Ask The Opposition 2013/14: Liverpool (Premier League - Home)


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Mar 4, 2010
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Back by very popular demand is the return of Ask The Opposition. Our segment where we ask fans of opposing teams forums some questions and post a selection of the responses back on here.

In our next domestic game, we'll be hosting Manchester City and asking them some questions. If you've got anything to contribute, feel free to PM me or tweet the RedCafe account.

Our last Ask The Opposition was also against Liverpool and for that I asked questions to users on Red and White Kop. This time, I asked them some different questions to see what they have made of how we've done this season, what they've made of how they've done, and to see their views on their players. Some interesting responses below, I'm sure you'll agree, and thanks to some of our newbie users for providing some of the questions below. Hope you enjoy reading it:

Q1: When I asked about how you all thought United would fare under Moyes this season, the general consensus was alright but wouldn’t finish ahead of Chelsea or City (and most of United’s fan base expected that to be the case too). However we’ve been poor for most of the season and looking back at the last Ask The Opposition, Southern Pansy’s assessment seems to be pretty accurate (difficulty with selecting sides, defensive mindset, fewer wins in injury time and doing worse at OT as teams are realising we're not to be feared). Did you ever expect to be so high up in the league at this time of the season? Conversely, did you expect us to struggle so badly with Moyes?

Sindri: Expected you to drop off a bit with out fergie but moyes has really shown what miracle worker he is. Thought you would be in fight for 3-5 along side us and arsenal. Did expect us to fight for CL but not in my wildest dreams did I thing we would be in a title challenge

Bakez0151: I really didn't know what to expect from us this season. I was hoping we'd be real contenders for top 4, but I knew it very well could turn out to be a crazy season. I was thinking that considering the managerial changes, this would be the best chance for an outsider in years, but I didn't think we were quite ready to actually be challenging. I was resolute that Moyes would be a failure however. I wasn't sure the depths of which that failure would be, but I was confident he wouldn't have you challenging for the title.

Phineus: I expected a lot more consistency from us - the second half of last season was very promising with the signings of Coutinho and Sturridge Rodgers' plan seemed to come together. Add to that Henderson coming into his own and Sterling coming through I thought a challenge for top 4 was on. I was a little underwhelmed by our business in the summer however Rodgers has done an amazing job so far. Tying him down to a long contract in the summer should be top priority.

With Moyes I did expect you to struggle and for a decline to happen but not this quickly. I thought muscle memory would carry Utd players a lot this season but Moyes has done a real hatchet job (from your perspective). He is blatantly out if his depth much like Hodgson was from day one but as he is British his outdated training techniques and tactics won't be questioned because he is part of the LMA gang. Long may it continue but he does seem to be your Hodgson and Souness in one.

Mighty Zeus: Honestly, I expected us to finish fifth. Brendan Rodgers, it turns out, is very gifted. I didn't dare hope that Moyes would be the iceberg to Salford's Titanic. But women and children first – looks like he might be.

tommyLFC: I was very cautious of even making fun of Moyes' appointment. Over the years I have learned the hard way to never write United off. To be honest, I couldn't have imagined such a drop in not only results, but also performances. To be honest I still can't believe United are 6th in March. I didn't expect you to win the title with Mourinho going back to Chelsea, but I thought you'd be top 4.

As for us, I would have taken a good challenge at getting top 4. The fact we look like getting it (touch wood) in Rodgers' second season is nothing short of amazing, and way ahead of schedule. We have a very talented manager in Brendan.

Q2: Where do you think the blame lies for how United have done this season? Moyes, the players, or a mixture of both? Aristotle mentioned that Fergie was worth 12-15 points by his presence alone.

Manic: Has to be a mixture of both. Moyes' tactics have been shown up completely, I watch the games and I can't believe how slow the build up is and how little variation there is to the play. Too many players not pulling their weight this year, you could usually count on goals from wide men but they seem to have dried up. And RVP seeming very disinterested, spitting the dummy almost with Fergie retiring. Fergusons influence has made a huge difference, not as many decisions going for you and players and referees alike seemingly unafraid of going to Old Trafford any more.

