Ask The Opposition 2013/14: Liverpool (Premier League - Away)


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Twitter: @RedCafe_ATO
Previous ATOs:
Wigan (Community Shield)
Swansea (Premier League - Away)
Chelsea (Premier League - Home)

Welcome to the return of Ask The Opposition. Before each game United plays this season, myself and KM will be asking fans of the opposing team some questions and we'll post a selection of responses in threads like this one.

After this, we're playing Crystal Palace in the league, so if anyone has any questions which they'd like to be asked, either reply to this thread with them, tweet @RedCafe_ATO or send myself and KM a PM.

This week, with us playing Liverpool in the Premier League tomorrow, I asked Liverpool fans on Liverpool forum Red and White Kop some questions (huge thanks to MichaelA for helping, and thanks to corkboy, Crosby Nick, Degs, Southern Pansy, Rhi, Azi, Aristotle and Zeb for responding). I thought the responses were interesting - in particular their thoughts on NESV, their players and their favourite games against us in the past, so I didn't cut out many responses (apologies for it being so long). Here is what was asked this time, and their responses. Hope you enjoy reading it:

Q1: What are your thoughts/comments on what happened to you last season?

corkboy: We had the sort of season we have come to expect since some feckwits decided it would be a good idea to spend money on interest payments instead of players, fire Rafa and bring in the LMA's De La Hodgo. We are still recovering.

Crosby Nick: About as expected really. Actually, finishing beneath Everton was disappointing but highlighted the benefits of stability over chopping and changing every season. We had a difficult start both on and off the pitch but we improved as the season went on and showed there are plenty of promising signs for the future.

Degs: It was a season of transition. For years we've been saying "oh THIS is the year for change" but over the course of the season we did see a change in style, but it wasn't the one we expected. Rodgers came in with talk of "Clinical Domination" and other catchy buzzwords that accompany the latest footballing style du jour (at the beginning of last season it was the Spanish/Tiki Taka one) . What we got over the course of the season was an attempt at this style of football but as it failed to produce results we saw a move towards a much more pragmatic style focused on creating scoring opportunities. This tied in with the brilliant signings of Coutinho and Sturridge led to a much better end to the season and some exciting football as well.

Overall it was OK, I don't think anybody expected much after the bumbling mess that was our summer transfer window and with our Yank owners sacking Kenny despite reaching (and winning 1 of) 2 domestic cup finals we knew that a Cup challenge was unlikely to materialise. In reality the best we could hope for was to see some signs of improvement in terms of playing squad and style and over the course of the season that's what we got.

Southern Pansy: I enjoyed last season. We had flaws and decided to dispense with playing forwards for way too much of the season, but until the biting incident, the season was mainly about the football. Which was a blessed relief.

Rhi: It was always going to be a tough season. New manager, new system, rebuilding, lots of blooding young talent, blah blah... but things picked up after January and the additions of Sturridge and Coutinho made the world of difference. I was feeling very positive towards the end.

Azi: Last season was almost the beginning again, everyone was given a clean slate I think first 6 months Rodgers was still trying to get his feet under the desk and drill into the players his methods which took time but the players bought into and by January when everyone had settled we started to show our potential and the season really was a work in progress and learn along the way which was fine by me. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Aristotle: An assortment of mishaps. From bringing in the manager on July 1st instead of the end of the season was 5-6 weeks lost in preperation. Injuries, Skrtel's form, Suarez's ban and Rodgers appearing "weak". Teams attacked us because they weren't afraid of us. We played well but got nothing but then played badly and got something. We could never combine the two until it was too late.

Zeb: Poor start, promising post-Christmas. Still coming back from being trashed under previous owners.

Q2: What are your expectations for this season?

Crosby Nick: Realistically - think we will be 6th. With the amount of changes happening to teams around us then who knows, there could be scope to finish higher aand we'll certainly be aiming for that but as it stands at the moment I would expect 6th and quietly hope for top 4. A cup run would be nice given we have no Europe this season. Hopefully a League Cup run given our next opponents!

Degs: I expect us to finish 5th (behind Chelsea, Utd, City, Spurs) I would like us to be in with a shout of 4th going into the last 2 months of the season but our squad drops a huge level outside of the starting 11. Spurs have spent big and well, something that ourselves and Arsenal haven't (as of writing this we're still about £5 million in credit this window).

Southern Pansy: Progression. The football is better and I am actually enjoying the games in a way that I haven't for the last few seasons. We have already started better and have some momentum to build from. I expect to increase our points tally from last season and have a decent cup run.

Azi: Top 5 finish still think we’re two or three players short of finishing in the top 4 but we’re not that far main thing for me though will be consistency too many times last season we’d win a game big then lose the next game this season id like to see us go 5/6 games undefeated building up momentum as we go along

Aristotle: 5th at the expense of Arsenal, cup run might reach the semis in both but the league will come first.

Zeb: Slow progress as the rebuilding continues.

Q3: Rodgers has been quite busy in the transfer market, bringing in quite a few signings, while selling the players not in his plans. What have you made of his signings this window, and what are your thoughts on what has happened to Reina?

