Carroll

Mrs Wilberforce (WHO): Adrian, Demel, Reid, Collins, McCartney, Noble, Cole, Diame, Nolan, Downing, Carroll

Q10: Finally, your predictions for the match?

Abdicator (Reddit):
Who knows, really? The way United have been playing it could be win, loss or draw. I'd be ecstatic to get a win but I'd be happy with a point as well.

whumulac (Reddit): I think there may be a little hangover from Wednesday, especially if they have been partying afterwards, so I'm going for a tight 2-1 win. I don't know who to though...

inconsistant fc (WHO): I am less confident than I was before Man Utd's comeback in midweek but I'm hoping your indifferent league form will continue and you'll be resting players with the derby in mind so I'll go 2-1 to West Ham but I'd take a draw if you offered it now.

Know it all (WHO): West Ham United 2 Manchester United 1

Mr Kenzo (WHO): 1-0

Mrs Wilberforce (WHO): 1-0 Hammers - COYI!


If any of you have any suggestions on what we should do as part of this, or any questions for future games, reply to the thread, PM me or tweet @red_cafe, thank you. @Big-Red, James McCarthy will be back in time for next weekend's game. There's a minor issue I've needed to sort out.

Good stuff, always like reading these even if I don't always agree. Also they, or at least one of them, keeps referring to Allardyce as "the Fatman". I couldn't help but laugh at that for some reason. So petty, but still :lol:.
Interesting read, thanks for putting this together. I was quite surprised to see that they still regard Andy Carroll in such high esteem, given that he has only scored 8 goals in 33 games over nearly two seasons.