Bakez0151: If Ferguson was still here, United would be challenging for the title no question, so I think you have blame Moyes don't you? Or accept he wasn't the 'natural successor' he was made out to be? Just because it was going to be a tough job for anyone coming into it, doesn't mean that the top manager that United should have appointed would have made it look as tough as Moyes has. You hear people talking about the players but I'm sure many people were insisting that Moyes would have United challenging with that group of players? If anyone had said that Liverpool have a better squad than United's at the start of the season, they would have been laughed at. Then you just have to factor in that Moyes came into a squad with a winning mentality. We've heard a lot of talk about how Mourinho should have came in, but even a guy like his successor at Real, Ancelotti, would have had United challenging, no question.

thelinnen: Moyes, he doesn't have a clue how to set up an attacking team and his only formations are 4-4-2 and 4-4-1-1, as you've no doubt noticed this season. He's also got your players 'running dem laps', a phrase you might have seen in our David Moyes thread if you've ventured in there. Basically his training methods are stone age and players are picking up muscle injuries.

Phineus: Both really. Ferguson got the absolute maxim out of a limited squad in a season where all your rivals self destructed and whilst Moyes is clearly the wrong man for the job anyone coming into that job should have kept the backroom staff for the first transitional season. I think you also have to look at your transfer policy under Ferguson for the last few years. Signings like Jones, Smalling and Zaha all had an eye on the future but you have become too reliant on aging players the last few years - kind of reminiscent of AC Milan a few years ago and now look where they are.

Moyes' targets in the summer were too far-fetched and I can't believe the club sanctioned nearly 30m on Fellani. Mata is a good signing but with him and Rooney both needing to play in the same position I don't think you'll get the best out of him. You needed to sign a good few players last summer to appease the fans and take care of huge gaps in your squad - this didn't happen and its not surprising your struggling when you rivals addressed their weaknesses.

The key thing though is that you are now managed by someone who for every game for the best part of a decade set a team up to minimise the threat of the opposition - its a very negative outlook which can work well at lower teams (see Hodgson at Fulham) but stinks the place out at your very top clubs.

The 92A: Moyses and him alone. Not saying your playing staff doesn't need improving but that is not where the blame lies, Moyses wouldn't know what to do with Mata in a million years. I know you lot saw Rafa as a figure of fun but he was a fantastic manager who ideas were ahead of the time in England, rotation, the 'negative' playing one up front (4231), zonal marking have now been assimilated by the LMA dinosaurs, look at the teams he took to two European League finals in three years and countless Semis and Quarters despite having to fight a civil war with the owners to survive. My biggest nightmare would be him going to you's, with your resources he'd have your squad challenging straight away but I think I'm safe, I'd doubt he'd go to you lot!

Q3: Do you see this season as being a bit of a blip, or do you expect United to struggle for the next few seasons while your club continues to flourish?

Manic: As long as Moyes is in charge, I expect you to struggle. When Brendan took charge, there was at least a style that was being implemented that you could accept. Moyes, there is no style, no exciting play, no variation or good movement, just percentage football. Not sure how well we'll do next few seasons, I'm not sure the current squad can cope with European football and maintaining position in the league.

Bakez0151: The resources you have mean that you shouldn't struggle for more than one season. Will United improve if Moyes gets a big summer transfer kitty? Probably. I still wouldn't see United winning the league with Moyes any time soon. I'm pretty confident we'll be doing better than you lot as long as he's there too.

edge: It will all depend on who manages you next season, I think. It's hard to see Moyes turning the trend around, but on the other hand, a new manager will probably bring another season of "transition". Can see you having a few years of frustration, for sure.

With regards to us, as long as Rodgers stays, I don't see why we shouldn't keep climbing. He's really showing himself to be a brilliant manager.

thelinnen: We know better than anyone how hard it is to get back into the top 4, it's been 5 years since we played our last match against Fiorentina. It's a vicious cycle where you can't get back in because you can't attract better players and you can't attract better players because you can't get back in. If we invest wisely this summer it might be a while before you get back, when we fell away City capitalised and they've been ever present since.

Mighty Zeus: It is your duty to support your manager. I encourage you to give him all the time and support he needs; it is the Right Thing To Do. Remember how we kicked up a fuss about Hodgson and you lot all thought we were awful, disloyal people? Don't do that.