We are shopping in the middle of the market. Apparently, we have money to spend but we're spending frugally. As for Pepe, he was a great bloke but had seen a dip in form and will probably go back home to Barca at some stage anyway.

Crosby Nick: Made a few good early signings but have struggled to land a big one much to the consternation of many. I think we have shifted some deadwood and as a result have a better squad to pick from now than at the start of the window. Toure already looks to be a fan favourite and the others could boost the squad. Ideally there will be a signing or two to come before the window closes - I'm sure you could say the same!

As for Pepe, sad to say him go, he is a great character and a strong leader. I think his bluff was called a little and I think Mignolet is a good long term buy so although sad for him as a Pepe I think it is a decent move for all parties.

Aspas - Was my Man of the Match vs. Stoke. He's enthusiastic and when given a free role behind the front-man his movement creates acres of space for those around him. In our system of 1 forward with 3 behind it's great to finally have somebody making diagonal runs that will take defenders with him. If he has a shot on him he's a bargain, great attitude as well. My only problem is that in a more defined and static system away against Villa he seemed a bit more tame and his best assets were wasted - my guess is he will be a great flat-track bully at home.
Toure - I was unconvinced on Toure. I asked 2 City fans I know from work about him and they both said he was finished when he arrived there. When looking at his stats vs. Carragher from last season he lost a lot more aerial duels - the part of our defence we suffered the most from. To me it looked like more penny pinching and bringing him in because he's free.
In the 3 games so far this season he has been nothing short of perfect and proved me dead wrong. He's still fast, he wins headers in the air (Crouch won nothing against him) and his skill on the ball is excellent. He has allowed our defence to push up to the halfwayline and this has allowed Gerrard to control the play. One thing I have noticed though is that he makes spectacular sliding tackles that disguise when he's been caught out of position, might get a few reds once his age catches up with him and he loses that yard of pace.
Alberto - Not seen enough of him but his skill on the ball is outstanding. Will be starting for us next season.
Cissokho - Enrique needs competition badly. He's the weak link in our first 11. I always liked Cissokho and remember him playing against us at Anfield and doing well. I spoke to some Lyon fans in the pub after they played us and they hated him. I hope he makes it but if Valencia are willing to loan him out it's hardly a glowing review.
Mignolet - Here we go. It's my opinion that Reina told the club he would be leaving for Barca this summer. As a result the club bought Mignolet while Reina was still here so as to not get fleeced (a la Andy Carroll). The problem being Valdes didn't leave Barca and the move for Reina never happened. As such we had just spent £9 million on either a reserve keeper or putting a £100k a week keeper on the bench. Not bringing any money in for Reina and having to send him out on loan to bring in a keeper untested at top Premiership level is ridiculous.

However... Mignolet has done well so far. He's not what I thought Rodgers would want. I thought Rodgers would be after a Vorm type keeper - quick off the line and a centre-mid at heart. Mignolet is closer in style to Shay Given than somebody like Vorm, he's looked dodgy in the air and isn't great with his feet but he has already won us points with penalty saves and shot stopping ability.
In the long-term he'll be a good signing but I think it was the wrong signing to make with the limited resources we've got to spend.

Southern Pansy
: The signings that we have made have shown more joined up thinking. We have a style of play that we are committed to, and you can see how the players fit within that system. You can also see how character has been an important factor in identifying targets. Historically we have overpaid for some players, and the owners are playing hardball in the market to try and re-establish a prudent reputation. It will probably cost us in the short term, but it had to be done and will probably reap its rewards in time. I am already feeling the Kolo love. What on earth were City doing letting him go. He has given us experience to replace Carra, but also allowed us to play a high back line.

Pepe Reina was flashing his knickers at Barca. The club expected him to replace Valdes and planned accordingly. Because Valdes stayed on another year Pepe stayed. But it was probably the right call. Pepe was going to go, it was just a matter of when. A suitable replacement was available now, and the club took decisive action. Once he was replaced, parking Pepe at Napoli for a year made sense all round. He earns too much for LFC to afford to pay him as a backup. Whilst I am sad to see Pepe go, I hope he gets his move to Barca next year. It was refreshing to see the club on top of the whole situation and take decisive action. It has not always been the case.

Rhi: We had a really fruitful start to the transfer window. It's hard to judge at this stage because I still expect a couple of others to come in, but certainly I'm happy with what we've done so far. I loved Reina, but Mignolet has saved us 4 points already this season... I can't remember the last time Pepe did that. Obviously it's not an entirely fair comparison because they play the game so differently, and Reina snubbing out an attack on the edge of the 18 yard line isn't as obvious a "save" as stopping a shot, but... well... I'm confident we made the right decision for the future of the team. As much as an absolute star Reina was for us. Away from the goalies - Aspas is a lovely little player. Intuitive. And Kolo? Kolo is boss.

Azi: So far so good ,But it’s still too early to say whether they’ve been a success or not will give them time before judging them but one things for sure with all his signings you can see the type of player Rodgers wants.

