Asher Roth


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
Reckon he is gonna go straight to the top. Was featured as ones to watch in the source. Sounds a feck load like Em as well too.

Love that final line of the video
I have mixed opinions on him.

I've been on the Asher Roth bus for, a long time, late 2006 when he started touring Pennsylvania as a joke with some cool underground cats, battled with Pittsburgh Slim (Who vanished after releasing one good club single) for Jay-Z's signature on Def Jam and lost, but will probably be the winner in the end.

He stood out because he was white, and a bit deeper his lyrical content hit alot of people close to home, so once he got out of the burbs of Pittsburgh he went west, where he tore up the University scene there, and recorded the single you posted.

People don't know this song has been out there for WELL over a year now, yet it's only blowing up now because he's hit the commerical spotlight... typical yes, but he's not brand new.

I was a fan, right up until the Don Cannon / DJ Drama mixtape where he sort of went 50/50... 50% real shit, 50% watered down garbage.

He knows himself he has the potential to be big, but for average listeners Roth is one thing: Eminem Pre-SSLP with cornier and more g-rated lyrics, and this is where the majority of hate in the public comes from.

Will he ever slip out of Eminems shadow? Nope, probably not, and until the day he does, he wont be big.

But, I wish him all the success he gets, hell i'm going to buy his album.
He could become a superstar and still be an Ems shadow I mean feck how does a white rapper get bigger than Em
He could become a superstar and still be an Ems shadow I mean feck how does a white rapper get bigger than Em

He's not doing anything to seperate himself from the gimmicks, that's the part that will hold Asher back.

People hate and rate him so badly online and in the media simply because he IS a younger Eminem with less rawness and more storytelling ability.

He wont go gold, he probably wont even break 100K though I wish for his early years he could... for the future it's a scary thought or this guy being a celebrity because he's such a quality for hip-hop he's going to drift to the pop-hop scene and be gone forever.
He's not doing anything to seperate himself from the gimmicks, that's the part that will hold Asher back.

People hate and rate him so badly online and in the media simply because he IS a younger Eminem with less rawness and more storytelling ability.

He wont go gold, he probably wont even break 100K though I wish for his early years he could... for the future it's a scary thought or this guy being a celebrity because he's such a quality for hip-hop he's going to drift to the pop-hop scene and be gone forever.

I dont know about that Marshall Mathers was fecking unreal up til through the Marshall Mathers LP(one of the best rap albums ever)
I have no doubt he is gonna be big, he is already had a source cover cant think of any white rappers that have other than Em, it gives him standing in the hip hop community and if they play his records they are gonna be popular. "College" has been huge in LA these past two months.
Aside from his album, what other mixtapes, etc, do people reccomend by Asher?