DutchRed: I think David Moyes is a dull, dull manager. He's grim, he loves grinding out draws away to good teams, he's a bit of a coward and he doesn't really tend to win many trophies. So with him I don't think you'll challenge for the title quickly, though things will improve slightly with him at the helm next season. If you put him aside, the resources to make a title push should be there with a proper manager. But please stick with him, ta.

As for Liverpool, it will depend on the standard of defending because this season we've ruthlessly exploited the fact that it's become an absolute joke. If it gets back to what it used to be like five years ago, I'm keen to see whether Rodgers can improve his defence too, because he's clearly relying on the fact that others can't defend either.

Q4: Where do you think United will finish in the league come the end of the season?

edge: Reckon it'll be a tossup between you and Spurs for 5th.

Phineus: 6th or 7th - depends on Spurs and you can never predict what they are gonna do.

redmark: Anywhere between 5th and 7th (at a push, 8th), largely dependent on what other teams do, as I think you'll stumble along largely as you have done. I think Arsenal may falter enough for Spurs to capitalise, but I think it's beyond United.

tommyLFC: As much as I am enjoying watching Moyes try to come to terms with the United job, the same can be said about Tim Sherwood who is about to be found out at Spurs and they'll finish the season poorly. Everton are looking like dropping off too so I'd say United will finish fifth, which will keep Moyes in a job.

Q5: What were your views of Moyes while at Everton (i.e. before he became manager of United)?

Manic: I had respect for what he was doing, with the budget he was working with etc. but they always played some pretty dross stuff. Always thought he struggled when it came to the bigger games, tactically he was usually bettered. That's what held everton back more so than the lack of money, was the not taking points in the big games, always seemed happier to take a draw than go and take the game to the opposition.

Phineus: Did a steady job but reached his ceiling. Became one of the LMA cronies who is above criticism. However in over a decade in charge of an entire club he never implemented a brand of football, varied his tactics or even really prioritised youth (or won anything).

Kochevnik: He's just a distasteful human being, although compared to your last manager he's a saint. More importantly, he's not very good. I honestly do not understand how he was even considered for the position. When I first heard the news I thought it was a pisstake.

DonkeyWan: A very average, defensive manager, lauded beyond his abilities for essentially keeping a group of good professionals together for a ten year period so they became a well-disciplined, tight unit. However, that is not the MO of a top class manager, that is the MO of a manager skilled at stretching resources and keeping the club moving forward as the ice cracked beneath him. He never won anything and just as the cracks were beginning to show at Everton, he jumped ship in a perfect example of the Peter Paul principle. A cursory glance at what he has bequeathed Everton is telling: a first team squad with 10-15 30+ players (which represent a dead loss to the club in the medium term), a history of selling their best young players to remain solvent and replacing them with aging premier footsoldiers. It was running to stand still and now he is at United where he is expected to construct a winning team with attacking flair and skill, chockful of big names players with egos etc.? He was completely the wrong choice for the club and I suspect many united fans believed that from the start. He is to United what Hodgson was to Liverpool, the wrong person for the job.

The 92A: Never liked him. Mean spirited. Pandered to the most backward Evertonians with all the Peoples club shite and played cautious football content to be the best of the also rans. In contrast I like Martinez and thought he's do a better job than Moyses

Q6: Which players, if any, if you had a chance would you take from our team, and who do you think is our most important player?

Manic: De Gea and Mata. I'd say probably De Gea as the most important, he's surprised me by coming a really consistent keeper (brushing over Sunderland blip). He'll save you plenty of points in seasons to come and that's exactly what you want from your keeper.

Haemoglobin: To go into our first team? Difficult to say, given how we set up - not suggesting we aren't hugely improvable like, of course we are, but there are so many factors involved. I'd have Mata, most certainly. As talented as Van Persie, Rooney, Welbeck, etc. are though, we'd be foolish to break up our front line. Rafael, if he wasn't so... Rafael. I'd take De Gea, Januzaj and Jones off your hands as well, but not too sure how often they'd feature in our staring eleven to be honest; they'd probably come in very handy though (esp. Januzaj's silk, Jones' versatility). Most of your other best I could take or leave. Your most important, influential player (in purely match-winning terms at least) is a toss-up between Rooney and Van Persie, and when neither are on song you look pretty unremarkable. But Moyes will fix all that, given time.

thelinnen: Rafael, even though I don't like him he has the potential to be a top right back. Probably Carrick even though he's getting a bit old. Of course Mata and van Persie. Can't bring myself to say Rooney, but he is your most important player and with his new contract he seems to have more influence than the manager

Phineus: Kagawa for me. Immense little player at Dortmund and would thrive in a team with movement that play high up the field. Its not surprising that such a cultured player is struggling in a team that plays in flat lines.