The Reina issue is a funny thing it looked he was certain he was going to Barcelona so Rodgers had to act quickly because had we waited till Pepe left gk prices would have increased by 5 million or so [See the Andy Carroll transfer]
Love Pepe as a human being but think he had gone a bit stale at Liverpool and probably needed a new challenge and the move to Napoli will do him good even if it is on loan

Aristotle: I quite like our signings. Mignolet will provide some consistency and a presence, if for nothing else. Toure is exactly the type of cult hero to ease the blow of Carragher. Aspas I like, don't really know why, I just do. Luis Alberto is an odd one, although I think he could become good and he's a lot less likely to 'do a Shelvey'.

In regards to Reina I think he became a bit disillusioned. He was one of the top keepers in the world for a few years. But no matter how well he played and how badly his counterparts did, he never made the Spanish NT at Casillas' expense. Then when Rafa was fired the spark seemed to fade out. He had nothing to compete for at international nor club level. He got complacent, lacking a challenge and a point to prove. Then he seemed to be stalling for a move to Barca that never materialised. I love the guy, I admire him for his actions during the ownership crises and some of the most fond memories I have of the club include him. But the time was right to replace him, so we did. Nothing more to it really.

Zeb: The ones brought in early have been interesting. Alberto looks like very promising. Aspas has a bit of the Bellamy about him. Toure has been a pleasant surprise. Mignolet is already showing that his shot-stopping will get us points in tight matches. Reina hasn't had the best few seasons and looked like he was hoping for a move to Barcelona, so no surprise we went and got our replacement in early or that it meant he was going to leave for sure as a consequence. Bit surprised that it was a loan, but wish the man nothing but the best for his career. Genuinely liked by a lot of the support, so some of the responses to him being moved on were fairly understandable.

Q4: What have you made of the transfer saga surrounding Suarez this transfer window?

Crosby Nick:
Similar to you and Rooney I imagine? Get a bit fed up with it after a while, then you realise you're not as fussed what happens either way, you just don't want to read about it every day. I think he'll stay now until January, next summer at a push and i axctually think once he gets his head around that (if he hasn't already) that he'll still give his all.

Degs: The club has done well. We conned him into thinking he had a clause in his contract (Arsenal's 40 million +1 bid) when the wording of it meant we just had to inform him of the bid. FSG can rightly be accused of being absentee landlords but on this issue they did well and took the lead (the Tweet of John Henry's being a good example).

My guess is Suarez will sign an "extension" that will have a real release clause of £xxm for European clubs and a higher one for English clubs.

Southern Pansy: Dull. Suarez is a sublime footballer, but is not the brightest tool in the box. He has been very badly advised. I am pleased with the stance the owners have taken. There is no way we should have sold him to Arsenal under any circumstances.

Rhi: Mostly this: Meh. If he was sold? Fine. Money to spend and get rid of a bit of a problem player in some respects. If we kept him? Fine. We have a world class player at our disposal until the next round of drama begins. I'm quite pragmatic about that sort of thing. No-one's irreplaceable. Suarez is a superb player, but I do think he makes it difficult for the manager to play his own system. You put up with that, obviously, because of his quality. But I think we could have brought someone else in who benefited the team more... if that makes any sense at all.

Azi: Has there been? Someone should tell SSN as they don’t seem to know about it…
Joking aside it’s just rather tedious now and FSG have done the right thing in telling Arsenal to feck off if he is to be sold then its on our terms not Luis or his agents

Aristotle: Boring and pointless beyond believe. No one was going to buy him at the price we set and we didn't want to sell otherwise. It was a transfer saga only in the media and Pere Guardiola's feeble mind. I'm as uninterested in the matter as I was in May when I said he was more likely to sign a new contract than be sold.

Zeb: Indifference mixed with annoyance at some of the coverage coming from the Arsenal side. The clause thing wasn't rocket science but became such a big discussion. Pleased the club have taken the stance they have. He'll be gone at some point and we'll move onto the next big thing as we always do.

Q5: Are there any more players you would like to see sign for Liverpool before the transfer window shuts?

Crosby Nick:
Another centre Back with Coates out long term, Toure injured short term and Skrtel's situation unknown. Easier said than done though and I won't name names because one day you think you have a target, the next he signs elsewhere or stays where he is! Wouldn't say no to a decent winger but again, no idea who that could be.

Degs: At the time of writing we're about 5-6 million pound in credit so despite some new faces it doesn't feel like the club have spent anything yet. We're in an awkward situation now, unable to close the deal on our top targets like Mkhitaryan and Willian we're now at the mercy of agents and clubs ready to gouge us.

We baldy need at least 1 centre-back - currently we have Coates injured for the season, Toure stretchered off mid-week, leaving only Agger and Skrtel fit.

We need a genuine world class winger to come in, as our previous targets show.

I personally would like to see cover for Lucas brought in and somebody to challenge at right-back as some days Glen Johnson is struck with a voodoo curse.

Southern Pansy: We are a central defender light. Coates has a season ending injury. We possibly have space for two. We have been linked with Ilori and Sakho - I would be happy with both.

We need another winger, if only to free Coutinho to place centrally where he is far more deadly. Our efforts thus far have been cursed by Spurs. We may have to settle for Victor Moses on loan. I would rather take a player on loan than buy the wrong player though...

Rhi: A central defender and a forward. I trust the manager on whoever he chooses. Anything on top of that is a bonus.