Your most important player is Carrick. I mean Van Persie's goals obviously won you the league last season but Carrick has been your platform for the best part of a decade now - very underrated and criminally underused by England.

redmark: I'm not sure how many would slot into the first team, but a fair few of your younger players have promise (though were mostly overpriced and their immediate quality overrated), without any of them perhaps being world-beaters. Mata would probably be the best to slot into our team, though there'd still be concerns about his workrate and energy. Worryingly for United perhaps, I think every one of your 'big-name' players bar Mata are at, or beyond, the point at which the only way is down.

Kochevnik: We're talking about some hypothetical world where they would want to come? In that case, I'd have Rooney, obviously, though I wouldn't want him on 300k/week. I rate De Gea and I'd have him over Mignolet. Rafael would be better than what we have at RB, I'd take Carrick as an additional option in CM. Van Persie is good but I'm not sure what we would do with him other than rotate with Suarez/Sturridge.

Q7: When I asked what player you were looking most forward to seeing earlier this season, most of the replies said Coutinho. There’s been a lot of talk of Sturridge, Suarez and Sterling, but I’ve not heard a great deal about Coutinho of late. What have you made of him this season?

Sindri: Fantastic and has been a huge part in unlocking defenses for us. Has gone missing a few games but surely to be expected from a young player. Really impressed when played in cm as well which surprised me a lot.

Haemoglobin: He's a mercurial little star of a player. Seems to grow in big games, and stutter in less glamourous matches. On his day he is quite frankly a breathtakingly good passer and dribbler, and adds so much to our attacking dimension I can't describe. Not someone at present that you can rely on to turn up though, not through lack of effort, but perhaps lack of inspiration? Whenever he finds his muse, it's always exquisite.

Phineus: Hit and miss. He's young and a flair player so consistency will take time. I think he has also struggled with some of the systems we have used this season when Rodgers has set the team up a little more pragmatically. The injury obviously didn't help but when he plays well he can just carve teams open at ease - will be a brilliant player going forward but, as we haven't really had a set formation this season, he has been asked to play a few different roles with different tactical responsibilities each game. This is good for his education and experience but there were always going to be teething problems with it. When he plays well though we usually win.

redmark: I would probably have said Coutinho at the time too, and he's improving now after a sluggish first half. He's a much better player centrally, and the key to this season has been working on a shape, balance and pattern of play that gets our key attacking and midfield players on the pitch at the same time.

DutchRed: He's a good player and shows that from time to time, yet his killer instinct leaves room for improvement. I think he's got the time to improve still.

Q8: I also asked which young players you were excited about. Ibe was a common name that cropped up, but no mention of Jon Flanagan who despite having played for you the last few seasons, hasn’t really been played before under Rodgers prior to this season and looked like he may have been heading towards the exit door. He’s been compared to Cafu. What do you make of how he’s done this season?

Das Liverpool: He looked like had no future at the club to be honest but he came in out of the blue against Arsenal at the Emirates and was our best player. Since that he's looked good and with his form and injuries to other full backs, he'll probably start the majority of games from now till May.

Bakez0151: Think Flanagan goes to show how simple the game of football can be. Intelligent player who makes the most out of his attributes and gives his all. His composure since he's came in has been vital to his success. The Cafu shouts are said in jest mostly, but he's really done his job well. It's up to him to maintain and improve on it if he wants to stay in the team.

thelinnen: I think the Cafu comparison was a bit tongue in cheek :D he's also known by the nickname 'Flani Alves', he's a product of the youth system and everyone is pleased to see him taking his chance.

redmark: Flanagan is still quite an odd one, because essentially he doesn't really look like a modern PL-level footballer. But he does almost everything rather well. The biggest revelation is his crisp, accurate passing under pressure even in forward positions.