Azi: Yeah I think we’re a dm and a cb light gets those two positions sorted and maybe a striker and a I think we could put a strong challenge in for the top 4

Aristotle: An upgrade on Skrtel at CB. A winger to take the heat off Sterling & Ibe and either a goal-scoring midfielder or a versatile striker. I've got a soft spot for Valbuena but there's not a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. But I just wanted namedrop one player.

Zeb: Lots of chatter today about some more coming in. If we sort out a central defender, then we do need some cover for the nominal wide men. Wouldn't mind a few more upgrades and a bit more strength in depth because we're playing a lot of young lads, but it is what it is so reckon that'll be it for us this summer.

Q6: Are there any players you would like to see leave Liverpool before the transfer window shuts?

Crosby Nick: Not really. The ones who weren't going to feature much have left. Our squad now isn't huge but I like the idea of the younger players getting chances off the bench to prove themselves.

Degs: We've managed to shift the dead-wood like Downing, Assaidi and Carroll. The only players I would like to see leave now are the ones who are not genuinely considered for selection when everybody is fit (Skrtel and Coates), if somebody offered what we paid for Borini (10) and Allen(15) I'd take that as well - although that's not to say they're bad players.

Aristotle: Not really no. For all the complaining of our transfer activity, we've done a very good job of getting rid of players who don't want to be here or aren't good enough.

Zeb: Nah. The squad isn't bloated with random free signings and non-performing expensive misfits any more. There's players who you'd think over time we'll replace, but there always is.

Q7: Tottenham Hotspur have been very busy in the transfer window. What are your thoughts on the signings/sales they have made, and how well do you think they could do this season?

Crosby Nick: Have to admit I'm not as clued up as others seem to be about half of their signings. They've certainly backed their manager and shown you can sell your best player and potentially strengthen. It is a step into the unown for them though as you imagine it could take a while for the new team to gel. They'll be strong contenders for 4th but I don't see them challenging you, Chelsea or City for top3.

Southern Pansy: Spurs are interesting. They have spent alot, but they have also got a lot of those players after their preseason. Getting the team to gel could be a lengthy process - especially as most of their spend is outside the PL. Last season Bale was a get out of jail free card for a large number of games. This season they don't have that luxury any more. Their points tally may well drop this season. There is an inkling that last season was their chance to seize a Champions League place, and they blew it. They will be under more pressure thus season to provide a return for their hefty investment.

Rhi: It's an interesting one. They've got a very a good manager. But then if they lose Bale, they are losing a massive contribution to their team. They had no choice but to strengthen considerably in several positions to make up for that. I think they've done that, but I don't think they've gone beyond it very much. But you never know. Their squad must be fecking massive though!

Azi: Have they actually sold anyone? The players they have signed are great on champ manager but whether they can all click together and cut it in the premiership is still to be seen but they will have a good season and prob win a cup but with the money they have spent the pressure will be on Luís André de Pina Cabral e Villas-Boas. Bale had a brilliant season last year and won them many games this year without Bale could be a total different story

Zeb: Bale will be a huge hole for them to try and fill but I think they're going a long way towards doing it. Lot of players in at the same time may mean performances suffer in the short term I guess. I think they'll be doing what they've been doing for the past few seasons and be pushing for a CL place again. Think they'll get it too.

Q8: Rodgers said he would be treating the cup seriously, and stood to his word by fielding quite a strong lineup against Notts County, though the match ended up going to extra-time. What did you make of the performance, and what are your thoughts on being drawn against United in the next round?

Cracking Cup tie against Notts County, playing your lot won't be half as fun if your snorefest against Chelsea is anything to go by.

Crosby Nick: Could and should have put the tie to bed in the first half, paid for it by being sloppy in the second. At least we then showed some gumption to pull it back when down to 10 men in extra time. I thought Rodgers put a decent team out too, pretty strong but a good opportunity for Sterling, Ibe and Alberto. Same again at Old Trafford?!

Degs: The line-up was strong but still quite young, I think they thought the match was won and took their foot off and got caught. Once the pressure was back on we scored another 2 - nobody wants an easy cup match, they're boring.

I'm made up we've got you lot away in the next round, hoping I can get a ticket for it as there will be a big allocation. Night match away at Old Trafford, it's been a while. Full first 11 for me.

Southern Pansy:
It was a cup tie. It was a good game. These things happen in the cup. It was nice to see the character in the side to pull it back in extra time after losing Kolo. But there are lessons to learn about killing off a team once you are ahead.

As to the next round, you might as well be dead if you can't get excited about a draw like that. For us it's a great draw. If we lose - it is as form would expect. But if we get through, it would be decidedly uncomfortable for Moyes. Being knocked out of a cup competition by Liverpool is pretty well one of the absolute no-nos for a Man Utd manager.

Rhi: Ahh, cup games. Never know what to expect! Truth is, we were cruising against County, and we took our foot off the gas and let them back in. Stupid. But it happens. Loving the next round's draw. It'll be nice to beat you twice in the space of a month.
It was a great cup game. There were moments of fun, good goals and we learned a valuable lesson in not pissing away a lead and that even with 10 men we can win. Still 30 minutes too long, but I don't think it will matter too much.