Flash6289: Cafu comparison must have been a joke as I'm sure you're aware... He's done well and everyone likes to see a local lad living his dream. Definitely has a future here as at least a squad player if he keeps it up.

Q9: How do you feel your first team signings this season have done for you (Sakho, Ilori, Moses, Cissokho, Mignolet, Aspas, Alberto and Toure)?

Manic: Sakho has looked good when hes played, think he'll do well moving forward. Mignolet has done alright, probably done more good than bad, but still has a bit to go with his distribution and command of his area. Toure played more than was intended I imagine, 4th choice centre back, nothing more. Alberto, Aspas and Ilori haven't really had a fair crack of the whip so hard to say. And Moses and Cissokho have been disappointing for me, not really added anything to the squad and won't be seeming them in red next season.

Haemoglobin: Sakho's arguably now our best defender; Ilori's learning his trade on loan, but has the toolset; Moses is a bit meh; Cissokho's an honest journeyman leftback, sound enough to have on hand; Mig's been immense at times to keep us alive in games, few wobbly moments here and there but is generally settling in very well; Aspas, the poor sod, gets measly scraps of gametime to work with, so the jury's still out; Alberto's disappeared off the face of the Earth after some promising early flashes; Kolo is a bit Kolo, but it's okay because he's Kolo.

edge: Sakho is awesome, if a bit mad. Moses was a mistake. In Mignolet we got what we bought, a good shot-stopper, but a bit floppy coming off the line. Same with Toure, a decent 4th choice CB, who's been playing more than he should due to injuries. Cissokho looked shit at first, but has looked decent enough lately. Alberto and Ilori are for the future, and will probably feature more next season. Aspas, I don't know. Looked alright in preseason, but seems to be struggling with the physicality of the league. Again, will feature more next season.

Flash6289: Ilori and Alberto were always youth signings for the future. Sakho and Toure have done relatively well (Toure less so recently) in what has been a completely inconsistent defence due to injuries. Happy with Mignolet as he's saved us a fair few points - he's cost us a few as well but no more than Reina was. Cissokho has done okay as he was only meant to be a cover player but we've missed Enrique. Disappointed by Moses and (less so) Aspas so far.

Q10: It’s been well publicised about the problems you’ve had in the January transfer market (trying to sign Salah and Konoplyanka but failing on both counts for different reasons). Do you think it’s a mistake that your club left things so late, and do you think you will be back in for Konoplyanka in the summer?

Das Liverpool: Definitely mistakes on our part, I'd imagine we'll go back in for Konoplyanka, but with champions league football looking likely, we might be able to acquire higher quality targets, so who knows.

thelinnen: I don't think it's going to come back and bite us, we haven't lost in the league since the window shut, apparently Konoplyanka might still be moving here for £8m.

Phineus: I hope we are in for Konoplyanka as he would be a great signing although I do appreciate that would have been a tricky one to pull off. The Salah one was ridiculous and should have been wrapped up a lot sooner. I'm not entirely convinced by our Transfer Committee and they have a big summer ahead of them. Hopefully when we have Champions League Football our transfers will be a lot smoother and each one won't turn into a frustrating and embarrassing saga.

Mighty Zeus: There were some weird politics going on with Konoplyanka. Couldn't get to the bottom of it. No one at Liverpool listens to me when I suggest players or offer to do negotiations, so I've made the decision to just leave that side of things to Ian Ayre and that.

redmark: Not too concerned with not getting specific players, with the caveat of concern if the failure does illustrate problems with our recruitment strategy/personnel (suspected by many, not quite proven). Not sure we'll revisit Konoplyanka specifically in the summer, but would expect a signing of that sort of calibre as an additional front 3/4 option.

Q11: Currently, your revenues are the fifth highest in the league, and in football, finance and success are linked pretty closely. Do you believe that you will be able to keep up the progress you’ve made this season to qualify for the Champions League for the next few seasons?

Sindri: Expect our revenues to increase massively on next years accounts. We have alot of huge new sponserships plus cl money.
We will be competitives with most bar the oil clubs.

Haemoglobin: We may be overachieving a bit this term, all things considered, but yes, I do. Just getting back there will work wonders on its own in the transfer market and in keeping our squad happy, and if we don't feck it up we can build on very solid and exciting foundations here.