Zeb: Was a mix of squad players who've not really had a game since pre-season, kids who are in the first team and a core of first team players. So strong relative to putting out the under-21s I guess. Should have had the match wrapped up by half-time, that inexperience in the team and a bit of complacency cost us a couple of goals and we ended up making it much harder than it should have been. Hopefully lesson learned. Should be fun playing you lot next round.

Q9: We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

1-4. 2009. Why? We were actually challenging at the time and it was a tonking. Funniest thing about that game was Jamie Redknapp enthusing about Alonso's part when he hadn't played. Lucas was all over you lot like a bad smell, though. And remember when Torres was good? My favourite game involving you lot was actually us v Blackburn, last day of the 95 season. You all thought we'd throw it, but we beat them and you still couldn't get past West Ham.

Crosby Nick: Too many to mention but from the games I've been at I'd say a 4-0 drubbing with a Beardsley hat trick, the 2-0 when Rush broke his duck and sealed the title for Leeds and the League Cup win in Cardiff.

Degs: 4-1, because we didn't just win 4-1 but it was a comprehensive win. The ground was empty by the 80th minute and it was one of the best Liverpool performances away from home of my lifetime. Vidic was lost on the turn to Torres every time and he eventually went for it. It was a tactical masterclass by Rafa it was such a shame that the team we had that day was ripped apart and not built upon by our cowboy owners. High water mark that day.

Southern Pansy: Has to be the 1-4 recently. That was sweet to watch on this side of the fence. The 1994 3-3 draw coming back from 3-0 down is also a fond memory.

Rhi: Two spring to mind. The 4-1 (2009) and Dirk Kuyt hat-trick (2011). That's right. Dirk Kuyt scored a hat-trick. Against you. Seriously. It actually happened. I saw it with my own eyes and I still have trouble believing it. I love Dirky, but prolific he was not. :D

Azi: Most people will probably say the 4-1 win at old Trafford but am going to go with the 2 nil win at Anfield it was just one of the games where we had to win and the celebration at the end said it all


Aristotle: Most people will probably say the 1-4. And justifiably so. Torres' goal. Aurelio's free kick. Dossena's cheeky goal the icing on the cake. But for me it has to be the 2-1 earlier that season. It was the real kickstart to our season. We had gone the hard way around every single game of the season. It took a 118th minute Dirk Kuyt goal against Standard to get us into the Champions League. An 83rd minute goal against Sunderland from Torres. An unbelievable goal from Jamie Carragher (which much to his and our dismay was given as an own goal) and a 90th minute winner from Gerrard against Boro. The last game before you was Villa after the whole Gareth Barry fiasco which ended in 0-0. Then we faced you at Anfield, started without Gerrard & Torres and Tevez put you up after 2 minutes. But we won via an absurd Wes Brown own goal and a terrible finish from Babel that bounced over everyone. It gave us the believe we had been lacking before. What followed were wins at Marseille, Everton and City after being 0-2 down at halftime. Then we recorded our first win at Stamford Bridge in eons.

An honourable mention for the 2-1 FA Cup game. It wasn't anything special, it was even a pretty boring game. But I'll remember it forever because of the bloke on the table next to us in the pub who loudly and boldly stated, after calling him a mindless race horse that should be sent to the glue factory, "I will staple my scrotum to my forehead if Dirk Kuyt scores today". That was quite enjoyable.

Zeb: The fourth in a rapidly emptying Old Trafford is a pleasant memory.

Q10: The Gillett-Hicks reign was a bad time for your club, and by all accounts you're still recovering from the damage they caused. How have things been in the three years under Henry/NESV?

Sunshine and lollipops. Anything is better than the Tumours.

Crosby Nick: They're learning as they go so (misguidedly) put their faith in the likes of Comolli. There have been mistakes along the way but I have a view (and many of our fans will disagree) that our squad is the strongest it's been for a few years and we have a bit of stability (given we've had partically none since about 2009). I think they've been surprised with how European football works and I doubt they'll be able to take us back to the very top but given what an utter mess we were in a few years back I'm relatively content.

Degs: FSG will never be as bad as Hicks and Gillett but the fact they were so bad has lowered the bar for FSG to just about slide under. While we're not burdened with debt anymore the club now has to be self-sufficient and only spend what we make ourselves. All of this, of course, is done under the guise of FFP but while Monaco and the like are spending the equivalent of a small African Nation's GDP then the excuse wears thin.

Their biggest problem is they are essentially a hedge fund and manage us as such. They rescued us from Administration increased our turnover and now they're sitting on us waiting for the long game such as broadcasting games over the Internet or club-specific TV deals. They're happy to sit in America and do nothing while we tread water around 5th and 6th position. What we truly need is somebody who will provide that extra 20 million a year on top of what the club makes, or if they are truly concerned with FFP then get on with expanding the stadium the costs of which are not bound by FFP regulations.

To me they're happy enough to have an overseas asset, do the opposite to everyone else (not load up with debt and actually cut wages) and play the long game waiting for something to change. It's exactly how John Henry made his money in the stock market.

Southern Pansy: It has been a steep learning curve for FSG. Football is not baseball. Christian Purslow, the CEO, did the real damage - including axing Rafa for Hodgson, and signing Joe Cole. They wanted to implement a system through the club, so that the playing style remained even if the management team changed. Unfortunately they believed the charms of Damien Comolli to implement that. He is a stats nerd, but has little understanding of the limitations of those stats. The archetypal example of this was signing Downing for his impressive assists stats. His approach was too crude, and he is too much of a snake oil salesman. He wasted huge amounts of money that could have been far better spent.

The new iteration using the poached Man City scouting team is far more impressive. Coutinho, Sturridge and Kolo Toure for a "Downing" fee has been mighty impressive business. I actually have some faith in the club's transfer nous. And it has been a while.

The owners handling of the Suarez transfer saga has been pretty well spot on.

They saved the club when we were in a mess, and have by and large done the right thing. We should still keep a close eye on them, but they've done OK so far.

Rhi: They faced a steep learning curve, trusted a couple of the wrong people, but I think they've got it under control now. I'm positive for a sustainable future for the club.

Azi: It’s been slow but steady progress I think it will take a long time for fans to trust the owners again after the previous regime, but they’ve done ok think some better Pr wouldn't have gone amidst but they've not done too bad . some fans will never be happy with them though cos their not oil rich Arabs who are going to spend stupid amounts of money and to be honest I prefer it that way, let us build our own succes rather than buy it all in plus they've shown with the red sox their not mugs

Aristotle: Anything is better than those soul-crushing cancerous c*nts.

Honestly hard to tell about the new owners. Only time will tell. I'm more interested in the football, let someone else be club accountant.

Zeb: Slow progress. We're roughly now at the point where the damage limitation is over. FSG made some mistakes themselves, so that hasn't helped and probably added a year onto getting things straight off the pitch. Guess we're waiting to see now whether the grand masterplan is in place and we begin to move forwards again.

Q11: Which of your players are you looking most forward to seeing this season?

Crosby Nick:
Coutinho is the obvious choice. The boy is a real talent, some of his through balls are delightful. It's nice to see Sturridge continuing his good form from last season. Final choice is Henderson, I'm hoping he can push on again from his promising season last year and prove his remaining doubters wrong.

Degs: Coutinho, amazing trickery and vision on the ball and a little hard case off it. A world beater who will be the next one involved in a "transfer saga" I'm enjoying him while we can because he's amazing.

And of course Suarez...because he's fecking boss.

Southern Pansy: After the draw, Suarez at Old Trafford for his first game back. It's a Hollywood script.

Before the melodrama, Aspas. If only because besides his technical qualities, he is an absolute nut job. And you can't have too many of them.

Aristotle: Coutinho seems the obvious choice. There's just something magical about him. Sturridge is a very close second.

And Suarez of course, for the adrenaline surge of what the feck he'll do next.

Zeb: Has anyone mentioned Coutinho yet? He's not bad. Sturridge is in great form at the moment and am really enjoying watching him.

Q12: Last season Sterling featured prominently in your lineup, and by all accounts did well, but missed the last few months through injury. What did you make of his breakthrough season, and do you think he can push on this season and still get a lot of appearances for you, even with the signings you have made?

Yeah, provided he keeps his head straight. Mind you, Ibe is competition now too, not to mind new signings.

Crosby Nick: We'd known about Sterling being a big talent from when we signed him from QPR. I thought he did pretty well last season given he was thrown in at 17 to a struggling team and then played without a break for a few months. Ithink both mentally and physically he will be a lot stronger for a fairly tough baptism. He's not just pace, he has a good footballing brain and look forward to him developing further this year. He will get plenty of minutes off the bench and a few starts which it's up to him to make the most of.

Degs: Sterling is exciting and a great prospect, his only question is his off the pitch alleged antics. I hope he can kick on and do a job, what we've lacked over the last few years is pace and he has that - he's also a cracking finisher as well. I hope he starts all of the cup games and is used from the bench as an impact sub - he's still only 18 after all.

Southern Pansy: Sterling was overplayed and overhyped last season. He did well with his opportunity, but it was too much too soon. I hope to see a lot less of him this season, but hope that he lasts the season. I'd be happy for a fair few cameos - hopefully some of them game changing. He has plenty of time. He also has legal issues bubbling in the background.

I don't want to see him in a senior England shirt - there is no way he is ready for a mauling under Hodgson's tactics.

Rhi: Has the ability to be a top, top player. Needs to sort himself out off the field. I think he can definitely offer us "options" this year though, both as a starter and off the bench.

Azi: Was really impressed for a guy whose tiny his body strength is immense but again I wouldn't want him playing week in week out still think hes a bit young and don’t want to overplay him so to speak not just physically but mentally aswell but if he has around 20-30 games this season I think that will be good for him

Aristotle: Sterling is a very exciting prospect. I think he'll have a better season with fewer games. It got to his head and he wasn't ready to cope with being a starter. Neither physically nor mentally. Got more goals in him now which I'm looking forward to.

Zeb: By necessity, he may have got a little overplayed last season. He did well for such a young lad. Think this season he's got to keep impressing the manager to get games. Sterling's got the potential there to be a fantastic player so I'm sure he'll keep pushing for a place in the team.