Phineus: Yes. Catching up with the big players commercially was never going to happen overnight but we have taken some huge strides forward in that regards. Obviously Champions League revenue each season is important but hopefully we capitalise on getting it in the summer and improve the squad so we can be competing in it season after season.

redmark: Yes, we can continue to be successful. I think the wages-position correlation is a little less 'fixed' than it is portrayed and that youth development, managerial quality, belief and tactical nous are just some of the factors that can impact a 'fixed' correlation. On most of those I think we're very well placed, not just in relation to yourselves, but the other 'big' clubs also have issues to address in specific areas as teams evolve. Given our history and continuing profile, a little success and a redeveloped Anfield can boost us up the revenue table, too.

DonkeyWan: I am pessimistic, I don't think so, no. I see this collapse by United as a one off and suspect they will be back pushing for fourth next year. Liverpool will probably end up with European football of some description next year, which will limit their ability to compete in the league. Ultimately petrodollars will keep Liverpool in abeyance for a while longer, I find it deeply depressing that Man City and Chelsea are already figuring out ways to circumvent Financial Fairplay (an already flawed concept). However, as long as Liverpool stay patient and keep steadily building, I think they will become a competitive force in the league once more.

Q12: Where do you think you will be in the league and cups this time next season, and where do you think you will finish this season?

Das Liverpool: No idea about next season but anywhere from 3rd to 2nd is looking doable, getting top spot would be dreamland.

Phineus: I think 2nd this season behind Chelsea. Mourinho seemingly has his machine like ability to grind out results back in play with that team and I can't see them dropping too many points. If we beat City and Chelsea at home however its a different equation.

In the cups I'd like to see a good run and some famous away nights in the Champions League - hopefully ties against Barca, Bayern, Real or Dortmund as they would be special atmospheres.

Mighty Zeus: We'll be better next season, and challenging. But Manchester City and Chelsea (Middle Eastern oil vs. Russian gas and violent union busting) are rich enough to change the laws of physics, so that's going to be a thing. I think we'll win a cup next season. I think we'll get a sixth European trophy. Yes. We've won it five times, you know.

Kochevnik: I think we'll finish 3rd, though I still hold out hopes that Chelsea will implode somehow and let us sneak the title. Next season this time I think we'll still be in the FA Cup, probably out of the CL and who knows where in the league. Rodgers has done extremely well to get us as high up as we are right now so a part of me worries about a return to the mean.

Q13: Which XI would you like to see your team field against us?

Mighty Zeus: I am shit at tactics. I'd like Coutinho in there for Allen. Johnson, Agger, Skrtel and Sakho, or some permutation thereof. Henderson can play. I'll have Mignolet in goal, I think, and Sterling, Suarez and Sturridge at the other end to score goals. And I'll have Steven Gerrard as a deep holding midfielder, because it turns out he's actually brilliant at it, and Lucas too to make 11.

redmark: Mignolet, Flanagan, Sakho, Agger, Johnson, Gerrard, Henderson, Coutinho, Suarez, Sterling, Sturridge. If Skrtel is in for Sakho, fine.

Kochevnik: We won't do it, but I'd love to see Sakho/Agger given a go at CB. I wouldn't mind: Mignolet, Flanagan, Sakho, Agger, Johnson, Gerrard, Henderson, Coutinho, Sterling, Suarez, Sturridge

tommyLFC: Mignolet, Flanagan, Skrtel, Agger, Johnson, Lucas, Gerrard, Henderson, Sterling, Sturridge, Suarez. Game has come too soon for Sakho but hopefully Lucas is fit, we will need his physical presence more than Coutinho's clever feet in midfield.

DutchRed: Mignolet, Johnson, Agger, Skrtel, Flanagan, Lucas, Henderson, Gerrard, Coutinho, Suarez and Sturridge.

Q14: Finally, your predictions for the match?

Das Liverpool: Win for us, 7-1.

thelinnen: If you play like you did against Olympiakos, it could be over at half time. If you turn up it could go either way. 2-1 to us is probably a decent guess.

Phineus: I think we will win but it won't be the landslide many of our fans are predicting. Ironically Moyes' crossing tactics might work in this game as we aren't great at defending balls into the box.