Q13: Are there any other young players of yours that you're excited about/who we should look forward to seeing?

Martin Kelly, if he ever starts.

Crosby Nick: You know about Sterling, Jordon Ibe is a year younger but probably a bit stronger and more powerful. I think Sterling is the better footballer but Ibe may make a more immediate impact. Ther are plenty of promising talents lower down but whether they'll get many chances this year is a difficult one. Young Jordan Rossiter seems to be very highly thought of.

Degs: Suso looked good last season but with little end product, he's out on loan at Almeria (I hope we don't forget that he's there).
I think Coates will turn into a good player in a few seasons but his lack of pace means he won't get a look in here and he's injured for the season.

Jordan Ibe is an outstanding talent that we bought from Wycombe, he's only 17 but he's already built like a brick shithouse and rarely loses the ball. He will feature every now and again this season but it's too early for him yet.

McLaughlin and Teixeira look good at reserve level while Wisdom and Kelly are the most likely to break and cement a place in the first team given the lack of options at the back and their high number of games played already.

Jordan Rossiter has been burdened with the "New Gerrard" tag already. Poor lad.

Southern Pansy: Jordon Ibe looks a prospect. I want to see Samed Yesil have an injury free run of games. He has pedigree, but we did not really get a chance to see what he could do last season.

The academy is one of the great causes for optimism at the moment. We have had a missing generation of academy players that made no impact in the first team. That is definitely changing.

Rhi: Andre Wisdom is a big talent at CB.

Azi: We have a few coming through the ranks but two I think who will be most prominent are Ibe and wisdom

Aristotle: Even though he's so young Coutinho doesn't really count. I'd say Ibe then or Wisdom. Likely to get a decent amount of games between them.

Zeb: This season? The new lad Alberto looks like he'll be some player once he's up to speed. Ibe's another kid who's in with the first team this season and looks like he'll have a great future. Wisdom you'll know about already I'm sure. Our youth academy is saying there'll probably be a two or three year gap now until we start seeing the next batch of kids breaking into the first team. By all accounts there's some who look like they'll make it, so looking forward to seeing who does.

Q14: How do you think Manchester United will fare under David Moyes this season?

No idea. I'm not sure if he has the evil streak the last fecker had, although he does seem to have the paranoia.

Crosby Nick: It's a very tough ask to follow Ferguson. With Mourinho back and being as big a cock as ever at Chelsea and City strengthening too you could make a case for any of you. I think you'll be 3rd but with Van persie's goals and a solid defence you'll still be up there.

Degs: I was delighted when Moyes left Everton, and also when he joined Man Utd. Make of that what you will.
I think you'll finish 2nd behind Chelsea, Moyes isn't a great manager but he will still have world class players like Van Persie to bail you out of the shit. The longer Moyes is there the more toxic his influence will become, if Fellaini comes in you'll see the ugly side of football that you haven't seen since Keane.

Southern Pansy: Moyes is the wrong man for the job. It is a vanity appointment from Ferguson. Moyes overachieved at Everton in the league. But managing within strict financial limits is a very different skill to managing a top European club. Moyes rarely had huge dilemmas over his best side - he did not have to leave internationals out of the match day squad at Everton. Keeping the superstars happy even when dropping them is a key skill, that Moyes is an unknown quantity at. Ferguson could point at his silverware and his record to back up his opinion. Moyes can point at a Community Shield.

The more concerning thing for you is that Moyes instincts are defensive. His gut tells him to hold on for a draw rather than risk it all for a win. The high risk, high reward strategy that verged on gung-ho is what Man Utd fans have come to expect from the Ferguson tenure. They aren't going to get it. The 0-0 vs Chelsea is a prime example.

The caution sabotaged Evertons attempts at cup runs. His cup record at Everton was poor. I am also not convinced that he has the tactical nouse to win in Europe against a team with similar player resources.

There will probably be fewer never say die wins in injury time. Ferguson was a winner that drove that dressing room. I don't think Moyes has that in him. He certainly lacks gravitas.

Man United are not going to implode, but fewer teams are going to be beaten before they even step on the pitch at OT. It is certainly interesting times. My gut feel is that Moyes will be leaving at the end of next season with only the Community Shield to show for it. Probably reaches the knockout stages in the CL each time, but go out in the Quarter Finals.

Rhi: Hilariously badly.

Azi: Think it all depends on robin van persie if he stays fit think you will be ok but if he gets injured then it’s a different story think utd will have a lot more draws this season though compared to last season.We seen it at Everton Moyes was never one to go for the win with ten mins to go he’d settle for the draw something which he can’t do it at utd

Aristotle: I think it will be different. Could get good performances out of the squad. He's a decent coach no doubt about it. But he's effectively the biggest scalp in world football right now. Whether he can cope with that remains to be seen. I won't go into too many words about the old man, but he was worth 12-15 points a season by his presence alone. David Moyes' Manchester United is a lot less intimidating.

Zeb: You'll win the quadruple playing free flowing attacking football which will pack out Old Trafford every home game as the Stretford End sing 'Take Me Home United Road'. He's the Chosen One. How could it go wrong?

Q15: Finally your predictions for the match?


Crosby Nick: Cagey 1-1 is the obvious shout but you can score out of nothing and we'll be up for bloodying your nose and getting Moyes under pressure early so you could make a case for any result really.

Degs: My mind says a boring 1-0 to either side, it's early in the season and no team wants to lose, the game to be decided by a moment of brilliance from Van Persie or a Coutinho/Sturridge combo.

I'm not counting out a mad 4-4 either though with Moyes desperate to win at Anfield and just going hell for leather to do so.

Southern Pansy: 2-1.

LFC go two up, conceded a sloppy goal and just hold on for a nerve shredding last half hour. Someone will get sent off.

Rhi: Liverpool win.

Azi: 1-0.

Aristotle: 2-1 either way. The side to score first will shut up shop, lose momentum and lose the game.

Zeb: 2-1 to us. Can't see us keeping you out for 90 minutes so hoping that you'll not be able to handle us going forwards and it'll put Moyes into his natural default setting of 'get a point'. And if you do that, I think you'll lose.


If any of you have any suggestions on what we should do as part of this, or any questions for future games, reply to the thread, send myself/KM a PM or tweet @RedCafe_ATO.

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Southern Pansy: Moyes is the wrong man for the job. It is a vanity appointment from Ferguson. Moyes overachieved at Everton in the league. But managing within strict financial limits is a very different skill to managing a top European club. Moyes rarely had huge dilemmas over his best side - he did not have to leave internationals out of the match day squad at Everton. Keeping the superstars happy even when dropping them is a key skill, that Moyes is an unknown quantity at. Ferguson could point at his silverware and his record to back up his opinion. Moyes can point at a Community Shield.

This is a low point in a predictably uninspiring collection of thoughts from liverpool supporters. I actually have no idea whatsoever what "vanity appointment" means.

And there was of course a time when ferguson had no silverware. Wishful thinking all round in answering that question.
They relish the 4-1 at Old Trafford but we actually won the league that season. They've beaten us when trophies were at stake (as recently as 2003) but clearly value winning at Old Trafford more.

The rest of their thoughts are fairly predictable Scouse fare. Cheers as ever Damien.
They all came across well....up until they Moyes question. You can almost smell the bitterness towards him.
Given the ATO is from RAWK, we can hardly expect sane answers from them, can we?
I think the Moyes question was well answered to be honest. Just looking at his Everton days, he did settle for draws. It looked like he followed the same approach against Chelsea. We don't expect him to follow the same approach later in the season, but outside supporters may do so which is fair enough.
So how is Brenton "I invented football" Rodgers a better appointment than Moyes?

SAF at one point, also didn't have any silverware.

They make Moyes sound like fecking Tony Pulis.:mad::wenger:
Am I the only one who thinks that Moyes can't win no matter what?

- If we don't win any big trophies(PL or CL) this season, then our decline has begun because of Sir Alex' retirement.
- If we do win big trophies this season, then it's simply because he inherited Sir Alex' champions.
- If we keep winning big trophies for a couple of seasons, it's still gonna be because he inherited an awesome team. It's not until he's left with his very "own" team that the actual test begins. He'll bascially be called "The New Guardiola".
- If we win big trophies, but only occasionally, then our decline is a fact, seeing as we've lost our nice United consistency. We're basically a sinking ship that will become the new Liverpool any moment now.

If Moyes doesn't become the new Fergie, then he will be considered a failure, even if he's more successful than any other PL managers in the same period. You read it here first.
Didn't think it was bad. Liverpool fans obviously dislike United, that will cloud their judgement of them and Moyes.
They all came across well....up until they Moyes question. You can almost smell the bitterness towards him.

I thought this too. They started getting a little spikey with the Notts County question and then let loose on Moyes but on the whole I thought they came across quite well and not like the bitter idiots we're used to.

Can you really blame them for going to town on Moyes though? Everton manager for years now at United... Talk about a target. Also, numerous posters on here don't rate him as being good enough for this job so we can hardly expect Liverpool fans to back him up can we?
Great post as always.

I don't think there responses to the Moyes thing was bad at all, They raised the same points alot of our own supporters did at the time of the appointment (and even now to a certain extent).
Apart from the moyes question they came across quite well, sane and level headed.
Nice one Damo, really enjoy these threads of yours. You're like the caf's own journalist bot.
Am I the only one who thinks that Moyes can't win no matter what?

- If we don't win any big trophies(PL or CL) this season, then our decline has begun because of Sir Alex' retirement.
- If we do win big trophies this season, then it's simply because he inherited Sir Alex' champions.
- If we keep winning big trophies for a couple of seasons, it's still gonna be because he inherited an awesome team. It's not until he's left with his very "own" team that the actual test begins. He'll bascially be called "The New Guardiola".
- If we win big trophies, but only occasionally, then our decline is a fact, seeing as we've lost our nice United consistency. We're basically a sinking ship that will become the new Liverpool any moment now.

If Moyes doesn't become the new Fergie, then he will be considered a failure, even if he's more successful than any other PL managers in the same period. You read it here first.

Scousers,Bitters,ABUs will always have excuses ready fror us winning. If they are bringing out excuses when Moyes wins a trophy it just shows he is doing a good job because that what happened under Fergie,