Kochevnik: I'm terrified of this match, because for the first time in forever it feels like we should win, which is of course always the match you end up dropping points in. I'll go for 2-2.

DonkeyWan: This has a United win writ large all over it. I would take a 1-1 right now.

tommyLFC: Close match, Moyes to park the bus, great atmosphere, lots of pyros in the away end and 3-1 to Liverpool


If any of you have any suggestions on what we should do as part of this, or any questions for future games, reply to the thread, PM me or tweet @red_cafe, thank you.

Nauseating to read. I hate their smugness about Moyes even if it is justified. Would love him to prove them wrong, unfortunately can't see it happening. :(
Flanagan has been compared to Cafu... :lol: Not seriously he hasn't.

Good read though, agree with a lot of it.
Yeah, it won't make pleasant reading for most. Surprised me that a few of them mentioned Rafael, Carrick and to a lesser extent de Gea as players they wouldn't mind in their team as I was under the impression that they would have thought the first two were overrated.
Flanagan has been compared to Cafu... :lol: Not seriously he hasn't.

:D That was mainly said to hopefully encourage a few more responses. Was going to ask a question about Henderson as well, but felt that the Coutinho and Flanagan ones would do. Didn't have anything Suarez related as all that was pretty much covered the last time I asked them questions.
Yeah, it won't make pleasant reading for most. Surprised me that a few of them mentioned Rafael, Carrick and to a lesser extent de Gea as players they wouldn't mind in their team as I was under the impression that they would have thought the first two were overrated.

I'd have De Gea, Rafael, Smalling, RvP, Januzaj and Mata. Not all would start, but they'd all be good for our squad. Wouldn't touch Carrick.
Shocking objectivity in a lot of this. I found myself agreeing with a lot of it. Some key points in there:
  • De Gea being so highly rated is pleasing to read. After the media focused so much on his difficult start, he barely gets any praise for his magnificent performances now. I'm glad to see that opposition fans, and Pool fans at that, have noticed his performances.
  • Rafael: He seems to be rated higher than he is by a lot of people on the Caf. Yes, I'm a little bitter when it comes to people who want to bench him/sell him to buy Coleman.
  • Coutinho: I think he is being overrated by Liverpool fans. I agree with Phineus who said he's been hit and miss. He's still young but I don't think he is as good yet as many people seem to be making him out to be.
  • Our Season: I'm surprised to read their predictions at the beginning of the season. They are in line with most United fans that I've talked to. Top 3/4 but not good enough to challenge for the title. I expected Pool fans to expect us to fall to 7th/8th since a lot of them underrate our squad (ironically, they might have been right).
  • Optimism: It's nice to see that the optimism that Pool fans are known for is still there. I loved the guy who predicted that they will win the CL next season :wenger:
  • The less that is said about Moyes the better. Their views would have been laughed at in August but sadly are now commonplace on these forums. Moyes clearly has a lot to do to prove he is the right man for the job here.
It seems that a few don't. Not sure how to better promote it on here, other than making some sort of announcement reminding people it exists.
Could you not put a twitter link in the footer of the page, or near the top?
I definitely won't be reading any of that. Well done to anyone that does.
It seems that a few don't. Not sure how to better promote it on here, other than making some sort of announcement reminding people it exists.

Could you not do what Niall does whenever he has an announcement and stick it up near the top?
Q6: Which players, if any, if you had a chance would you take from our team

Kagawa for me. Immense little player at Dortmund and would thrive in a team with movement that play high up the field. Its not surprising that such a cultured player is struggling in a team that plays in flat lines.

Yeah, it won't make pleasant reading for most. Surprised me that a few of them mentioned Rafael, Carrick and to a lesser extent de Gea as players they wouldn't mind in their team as I was under the impression that they would have thought the first two were overrated.

I think DDG is very well rated among all football fans now. The fact he has shut up the media who targetted him is evident to everyone, more over he has also has a penchant to pull off replay worthy saves which always gets credit from those who don't follow someone regularly.
Niall's just added the button to the footer of thread pages next to the donate button. Hopefully should help. I've seen a few caf users follow the account thanks to this thread alone.
I was literally just after noticing it there myself. It actually turned out quite well I think. Especially noticeable when writing a post.